月亮和六便士 第十章(1)
时间:2019-02-13 作者:英语课 分类:月亮和六便士
月亮和六便士 第十章(1)
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- 1 月亮和六便士 第十章(1)
Chapter 10 第十章
A day or two later Mrs. Strickland sent me round a note asking if I could go and see her that evening after dinner. 没过一两天,思特里克兰德太太给我寄来一封短信,叫我当天晚上到她家去一趟。
I found her alone. Her black dress, simple to austerity, suggested her bereaved 1 condition, 我发现只有她一个人在家。她穿着一身黑衣服,朴素得近乎严肃,使人想到她遭遇的不幸。
and I was innocently astonished that notwithstanding a real emotion she was able to dress the part she had to play according to her notions of seemliness. 尽管她悲痛的感情是真实的,却没忘记使自己的衣着合乎她脑子里的礼规叫她扮演的角色。我当时不谙世故,感到非常吃惊。
You said that if I wanted you to do anything you wouldn't mind doing it, she remarked. “你说过,要是我有事求你,你乐于帮忙,”她开口说。
It was quite true. “一点儿不错。”
Will you go over to Paris and see Charlie? I? “那么你愿意不愿意到巴黎去看看思特里克兰德是怎么个情况?”“我?”
I was taken aback. I reflected that I had only seen him once. I did not know what she wanted me to do. 我吓了一跳。我想到自己只见过思特里克兰德一面。我不知道她想叫我去办什么事。
Fred is set on going. Fred was Colonel MacAndrew. “弗雷德决心要去。”弗雷德就是麦克安德鲁上校。
"But I'm sure he's not the man to go.He'll only make things worse. I don't know who else to ask." “但是我知道他肯定不是办这种事的人。他只会把事弄得更糟。我不知道该求谁去。”
Her voice trembled a little, and I felt a brute 2 even to hesitate. 她的声音有些颤抖,我觉得哪怕我稍微犹豫一下,也显得大没有心肝了。
But I've not spoken ten words to your husband. He doesn't know me. He'll probably just tell me to go to the devil. “可是我同你丈夫说过不到十句话。他不认识我。没准儿他一句话就把我打发走了。”
That wouldn't hurt you, said Mrs. Strickland, smiling. “这对你也没有损害,”思特里克兰德太太笑着说。
What is it exactly you want me to do? “你究竟想叫我去做什么事?”
She did not answer directly. 她并没有直接回答我的问话。
I think it's rather an advantage that he doesn't know you. “我认为他不认识你反而有利。
You see, he never really liked Fred; he thought him a fool; he didn't understand soldiers. 你知道,他从来也不喜欢弗雷德。他认为弗雷德是个傻瓜。他不了解军人。
Fred would fly into a passion, and there'd be a quarrel, and things would be worse instead of better. 弗雷德会大发雷霆。两个人大吵一顿,事情不但办不好,反而会更糟。
If you said you came on my behalf, he couldn't refuse to listen to you. 如果你对他说你是代表我去的,他不会拒绝你同他谈谈的。”
I haven't known you very long, “我同你们认识的时间不长,”
I answered. "I don't see how anyone can be expected to tackle a case like this unless he knows all the details. 我回答说。“除非了解全部详细情况,这种事是很难处理的。
I don't want to pry 3 into what doesn't concern me. Why don't you go and see him yourself?" 我不愿意打探同我自己没有关系的事。为什么你不自己去看看他呢?”
adj.刚刚丧失亲人的v.使失去(希望、生命等)( bereave的过去式和过去分词);(尤指死亡)使丧失(亲人、朋友等);使孤寂;抢走(财物)
- The ceremony was an ordeal for those who had been recently bereaved. 这个仪式对于那些新近丧失亲友的人来说是一种折磨。
- an organization offering counselling for the bereaved 为死者亲友提供辅导的组织
- The aggressor troops are not many degrees removed from the brute.侵略军简直象一群野兽。
- That dog is a dangerous brute.It bites people.那条狗是危险的畜牲,它咬人。