时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-诺丁山


   [00:01.86]but I once saw Ringo Starr. 有次我见过林戈-斯达(著名音乐人)

  [00:04.82]-Where was that? -Kensington High Street. -在哪? -肯辛顿大道
  [00:07.90]At least I think it was Ringo. It might have been that man from Fiddler on the Roof. 至少我觉得是林戈. 也许是那个"屋顶上的提琴手"的主演
  [00:11.34]-You know, Toppy. -Topol. -你知道的,塔皮 -塔颇
  [00:14.94]Yes, that’s right. Topol. 是的,没错,塔颇
  [00:19.18]Actually, Ringo Starr doesn’t-- doesn’t look at all like, uh, Topol. 实际上林戈-斯达一点也不象塔颇
  [00:22.26]Yeah, but he was-- he was quite a long way away from me. 是的,不过他--他离我相当远
  [00:25.42]So actually it could’ve been neither of them. 所以肯定会是他们中的一个
  [00:28.62]Yes, I suppose so, yes. 对,我想是这样,是的
  [00:30.86]-It’s not a classic anecdote 1, is it? -Not a classic, no. No. -这算不上什么大惊喜不是吗? -是的,算不上
  [00:41.38]-Another one? ( Sighs ) -Yes. No. -还要一杯吗? -好啊...不
  [00:43.66]Let’s go crazy. I’ll have an orange juice. 就奢侈一回吧,我要橙汁
  [00:48.22](People Chattering 2)
  [00:54.22]-Okay, thanks.Bye-bye. -See you later. -好的,谢谢,再见 -回见
  [01:00.60]Oh! Oh! Shit! 哦,该死
  [01:03.54]Oh, my God! Bugger! I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. 哦,老天,该死,对不起,我非常抱歉
  [01:06.34]Here. Let me-- Get your hands off! -来,让我-- -把手拿开
  [01:08.62]I’m really sorry. I-- I live just over the street. 我真的很抱歉,我--我就住在街对面
  [01:13.74]I have, um, water and soap. You can get cleaned up. 那有水和肥皂,可以让你弄干净
  [01:16.54]No, thank you. I just need to get my car back. 不,谢谢,我只想找到我的车
  [01:19.10]I also have a phone. I’m confident that in five minutes... 我那有电话,我想只要五分钟...
  [01:21.34]we could have you spick-and-span and back on the street again. 就能让你弄干净回到街上来
  [01:23.22]In the non-prostitute sense, obviously. 绝没有不尊重你的意思
  [01:31.26]All right. Well-- What do you mean, "just over the street"? 好吧,你说"就在街对面"是多远?
  [01:31.82]Give it to me in yards. Uh, 18 yards. -具体是多远? -大概18码
  [01:37.54]That’s my house there with the blue front door. 那扇蓝色的门就是我的家
  [01:43.22]Come on in. I’ll just-- I’ll just-- 请进,我--我--
  [01:48.78]Um, right. Right. Come in. 好了,好了,进来吧
  [01:53.62]It’s, um, not quite as tidy as it normally is, I fear. 这里通常都不太整洁
  [01:55.70]But, um-- The bathroom’s on the top floor. 不过--洗手间在楼上
  [01:59.14]And the telephone’s just-- just up here. 电话就--就在这
  [02:05.02]Here. Let-- Let me, um-- 来,让--让我,唔
  [02:12.26]Um, round the corner. Straight on-- straight on up. 转过去,一直--一直向上
  [02:19.02]Bugger. 该死
  [02:22.34]( Groans 3 )
  [02:42.90]would you like a cup of tea before you go? 走之前想喝杯茶吗?

