标签:第二季 相关文章
[scene: the four guys play the chess invented by themselves] chess: 国际象棋 invent: 发明 -Rajesh: Knight to queen's bishop-five. Knight: 骑士【国际象棋棋子】 Queen: 女皇【国际象棋棋子】 bishop: 主教【国际象棋棋子,这
-Penny: Ooh, is this one of those paintball guns? paintball gun: 彩弹枪 paintball: 彩弹 哦这就是那彩弹枪? -Leonard: Yeah. You ought to come, out with us sometime. Yeah: yes的口语形式 ought to: 应该 come out with: 和一起出去 是
-Leonard: Did you get the part? part: 角色 你得到角色了吗? -Penny: No, they said I was too perky. perky: 活泼的 没,他们觉得我太活泼了。 -Leonard: You want to talk about not, getting love from a parent. parent: 父母 想谈谈得
[ the four guys is talking about the line ] -Sheldon: The problem appears to be unsolvable. appear: 似乎 unsolvable: 不能解决的 问题看来是解不出了 -Rajesh: Maybe we could run some, computer simulations. computer simulation: 电脑模拟
Popular choices include, tea,coffee,cocoa. Popular: 流行的 cocoa: 可可 最受欢迎的有茶咖啡可可 I see. No,no,no,wait. Don't hang up yet. hang up: 挂断 了解了解别先别挂 What about a recreational activity? recreational activity:
-David: No problem. 不用。 -Leonard: I had no idea it was so heavy. heavy: 重的 我不知道它会这么重。 The thing just fell right, over on me, didn't it? 它实实地压住我了,对吧? -David: Yeah. Lucky for you it wasn't moving. 是呀
-Stephanie:I don't see anything at all, Sheldon. 我什么都没看到,谢尔顿。 -Sheldon:Well, you're the doctor, but I am constantly hearing this annoying sound. constantly:经常的 annoying:恼人的,讨厌的 你是医生我听你的
-Sheldon: Woman, you are playing with forces beyond your ken. 小妹妹,你这点小伎俩可别玩过火了, -Penny: Yeah, well, your ken can kiss my Barbie. 是吗,你伎俩高明来拍我马屁呀。 -Penny: Sheldon. Sheldon! Sheldon. Sheldo
-Leonard:We're not living together. 我们没有同居。 -Penny:Okay, hmm... 好吧。 Scented candles, fuzzy slippers, Scented:有香味的 candle:蜡烛 fuzzy:毛茸茸的 slipper:拖鞋 香氛蜡烛,毛毛拖鞋, Ooh! Floral bed s
神探夏洛克第二季第一集_23 只需要一个密码 You have a passcode to open this. 我深表遗憾的说 我们有人能逼你说出来 I deeply regret to say, we have people who can extract it from you. 夏洛克? 有两个密码 Sherlock?
神探夏洛克第二季第一集_16 刚才真尴尬呀 对吧? That really wasn't very good, was it? 哦 嗨 Oh, hi. 你没事吧 You OK? 希望你这回没弄乱我编好顺序的袜子 I hope you didn't mess up my sock index this time! 很好听的曲
神探夏洛克第二季第三集_6 每个童话都需要一个经典大反派 Every fairy tale needs a good old-fashioned villain. 你需要我 不然你什么都不是 You need me or you're nothing. 因为我们非常相似 你和我 Because we're
神探夏洛克第二季第三集_11 砖粉? Brick dust? 建筑工地 50年代的砖 Building site. Bricks from the 50s. 伦敦有几千处建筑工地 There's thousands of building sites in London. 我派人去找了 我也派了 I've got people out
神探夏洛克第二季第三集_8 你这么关心夏洛克 何不直接找他谈 Why don't you talk to Sherlock, if you're so concerned about him? 老天啊 不用说了 Oh, God, don't tell me. 我们之间有太多往事 约翰 Too much history be
神探夏洛克第二季第三集_1 为什么今天来? Why today? 你想听我说? Do you want to hear me say it? 上次诊断已经过去个月了 18 months since our last appointment. 你看报纸吗? You read the papers? 有时候 Sometimes... 电视
神探夏洛克第二季第二集_22 不 不 No. No! 不是你 不是你 It's not you, not you! 是雾 什么? The fog. What? 药物就是雾 在雾气里 It's the fog,the drug, it's in the fog! 气溶性扩散 记录上有记载 Aerosol dispersant,
神探夏洛克第二季第二集_20 约翰? 嗯我在听 John? Yeah, I'm on it. 猎犬计划 我肯定在哪读过 存在记忆里 Project HOUND. I must have read about it, stored it away. 印第安纳自由镇 中情局属地的实验 An experiment
神探夏洛克第二季第二集_18 祝你好运 福尔摩斯先生 Good luck, Mr Holmes. 噢 不要 上帝啊 Aargh! Oh, God! (禁止入内 否则当心感冒) 上帝啊 Oh, God! 别这样 Oh, come on. 有人吗 Hello? 别这样 快点 快点 No, c
神探夏洛克第二季第二集_16 嗯? Yeah? 如果这不是词 是单个字母呢? What if it's not a word, what if it is individual letters? 你觉得是首字母缩写? You think it's an acronym? 毫无头绪 不过... Absolutely no idea, but..
神探夏洛克第二季第二集_12 什么 你说什么? What? What are you talking about? 我什么也没看见 I didn't see anything. 拜托 他绝对看见了 Look, he must have seen it. 我都看见了 他百分百看见了 I saw it. He must hav