Poor Sag-Harbor, therefore, seems worsted all round. 因此,可怜的萨格港佬,似乎被驳得体无完肤了。 But he had still another reason for his want of faith. 然而,他又有另一个不相信的理由。 It was this, if I remember

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I say it only shows his foolish, impious pride, and abominable, devilish rebellion against the reverend clergy. 我认为,这只是他故意要反抗牧师们而表示出来的一种愚蠢、可鄙和绝顶荒谬的作为。 For by a Portuguese Cat

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He seemed to be working in obedience to some particular presentiment. 他好象是听凭一阵预感的支配在擦着, Nor did it remain unwarranted by the event. 而且预感就是事实那样。 Towards noon whales were raised; 将近午刻时分,

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Steel and wood included, the entire spear is some ten or twelve feet in length; 这东西是用钢和木头做成的,整支枪约有十英尺或者十二英尺长, the staff is much slighter than that of the harpoon, and also of a lighter materia

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Chapter 85 The Fountain 第八十五章 喷泉 That for six thousand yearsand no one knows how many millions of ages before, 六千年来谁也不知道在以前还有几百万年, the great whales should have been spouting all over the sea, and sp

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But he cannot in any degree breathe through his mouth, 不过,不管怎样,它是不能用嘴呼吸的, for, in his ordinary attitude, the Sperm Whale's mouth is buried at least eight feet beneath the surface; 因为,按它通常的状态说来

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So that for an hour or more, a thousand fathoms in the sea, he carries a surplus stock of vitality in him, 所以在一个多钟头中,在几千英尺的海底里,它身上就另外背着一只生命的储藏器, just as the camel crossing the

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Chapter 83 Jonah Historically Regarded 第八十三章 从历史上看约拿 Reference was made to the historical story of Jonah and the whale in the preceding chapter. 关于约拿和大鲸的史实,前一章已经提到了。 Now some Nantucketer

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For truly, the Right Whale's mouth would accommodate a couple of whist-tables, and comfortably seat all the players. 因为露脊鲸的嘴确实可以容纳二张玩惠斯特牌(四人同玩的一种纸牌名。)的牌桌,教所有的玩牌人坐

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Nor do heroes, saints, demigods, and prophets alone comprise the whole roll of our order. 这样,在我们团体的全部成员中,就不仅有英雄、圣人、神明和预言者了。 Our grand master is still to be named; 我们还得举出我们

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Thus, then, one of our own noble stamp, even a whaleman, is the tutelary guardian of England; 那么,这样说来,哪怕是个捕鲸人,我们自己的高贵的标志之一就是英国的守护神了; and by good rights, we harpooneers of Nan

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Any man may kill a snake, but only a Perseus, a St. George, a Coffin, have the heart in them to march boldly up to a whale. 任何人都会打死一条蛇,可是,能够鼓起勇气、勇往直前地冲向大鲸的,却只有柏修斯、圣乔治和

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It was an admirable artistic exploit, rarely achieved by the best harpooneers of the present day; inasmuch as this Leviathan was slain at the very first dart. 这真是一个值得称羡、技巧高明的赫赫伟绩,一枪就把那只大海兽给戳

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Chapter 82 The Honor and Glory of Whaling 第八十二章 捕鲸业的令誉与荣华 There are some enterprises in which a careful disorderliness is the true method. 有若干冒险事业,它的真正的规律就是小心翼翼而又杂乱无章。

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How then? The baleen, hump, back-fin, and teeth; these are things whose peculiarities are indiscriminately dispersed among all sorts of whales, without any regard to what may be the nature of their structure in other and more essential particulars. 那

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OCTAVOES.These embrace the whales of middling magnitude, among which at present may be numbered: 八开型(原注:本篇所指的鲸为什么不称为四开型是很明白的。包括那些体积中等的鲸,在这里可以列举出来的,有如下几种

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BOOK II. (Octavo), CHAPTER II. (Black Fish).--I give the popular fishermen's names for all these fish, for generally they are the best. 第二篇(八开型) 第二章(黑鲸)...我给这种鲸用了一个捕鱼者所通称的名称,因为一般说来

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Strictly speaking, this horn is but a lengthened tusk, growing out from the jaw in a line a little depressed from the horizontal. 严格地说,这只角不过是一只打从嘴里稍微向下生出来的伸长的牙齿而已。 But it is only found o

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Originally it was in itself accounted an object of great curiosity. 它本来还被当成一种富有玩赏价值的东西。 Black Letter tells me that Sir Martin Frobisher on his return from that voyage, 书本上还告诉我说,在马丁。弗罗比

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BOOK II. (Octavo), CHAPTER V. (Thrasher).This gentleman is famous for his tail which he uses for a ferule in thrashing his foes. 第二篇(八开型) 第五章(长尾鲸)这位仁兄是以它的尾巴著名的,它用尾巴来作鞭打它的敌人的竹

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