The relationship lurched up and down for five years. 这段恋情起起伏伏持续了5年。 Redse hated living in his sparsely furnished Woodside house. 莱德斯讨厌住在他简陋的伍德赛德房子里。 Jobs had hired a hip young couple, wh

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Their relationship tapered off by the fall of 1984, 到1984年秋季,他们的关系逐渐转淡, when Egan made it clear that she was still far too young to think of getting married. 伊根明确表示她现在太年轻了,谈婚论嫁还为时过

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He and Egan also spoke for hours on the phone many nights. 很多个夜晚,他和伊根会煲几个小时的电话粥。 One topic they wrestled with was his belief, which came from his Buddhist studies, 他们争执不休的话题之一是他源于佛

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Hoffman, who suffered from not knowing her own divorced father until she was ten, encouraged Jobs to be a better father. 霍夫曼小时候因父母离异,直到10岁才知道父亲是谁,那是段痛苦的成长经历,因此她鼓励乔布斯努

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The Lost Father 失散的父亲 In the meantime, Mona Simpson had been trying to track down their father, who had wandered off when she was five. 当时,莫娜辛普森一直在努力寻找他们的父亲,他在她五岁的时候就离开了。 T

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He was a sudden multimillionaire; she was a world-famous celebrity, but sweetly down-to-earth and not all that wealthy. 他是突然暴富的千万富翁,她是个世界名人但活得脚踏实地,也没那么有钱。 She didn't know what to mak

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There were ten thousand people at the trade show, and Jobs loved it. 展会共有一万人参加,一切都让乔布斯很喜欢。 Artistic creativity energized him, especially when it was connected to technology. 艺术创作激励着他,尤其是

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After graduation he took the job for which he was destined: as an animator at Disney Studios. Except it didn't work out. 毕业后,他得到了一份注定要从事的工作--在迪士尼制片厂做动画师。但是拉塞特在迪士尼的工作并

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IBM IBM Jobs came up with a brilliant jujitsu maneuver against Gates, 乔布斯想出了一记漂亮的柔术招式来对抗盖茨, one that could have changed the balance of power in the computer industry forever. 这一招可能永远改变计算机

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IBM sent to Palo Alto a 125-page contract. Jobs tossed it down without reading it. IBM给NeXT发送了一份125页的合同。乔布斯读都没读就扔掉了。 You don't get it, he said as he walked out of the room. 别来这一套。他边说边走

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Steve Wozniak, who was himself now an informal advisor to the company, 史蒂夫沃兹尼亚克当时是公司的非正式顾问, was thrilled that Jobs was coming back. (He forgave easily.) 知道乔布斯要回来他很兴奋。(他是一个轻易

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The day the story came out, Apple stock shot up 11% in heavy trading. 这条消息公布当天,苹果的股票价格就飙升了11%,交易量巨大。 To add to the frivolity, Ellison set up an email address, savapple, 更搞笑的是

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Jobs was, in fact, trotted out for Macworld right at the beginning of January, and this reaffirmed his opinion that Amelio was a bozo. 事实上,在1月初的Macworld活动上,乔布斯就做起了形象大使,而这次的经历让他更坚定地

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Ellen Hancock, who had favored choosing Sun's Solaris over NeXT, was on the top of his bozo list, 曾经赞同苹果选择Sun公司Solaris系统而不是NeXT的埃伦汉考克,在乔布斯的笨蛋名单上位列前茅, especially when she contin

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That month Amelio had to face the annual stockholders meeting 当月,阿梅里奥必须面对一年一度的股东大会, and explain why the results for the final quarter of 1996 showed a 30% plummet in sales from the year before. 并解释为什么

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Jobs's pep talk could have been a redeeming finale to Amelio's frightening performance. 乔布斯鼓舞人心的演讲本可以作为结束语,弥补阿梅里奥的可怕表现。 Unfortunately Amelio came back onstage and resumed his ramblings for

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Slouching toward Cupertino 向库比蒂诺蹒跚前进 Does anyone know Steve well enough to call him on this? Amelio asked his staff. 谁跟史蒂夫的关系够好,能给他打个电话?阿梅里奥问他的员工们。 Because his encounter wi

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This did not please Amelio. 这话让阿梅里奥感到很不爽。 Apple's chief technology officer, Ellen Hancock, argued for going with Sun's UNIX-based Solaris operating system, 苹果的首席技术官埃伦汉考克赞成采用Sun公司基于Un

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By the mid-1990s Jobs was finding some pleasure in his new family life and his astonishing triumph in the movie business, 到20世纪90年代中期,乔布斯在他新的家庭生活和在电影产业的惊人成功中找到了一些快乐, but he

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Katzenberg had been impressed with Jobs's focus on keeping costs under control. 卡曾伯格对乔布斯的成本控制意识印象深刻。 Even in the early budgeting process, Steve was very eager to do it as efficiently as possible, he said. 即使是

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