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Projecttitle [00:02.91]-Whatarewegonnado? [00:04.13]We'redead!We'redead! [00:06.31]-Itblewup! [00:07.07]-Wesurvivedbutwe'redead! [00:08.96]Stopit! [00:11.24]Wearenotgonnadie! [00:13.19]Bothofyouwillgetagrip. [00:14.92]Orsohelpme [00:15.59]Iwillgroun
Projecttitle [00:56.83]Soundtheallclear, [00:58.40]andinvitehimtodinner. [01:18.23]Mostimportant,keepthingslight. [01:21.31]Praisehim.Makehimfeel [01:22.88]likeweappreciatehisabilities. [01:25.99]AmIoverdressed? [01:27.68]Actually,youlookratherdashi
[00:01.96]- You gonna eat that? - No. Here. -你想吃吗? -不,给你 [00:07.52]Thank you. 谢谢 [00:10.08]You did sleep with June, didnt you? 你和琼睡过对吧? [00:19.72]Does it matter? Really? 那有什么关系?说真的? [00:22.04]Its just
[00:02.64]We can have a conference. 可以开个家长会 [00:03.04]Oh, Ill just go home now and go to bed and maybe stay there forever. 我只想马上回家, 然后永远呆在床上 [00:10.40]Sarah has a friend who lives practically next door. 莎拉
[00:01.80]好了 我受够了 Okay, Ive had enough of this. [00:03.90]我走了 一起吗? 我们走 Im outta here. You wanna come? Lets go. [00:07.10]那么 John So, john. [00:08.36]你打算把这个故事写出来吗? Are you gonna write the story
[00:03.44]- Why cant you be sweet like that, huh? - Sherry! -你的嘴怎么没他这样甜? -雪莉 [00:05.76]- Hey, guys. - Short attention span. -嘿 -注意力瞬间转移 [00:08.80]Youre a sick guy, you know that? 知道吗,你真让人恶心 [0
[00:04.80]Shes in her early 20s. You know the epic narrative I talked about? 她还年轻,我不是说过那个剧本论吗? [00:05.76]Hers would not only be secret, it would be incoherent. 她的本子不单神秘,还缺乏连贯性 [00:08.36]I woul
Lesson 5 Tom: Kick the ball, Sandy! Sandy: All right, Tom. Tom: Look ,Sandy! Mr Crisp: Oh! Sandy: Sorry, Mr Crisp. Mr Crisp: It's all right. Sandy. Mr Crisp: Whose is this ball? Mr Crisp: Is this your ball, Tom? Tom: No, it isn't ,sir. Mr Crisp: Is
[00:03.30]Idon`tknowwhy,butIwaskindofsurprisedthatyouwereintomusic.我不知道为什么,但我没想到你会喜欢音乐 [00:08.70]-Yeah,metoo.-What?-我也是-哈? [00:11.10]Imean,Iam.我是说,我就喜欢音乐 [00:11.30]Areyouokay?Youkeepch
[00:01.10]Though if were going for this obsessive writing down all the message thing, 不过如果我们努力去回忆的话 [00:05.06]some American girl called Anna called a few days ago. 几天前有个叫安娜的美国姑娘来过电话 [00:12.6
[00:01.86]but I once saw Ringo Starr. 有次我见过林戈-斯达(著名音乐人) [00:04.82]-Where was that? -Kensington High Street. -在哪? -肯辛顿大道 [00:07.90]At least I think it was Ringo. It might have been that man from Fiddler on the
[01:07.32]Morning,Paddy.Morning,Kate.早上好派迪早上好凯特 [01:09.60]Lookinglovelierthanever.IfIwasonlyayoungerman-又漂亮了如果我还年轻的话就 [01:12.76]Oh,shutup!哦少来了! [01:23.00]Mum,itsme,yourdaughter.妈妈是我你闺女
[00:01.30]ItslikeYoursisagloriouscountry,Honeychurch!霍尼丘奇你来自一个伟大的国家 [00:05.22]knowthat?Linefromabook.RoomwithaView.知道么?《看得见风景的房间》里的一句话 [00:09.34]Ah.E.M.Forster.爱德华摩根福斯特 [
[00:01.08]Thatsafairamount.这没问题. [00:02.52]Still,nothingsimpossible,Isuppose.I...Icouldmakearrangements.可是,凡事皆有可能,我是说....我还能另作安排. [00:09.32]Youhaveafinancialplan?Abudget?你做了财政计划?一份预算?
[00:02.62]Because there it nothing more romantic than a 20-year plan. Am I right, ladies? 没什么比二十年计划更浪漫了 对不对啊,姑娘们? [00:07.02](laughs) [00:10.38]So, Sydney, where does your dad work? 希德尼,你父亲是做
同一个单词,当它的词性发生变化的时候,它的重音会发生转移。 1. Addict 名词:瘾君子 动词:上瘾 2. Increase 名词:增加,增长 动词:增加,增大 3. Insult 名词:侮辱,辱骂 动词:侮辱,辱骂
Proposal 求婚 My boyfriend proposed to me. 男友跟我求婚了. As he told me, I thought excited and shy. 当他跟我说的时候,我觉得很兴奋又害羞. We've gone now since 1999. 我们从1999年就已经开始交往. It made me so happy and I decided to marry him in 3 mont
[00:01.34]Why did I go out tonight? 我今晚为啥要出来呢? [00:02.34]I should be at home. 我就该呆在家里 [00:04.02]I should be at home, sitting on the couch, 在家里呆着 窝在沙发上 [00:04.42]eating ice cream, and watching old mo
[00:03.66]Order me a pizza, huh? Pepperoni. 给我叫个比撒饼 [00:04.46]Uhh! [00:07.34]Oh! Oh! (Girls screaming) [00:08.82]-Run, Mia! -All right! Go! Go! 跑, 米亚 ! 好的 ! 跑 ! [00:12.50]I gotta go. Get up! 我会去的, 起来 ! [0
[00:03.22]( Men Laughing ) Where did you get that from? 你从哪听来的? [00:06.34]And Anna is your definitive actress, 而安娜就是你专用的女演员 [00:10.14]someone really filthy you can just flip over and start again. 你可以猥亵地对