标签:第二季 相关文章
Yeah, sorry. I didn't, really think that through. through: 【能起作用】 哦对不起我没想好就开口了 -Sheldon: You claimed it's going to be a week,, but I have no faith in your dry cleaner. claime: 宣称 faith in: 有信心 dry cleaner
-Rajesh: I don't ever want to feel ever: 永远 feel: 感受 我再也不想有 Like I did that day 如那天般的感受 Take me to the place I love place: 地方 带我去我爱的地方 Take me all the way all the way: 一路 带我一路走 I don
Which brings us to tenth grade. tenth: 第十【十年级】 之后就是高一的事了。 -Penny: Howard, do you think maybe sometimes you try too hard? Howard,你觉不觉得有时自己太心急太过火了? -Wolowitz: Look at me. 看看我嘛。
[ scene: sitting on the sofa, Sheldon is reading his questionnaire ] -Sheldon: Your questionnaire, very disappointing. questionnaire: 问卷 disappointing: 失望的 你的调查问卷十分让人失望呀 -Leonard: I answered every question, Sheldon
-Stephanie:Does he always do this? 他经常这么干吗? -Leonard:Sometimes he brings a toy xylophone. toy:玩具 xylophone:木琴 有时他还会自带玩具木琴。 I am really sorry about this. 我对这一切很抱歉。 -Stephanie:
Really? Right now? 真的假的?现在吗? -Stephanie:Why not? 为什么不? -Leonard:I just ate, aren't you supposed to wait an hour? be supposed to:应该 刚吃了饭的,饭后不是不能剧烈运动吗? -Stephanie:I think that'
神探夏洛克第二季第一集_22 爷爷死了之后 他们不让我们见他 They wouldn't let us see Granddad when he was dead. 她不是我姨妈 我认识人的骨灰 She's not my real aunt - I know human ash. 我们就是这么对付德国人的
神探夏洛克第二季第三集_9 叫安德森来 Get Anderson! 亚麻籽油 Linseed oil. 没啥用 追踪不到绑匪 Not much use, it doesn't lead us to the kidnapper. 精彩呀 安德森 真的? Brilliant,Anderson. Really? 对 简直是白痴的完
神探夏洛克第二季第三集_4 聪明? 好吧 探秘记者 Smart? OK, investigative journalist. 好 看着我 告诉我你看到了什么 Good. Well, look at me and tell me what you see. 要是你真有本事 你不需要采访 If you're that sk
神探夏洛克第二季第三集_3 记住 嗯 Remember... Yes. 记住 嗯 Remember... Yes. 记住他们说的 别耍小聪明 Remember what they told you. Don't try to be clever. 不 No. 拜托 简单明了就好 Please, keep it simple and brief. 暴殄
神探夏洛克第二季第二集_9 我有幸在世界卫生组织会议上 I had the honour of meeting Mr Holmes 见过福尔摩斯先生 在...布鲁塞尔对吗? at the WHO conference in... Brussels, was it? 维也纳 维也纳 没错 Vienna. Vien
神探夏洛克第二季第二集_9 那么你们在这具体做什么呢? So what exactly is it that you do here? 我以为你知道 长官 你不是来视察的吗 I thought you'd know, sir, this being an inspection. 唉 谁叫我不是专家呢? We
神探夏洛克第二季第二集_13 我? 我什么问题都没有 Me? There's nothing wrong with me. 夏洛克... Sherlock... 夏洛... 我没问题 Sherl... There is nothing wrong with me! 明白吗? Do you understand!? 要我证明给你看? You w
神探夏洛克第二季第二集_5 脚印 Footprints. 就在我看着父亲被撕成碎片的地方 On the exact spot where I saw my father torn apart. 男人还是女人的? Man's or a woman's? 都不是 是... Neither. They were... 就这而已? 没
神探夏洛克第二季第二集_3 母亲去世之后 我和父亲经常去散步 We used to go for walks, after my mum died, my dad and me. 每天晚上 走去沼地 Every evening, we'd go out onto the moor. 好吧 快进到你父亲被残杀那天晚
唐顿庄园第二季第七集_3 [INT. DRAWING ROOM - EVENING] ROBERT, EARL OF GRANTHAM I nearly came down in a dinner jacket tonight. VIOLET, DOWAGER COUNTESS OF GRANTHAM Really? Well, why not a dressing gown? Or, better still, pyjamas? ROBERT, EARL
唐顿庄园第二季第六集_8 [INT. LIBRARY - EVENING] ROBERT, EARL OF GRANTHAM Im sorry if its a bit of a crush. I didnt want to be overheard. VIOLET, DOWAGER COUNTESS OF GRANTHAM Are we talking financial ruin? Or criminal investigation? ROBERT,