  [02:46.98]-No. -Coffee? -不用 -咖啡?
  [02:47.34]-No. -Orange juice? -不 -橙汁?
  [02:53.30]Probably not. Um, something else cold. 你大概不会要,那来些其他冷饮吧
  [02:57.42]-(Bottles Rattling) -Coke? Water? 可乐?水?
  [03:02.42]Some disgusting sugary drink pretending to have something to do with fruits of the forest? 或者来些所谓的天然水果味, 让人恶心的含糖饮料?
  [03:05.54]-No. -Would you like something to eat? -不用 -那你想吃点什么吗?
  [03:08.58]Uh, something to nibble 4? 随便吃点什么?
  [03:11.54]Um, apricots soaked in honey? 蜜制杏子?
  [03:14.66]Quite why, no one knows, because it stops them tasting of apricots... 没人知道味道怎样, 因为都来不及尝尝杏子...
  [03:17.58]and makes them taste like honey, 以为味道就象蜂蜜
  [03:22.30]and if you wanted honey, you’d just buy honey instead of... apricots. 如果你想要蜂蜜,就只要买蜂蜜而不要杏子
  [03:25.26]Um, but nevertheless, there we go there. 但不管怎样,我们有这个
  [03:27.38]They’re yours if you want them. 你想的话可以尝尝
  [03:29.98]No. 不用了
  [03:34.86]Do you always say "no" to everything? 不管什么事你都说"不"吗?
  [03:39.66]No. 不
  [03:40.82]I’d better be going. 我还是走的好
  [03:45.22]Thanks for your, uh, help. 谢谢你的--帮忙
  [03:50.70]And, uh, may I also say, um, heavenly. 也许我也要说,太棒了
  [03:55.54]I’ll just take my one chance to say it. 我只有一次机会这么说
  [03:59.06]you’re certainly not going to be coming back to the shop. 你肯定不会再回那家书店
  [03:59.10]After you’ve read that terrible book, 在你读过那些糟糕的书之后
  [04:02.26]Thank you. 谢谢
  [04:03.66]Yeah. Well, my pleasure. 不客气
  [04:22.22]it was nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你
  [04:24.42]Surreal but, um-- but nice. 有些超现实--但很棒
  [04:30.74]Sorry. 抱歉
  [04:32.42](People Chattering Outside )
  [04:38.34]"Surreal but nice"? What was I thinking? "超现实但很棒"?我在想什么?
  [04:48.46](Doorbell Rings )
  [04:53.14]-Hi. -Hi. -嗨 -嗨
  [04:57.10]I forgot my other bag. Oh, right. Right. -我忘了我的袋子 -哦,好的
  [05:07.54]Thanks. 谢谢
  [05:39.26]I’m very sorry about the "surreal but nice" comment. 很抱歉说什么"超现实但很棒"
  [05:42.82]Disaster. That’s okay. 太糟糕了
  [05:45.38]I thought the apricot and honey thing was the real low point. 那没什么,我觉得有关蜂蜜和杏子才真正糟糕
  [05:50.10]-( Chuckles 5 ) -(Doorknob Rattling)
  [05:52.18]Oh, my God. My flatmate. 老天,我的室友
  [05:56.94]I’m sorry. There’s no excuse for him. 对不起,他行为很怪诞
  [05:58.46]( Clears Throat )
  [06:02.18]-Hey. -Hi. -嘿 -嗨
  [06:03.86]I’m just going into the kitchen to get some food. 我要去厨房找些吃的
  [06:04.06]Then I’m gonna tell you a story that will make your balls shrink to the size of raisins 6. 然后跟你说个故事, 那会让你的毬缩到只有葡萄干那么大
  [06:12.66]Probably best not to tell anyone about this. 最好别跟任何人提起这事

  [06:17.74]Right. Right. No one. 好的,好的,没问题
  [06:20.54]I mean, I’ll tell myself sometimes, but don’t worry. I won’t believe it. 我是说,我会偶尔跟自己说说, 不过别担心,我根本不相信
  [06:31.46]-Bye. -Bye. -再见 -再见
  [06:44.70]There’s something wrong with this yogurt. 这酸奶有点问题
  [06:48.26]It’s not yogurt. It’s mayonnaise. 这不是酸奶,是蛋黄酱
  [06:52.18]Oh, right. There we are, then. 哦,没错,就是这样
  [06:55.42]On for a videofest tonight? 今晚想饱饱眼福吗?
  [06:59.94]I got some absolute classics. 我有部绝对的好片子
  [07:06.98]-Smile. -No. -笑一笑 -不
  [07:10.58]-Smile. -I’ve got nothing to smile about. -笑一笑 -没什么值得我笑
  [07:25.54]Okay. 好吧
  [07:27.22]In about seven seconds, 在七秒钟内
  [07:28.58]I’m going to ask you to marry me. 我会向你求婚
  [07:36.78](Spike ) Imagine. 想想看
  [07:41.82]Somewhere in the world there’s a man who’s allowed to kiss her. 在某个地方有个男人被允准吻她
  [07:45.50]( Both Laughing )
  [07:49.10]Yes, she is, uh, 是的,她的确
  [07:49.18]fairly fabulous 7. 叫人难以置信
  [08:00.58]-Do you have any books by Dickens? -No. -你们这有狄更斯的书吗? -不
  [08:03.54]No, I’m afraid we’re a travel bookshop. We only sell travel books. 没有,我们这是旅游书店,只出售旅游书刊
  [08:10.14]Oh, right. How about the new John Grisham thriller 8? 是吗,约翰-格雷歇的恐怖作品呢?
  [08:16.18]Well, no, ’cause that’s, uh-- that’s a novel too, isn’t it? 没有,因为那--那也是小说不是吗?
  [08:19.82]Oh, right. 哦,是的
  [08:23.18]( Sighs ) Have you got Winnie the Pooh? 有"小熊维尼"吗?
  [08:28.30]Martin, your customer. 马丁,你来接待一下
  [08:32.26]Uh, can I help you? (Bell Dinging) 需要效劳吗?
  [08:36.10]~ (Pop )
  [08:38.70]~ Once in a lifetime ~
  [08:43.98]~ ( Continues ) Hey. 嘿
  [08:46.70]Hi. 嗨
  [08:50.26]-~ Once in a lifetime ~~ -Just, um, incidentally, 我想问一下
  [08:54.58]uh, why... are you wearing that? 为什么...你穿这个?
  [08:57.34]Combination of factors really. Uh, no clean clothes. 多方面的因素,唔,没有干净衣服
  [08:59.94]There never will be, you know, unless you actually clean your clothes. 永远不会有,要知道, 如果你不把衣服洗干净的话
  [09:06.18]Right. Vicious circle. 不错,很坏的习惯
  [09:06.78]And I was, like, rooting around in your things... 所以我去翻找你的衣物...
  [09:10.66]and I found this, and I thought, "Cool." 找到了这个,我觉得很酷
  [09:13.26]Kinda... spacey. 有几分...独特
  [09:17.66]There’s something wrong with the goggles 9, though. 不过潜水镜有点问题
  [09:23.06]No, they were, um, prescription 10. 没有,它用的是光学镜片
  [09:25.46]-Groovy. -So I could see all the fishes properly. -太棒了 -这样我才能完全看清那些鱼
  [09:27.66]You should do more of this stuff. 你该多弄些这玩意
  [09:31.14]-So, look, any messages today? -Yeah, I wrote a couple down. -今天有没有留言? -有的,我记下了两三条

