标签:第二季 相关文章
And the next item up for bid is a silver-plated tin loving cup, property of Caroline Channing. 下一件要拍卖的物品是一个镀银锡制纪念杯,卡洛琳钱宁所拥有过的物品 How much do you think this is going to go for? 你觉得这东
-Howard:You know the old saying, Pasty and frail never fail. saying:名言 fail:失败 你知道有句老话吗,虚弱苍白者从不失手。 -Leonard:Excuse me, but what about me? 打断一下,那还有我呢? Why don't I get a shot? 怎么
-Howard:Okay, Raj. Hand me the #6 Torx screwdriver. Torx:内梅花(起子) screwdriver:螺丝起子 好了,Raj 给我6号内六角螺丝起子。 -Sheldon:Stop. We can't do this. It's not right. 停,我们不能这样做,这是不对的
[Scene: in the shed,Howard, Leonard, Sheldon and Rajesh plays the paintball game ] shed: 小屋 paintball: 彩弹 -Howard: That was close. close: 接近 真悬 -Rajesh: God, I love the smell of, paintballs in the morning. smell: 味道 paintball: 彩
-Howard: One of us, one of us. 入伙万岁!入伙万岁! -Penny: Well, what a thrill. thrill: 激动 多振奋人呀! -Sheldon: You're sitting in my spot. 你坐我位置上了。 -Penny: Oh, jeez, you've got to be kidding me. jeez: 呀 天呀,
神探夏洛克第二季第一集_21 邦德直升机起飞 已经决定了 'Bond Air is go, that's decided. 珍宝客机 亲爱的福尔摩斯先生 哎呀 邦德直升机准备 跟考文垂组对接 Bond air is go 'Check with the Coventry lot.' 考文
神探夏洛克第二季第三集_7 从来不喜欢打哑谜 Never liked riddles. 学着喜欢吧 Learn to. 因为我欠你一次坠落 夏洛克 Because I owe you a fall, Sherlock. 我 欠 你 I...owe...you. 不好意思 我找麦克罗夫特福尔摩
神探夏洛克第二季第三集_2 It really bothers you. What? 别人的议论 对 What people say. Yes. 议论我? 你着什么急? About me? why would it upset YOU? 尽量低调点 这个礼拜接个小案子 Just try to keep a low profile.Find y
神探夏洛克第二季第二集_17 于是一个月前 And then, a month ago, 比利把他带去兽医那里... Billy took him to the vet and, you know... 他死了? He's dead? 被安乐死了 Put down. 对 实在没办法 Yeah. No choice. 一切都结
神探夏洛克第二季第二集_15 早安 今天感觉如何? Morning! Oh, how are you feeling? 我... I... 我睡的不好 太可惜了 I didn't sleep very well. Oh, that's a shame. 我来冲咖啡好吗? 你看 房子渗水了 Shall I make us som
唐顿庄园第二季第七集_12 [INT. DINING ROOM - MORNING] CORA, COUNTESS OF GRANTHAM Where are the girls? ROBERT, EARL OF GRANTHAM I suppose Sybil's still ill and the others just haven't appeared. CORA, COUNTESS OF GRANTHAM I hope they're not co
唐顿庄园第二季第六集_10 [INT. SERVANT'S HALL - EVENING] MR CARSON A German republic? No, I don't think so, Mr Branson. The Kaiser will go, I grant you, and maybe the Crown Prince, too, but there'll be a regency, mark my words. Monarchy is t
唐顿庄园第二季第七集_5 [INT. DOWNTON - DAY] LADY MARY But Carson, if you're abandoning me, I think I deserve to know the reason why. MR CARSON I do not believe that Sir Richard and I would work well together. LADY MARY But there must be mor
唐顿庄园第二季第六集_12 [INT. MR CARSON'S OFFICE - EVENING] MRS HUGHES We'll be going in to dinner in a minute. MR CARSON We've built a good [?] here, you know. I'm not saying it's legendary, but it's nothing to be ashamed of. MRS HUGHES Yo
唐顿庄园第二季第五集_7 [INT. GREAT HALL - DAY] [Mrs Hughes takes a breath and then approaches Major Bryant who is sitting down to cards.] MRS HUGHES Major, might I have a word? [The Major makes a yeesh! what could that be? expression to his
唐顿庄园第二季第六集_6 [INT. DOWNTON GARAGE - DAY] [A womans heels click on the garage floor and Branson stops as he hears Sybils voice from his position under the motorcar engine.] LADY SYBIL I wish I knew how an engine worked. BRANSON I c
唐顿庄园第二季第四集_9 [INT. SERVANTS' HALL - DAY] MRS HUGHES Daisy, you're not to worry about William. I spoke to His Lordship earlier. He says you're not to be concerned until we know more. DAISY But he is missing. I mean, they don't know
唐顿庄园第二季第四集_1 [INT. DOWNTON - MORNING] [Edith hands out the post.] LADY EDITH Mary, the men are arranging the concert now and they're so anxious for us both to be in it or there'll be no girls at all. Please say you will. LADY MARY
唐顿庄园第二季第二集_13 [INT. DRAWING ROOM - EVENING] [Edith talks with Lavinia, Isobel speaks with Robert and Cora, and Matthew talks with Mary.] EDITH Today I drove the tractor... ISOBEL CRAWLEY More serious than her [?], surely not. ROBE
唐顿庄园第二季第二集_12 [INT. KITCHENS - EVENING] MRS PATMORE Fold it in, don't slap it. You're making a cake, not beating a carpet. [Robert walks in.] MRS PATMORE Oh. I'm sorry, Your Lordship. I didn't see you there. ROBERT, EARL OF GRANTH