So Charlotte, although she, too, was tired, did what Wilbur wanted. 于是,尽管夏洛也很累,它还是做威尔伯要它做的事。 Once upon a time, she began, 从前,它讲起来, I had a beautiful cousin 我有一个堂姐, who mana

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Tired from his romp, Wilbur lay down in the clean straw. 威尔伯又跑又跳,忙了一通,累了,在干净的麦草上躺下来。 He closed his eyes. 它闭上眼睛。 The straw seemed scratchy 麦草像是有点扎肉 - not as comfortable

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Then the oldest sheep spoke up. 接着最老的那只羊发言了: I agree that there should be something new written in the web if Wilbur's life is to be saved. 要救威尔伯的命,我赞成在网上要有新花样。 And if Charlotte needs he

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Chapter 13 Good Progress 第十三章 进展顺利 Far into the night, while the other creatures slept, Charlotte worked on her web. 深夜,当其他动物睡觉时,夏洛还在它的网上干活。 First she ripped out a few of the orb lines nea

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Now that the broken egg was buried, the air cleared and the barn smelled good again. 现在破蛋已经埋掉,臭气没有了,谷仓的气味又好起来。 The afternoon passed, and evening came. Shadows lengthened. 下午过去,傍晚来临。影

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And Lurvy dragged Wilbur's trough across the yard and kicked some dirt into the rat's nest, 勒维把威尔伯的食槽拖过猪栏,踢了点土到老鼠洞里, burying the broken egg and all Templeton's other possessions. Then he picked up the p

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Wilbur walked into his yard just at that moment. What are you thinking about, Charlotte? he asked. 就在这节骨眼上,威尔伯走进它的猪栏。你在想什么啊,夏洛?它问道。 I was just thinking, said the spider, that people are

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When the children grew tired of swinging they went down toward the pasture and picked wild raspberries and ate them. 两个孩子荡够秋千后,一路朝牧场走去,采野悬钩子吃。 Their tongues turned from purple to red. Fern bit into a

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Avery put the frog in his pocket and climbed to the hayloft. 艾弗里把青蛙放进衣袋,爬上干草阁楼。 The last time I swang in this swing, I almost crashed into a barn swallow, he yelled. 上一回我荡秋千,几乎撞上了谷仓的一

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Let's swing in the swing! said Avery. The children ran to the barn. Mr. Zuckerman had the best swing in the county. 我们去荡秋千吧!艾弗里说。两个孩子跑到谷仓去。朱克曼先生有全郡最好的秋千。 It was a single long p

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That morning, just as Wilbur fell asleep, Avery Arable wandered into the Zuckerman's front yard, followed by Fern. 那天早晨,正当威尔伯睡着的时候,艾弗里走进朱克曼家的前院,后面跟着弗恩。 Avery carried a live frog

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Charlotte? he said. Yes, Wilbur? 夏洛,你能听到我说话吗?它问道。是的,威尔伯,什么事? May I go out to my trough and see if I left any of my supper? 我可不可以到外面食槽去,看看我是不是还留下一点晚饭

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Charlotte? he said. Yes? said the spider. 夏洛?它又说。什么事?蜘蛛问它。 Were you serious when you promised you would keep them from killing me? 你答应过不让他们来杀我,你这话是当真吗? I was never more serious i

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Charlotte? he said, softly. Yes, Wilbur? I don't want to die. 夏洛?它轻轻地说。什么事啊,威尔伯?我不要死。 Of course you don't, said Charlotte in a comforting voice. 你当然不要。夏洛安慰它说。 I just love it here

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My legs are hairy for a good reason, replied Charlotte. 我的腿毛茸茸是有道理的,夏洛回答说, Furthermore, each leg of mine has seven sections, the coxa, the trochanter, 而且我的每条腿有七个节,基节、转节、 the femu

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Wilbur crouched low, with his thin, curly tail toward the rat. 威尔伯蹲低身子,让它那条细细的弯尾巴对着老鼠。 Templeton seized the string, passed it around the end of the pig's tail, and tied two half hitches. 坦普尔顿抓住绳

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Everybody watch! he cried. And summoning all his strength, he threw himself into the air, headfirst. 大家看好了!威尔伯大叫一声,用尽全身力气,头向前腾空跳下去。 The string trailed behind him. But as he had neglected to

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The goose did what? asked Mrs. Arable, 你说母鹅什么?阿拉布尔太太问道, gazing at her daughter with a queer, worried look. 用奇怪又担心的目光看着女儿, Told Templeton she didn't want the egg any more, repeated Fern. 它对

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Soon Lurvy appeared with slops for breakfast. 很快勒维就拿来泔脚给它当早饭吃。 Wilbur rushed out, ate everything in a hurry, and licked the trough. 威尔伯冲出去,急急忙忙地吃了个精光,舔着食槽。 The sheep moved

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A fly that had been crawling along Wilbur's trough had flown up 一只苍蝇本来在威尔伯的食物槽上爬,这会儿飞起来, and blundered into the lower part of Charlotte's web and was tangled in the sticky threads. 撞到夏洛那个网的

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