  [09:35.54]So there were two. There were two messages? Right? 那就是两条,有两条对吗?
  [09:41.02]You want me to write down all your messages? 你要我记下你所有的留言吗?
  [09:42.06]Okay, who are the ones that you didn’t write down from? 好吧,哪些是你没写记的?
  [09:46.22]( Sighs ) No. Gone completely. Oh, no. 不记得了,哦,不
  [09:51.42]There was one from your mum. She said don’t forget lunch, and her leg’s hurting again. 有一条是你妈妈打来的, 她说别忘了吃午饭,还有她的腿疼又犯了
  [09:56.06]No one else? Absolutely no one else. -没别的了? -绝对没有了

1 anecdote
  • He departed from the text to tell an anecdote.他偏离课文讲起了一则轶事。
  • It had never been more than a family anecdote.那不过是个家庭趣谈罢了。
2 chattering
n.呻吟,叹息( groan的名词复数 );呻吟般的声音v.呻吟( groan的第三人称单数 );发牢骚;抱怨;受苦
  • There were loud groans when he started to sing. 他刚开始歌唱时有人发出了很大的嘘声。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • It was a weird old house, full of creaks and groans. 这是所神秘而可怕的旧宅,到处嘎吱嘎吱作响。 来自《简明英汉词典》
3 nibble
  • Inflation began to nibble away at their savings.通货膨胀开始蚕食他们的存款。
  • The birds cling to the wall and nibble at the brickwork.鸟儿们紧贴在墙上,啄着砖缝。
4 chuckles
轻声地笑( chuckle的名词复数 )
  • Father always chuckles when he reads the funny papers. 父亲在读幽默报纸时总是低声发笑。
  • [Chuckles] You thought he was being poisoned by hemlock? 你觉得他中的会是芹叶钩吻毒吗?
5 raisins
n.葡萄干( raisin的名词复数 )
  • These raisins come from Xinjiang,they taste delicious. 这些葡萄干产自新疆,味道很甜。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Mother put some raisins in the cake. 母亲在糕饼中放了一些葡萄干。 来自辞典例句
6 fabulous
  • We had a fabulous time at the party.我们在晚会上玩得很痛快。
  • This is a fabulous sum of money.这是一笔巨款。
7 thriller
  • He began by writing a thriller.That book sold a million copies.他是写惊险小说起家的。那本书卖了一百万册。
  • I always take a thriller to read on the train.我乘火车时,总带一本惊险小说看。
8 goggles
  • Skiers wear goggles to protect their eyes from the sun.滑雪者都戴上护目镜使眼睛不受阳光伤害。
  • My swimming goggles keep steaming up so I can't see.我的护目镜一直有水雾,所以我看不见。
9 prescription
  • The physician made a prescription against sea- sickness for him.医生给他开了个治晕船的药方。
  • The drug is available on prescription only.这种药只能凭处方购买。
advanced-level user
agrarian laborer
air tightness
anti-water protection
automatic track follower
be on one's high horse
bit performance
capital of Liechtenstein
check currency
clear system
coating strength tester
commissure of superior colliculus
cum whores
dermal muscle
direct distarce dialing
ethical fund
ethmoid bones
fault-tree analysis
gooseberry bush
gray-brown desert soil
income budget
knives and forks
Ligularia stenocephala
liquid oxygen circulation
macroporous boron-specific ion-exchange resin
Maxia, Pta.
Medieval English
method of finite differences
monochromatic pinholetechnique
more screen status
multiple Fourier transform
My Guest
neutron flux density monitor
nitroso r salt
not a single
nozzle man
order of root system
origin code
outer lens
passing bridge with reduced speed
pH standard solution
pivot entry
planting container
plasterer's trowel
pleading in the alternative
pretensioned prestressed concrete girder
primary heater unit
primary quills
Principle of Flag State Jurisdiction
pupil distance
Ramus obturatorius
Real ID
ride gating
rusty stain
Schmidt lens system
sensitivity category
sharp edges
sleeper plate
splice sleeve
two-channel lump sorting machine
venture capital market
voltage-to-pulse rate converter
Walawe Ganga
weak duality theorem