单词:conseil de famille
单词:conseil de famille 相关文章
No, Ned, I replied, it isn't worth more. 不,尼德,我回答,我的生命不是更有价值。 Nobody could be better than a kind and generous man like yourself! 谁也不能比善良仁爱的人们更优秀,而您正是这种人! All righ
yellow-tailed gilthead whose flesh is extremely dainty and whose phosphorescent properties give them away in the midst of the waters; 金尾鲷鱼,肉特别鲜嫩,它们身上的磷光在海水中闪闪发亮; porgies tinted orange, with slende
I stared at Ned Land, whose motives were easy to guess. 我眼光盯着尼德兰,他的意图很容易了解。 Because, I said, if I can trust my hunches, if I truly understand the captain's way of life, his Nautilus isn't simply a ship. 因为,我
Gives us the quotient of 625. 所得的数是六百二十五。 Which is tantamount to saying that the air contained in the Nautilus would be exactly enough for 625 men over twenty-four hours. 这就是说,诺第留斯号所有的空气可以供应六
Aristotle put the dimensions of one squid at five cubits, or 3.1 meters. 亚历士多德曾经确证过一条长3.1米的枪乌贼。 Our fishermen frequently see specimens over 1.8 meters long. 我们现在的渔夫也经常看到一些长超过1.8米
Yet, Conseil asked me, doesn't master believe in gigantic devilfish? 那么,康塞尔问我,先生也不相信有大型章鱼吗? Yikes! Who in Hades ever believed in them? the Canadian exclaimed. 哎!鬼才相信呢!加拿大人喊道。 M
AT SUNRISE the next morning, February 12, the Nautilus rose to the surface of the waves. 第二天,2月12日,天一亮的时候,诺第留斯号就浮出水面。 I rushed onto the platform. The hazy silhouette of Pelusium was outlined three mil
But in the meantime I would have to look for this narwhale in the northern Pacific Ocean; which meant returning to France by way of the Antipodes. 不过,目前我必须到太平洋的北部去找这个海麒麟。这和我要回法国去,却是背
Conseil! I called a third time. 康塞尔!我第三次叫他。 Conseil appeared. 康塞尔出来了。 Did master summon me? he said, entering. 先生,叫我吗?他进来的时候说。 Yes, my boy. Get my things ready, get yours ready. We're de
The shores of Japan were less than 200 miles to our leeward. Night was coming on. 日本本上就在高我们不及两百英里左右的下方。黑夜快到了。 Eight o'clock had just struck. Huge clouds covered the moon's disk, then in its first
Come on, Conseil! I told him. Here's your last chance to pocket that 2,000.00! 喂,康塞尔,我跟他说,现在是获得两千美元奖金的最后一次机会了。 If master will permit my saying so, Conseil replied, I never expected to win
DURING THE NIGHT of December 27-28, the Nautilus left the waterways of Vanikoro behind with extraordinary speed. 12月27日至28日夜间,诺第留斯号超速度急行,离开了万尼科罗群岛海面。 Its heading was southwesterly, and in th
They taste like chicken stuffed with truffles, Conseil said. 这味道好像吃香菌长大的母鸡的味儿一般。康塞尔说。 All right, Ned, I asked the Canadian, now what do you need? 尼德,现在我们还短些什么吗?我问加拿大人
You're in command, I answered, gaping at him. But may I address a question to you? 您是主人,我眼盯着他回答,我可以向您提一个问题吗? You may not, sir. 不,先生。 After that, I stopped objecting and started obeying, sinc
This boat, this sheet-iron monster, had obviously just risen to the surface of the ocean, there to breathe in good whale fashion. 这铁皮怪分明是浮到海面上来,用鲸鱼呼吸的方式呼吸了。 So the ship's mode of ventilation was fin
But even so, was the man going to let us die of starvation, locked up in this cramped prison, 但是,他把我们关在这狭小的牢房里,不给我们饭吃。 exposed to those horrible temptations to which people are driven by extreme hunger?
The Nautilus seemed to be standing still. This was due to the lack of landmarks. 诺第留斯号好像是不动了,这是因为水中没有标炽盼缘故。 But streaks of water, parted by the ship's spur, sometimes threaded before our eyes with e
Now then, at the spot indicated on the world map, one of these seagoing rivers was rolling by, the Kuroshio of the Japanese, the Black Current: heated by perpendicular rays from the tropical sun, it leaves the Bay of Bengal, crosses the Strait of Mal
Quarto, Conseil went on, unabashed, the apods, with long bodies that lack pelvic fins and are covered by a heavy, often glutinous skin, an order consisting of only one family. Examples: common eels and electric eels. 第四目是无腹鳍鱼,康塞尔
Ned my friend, you're a slayer of fish, a highly skilled fisherman. You've caught a large number of these fascinating animals. 尼德兰老朋友,不错,您是千个打鱼手,一个很能干的渔夫。您曾经捕捉过许多这些很有趣味的