Part A: Spot Dictation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the ward or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding spa
1. 奖学金 scholarship; fellowship; financial grant 2. 领取助学金的学生 a grant-aided student 3. 博士生Ph.D candidate 4. 博士后 postdoctoral 5. 毕业生分配 graduate placement 6. 函授学院 correspondence school 7. 附中 middle
1. 公共服务(Public Service):让人人共享发展成果《建议》摘要:坚持普惠性、保基本、均等化、可持续方向,从解决人民最关心最直接最现实的利益问题入手,增强政府职责(responsibilities of gov
中国经济:从短跑到长跑 Chinese Economy: Sprint to Marathon 中国驻印度大使 乐玉成 Le Yucheng, Chinas Ambassador to India 前段时间,第15届世界田径锦标赛在北京举行,短跑的速度与激情,长跑的耐力和韧劲
外交部发言人华春莹例行记者会(2016年1月25日)Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunyings Regular Press Conference on January 25, 2016应外交部长王毅邀请,美国国务卿约翰克里将于1月26日至27日访华。双方将就中
2016年施政报告 The 2016 Policy Address 创新经济 改善民生 促进和谐 繁荣共享 Innovate for the Economy, Improve Livelihood, Foster Harmony, Share Prosperity香港特别行政区行政长官 梁振英 Mr. Leung Chun-ying, Chief Execu
This years World Water Day focuses on the links betweenwater and jobs. Almost half of all workers 1.5 billion people work in water-related sectors, and nearly all jobs depend on theavailability of freshwater. Despite its paramount importance, water a
中级口译 考试时间:30分钟 Part 1 English into Chinese [表示停顿] International Cooperation Against Transnational Organized Crime Organized crime groups pose challenges as never before to societies everywhere. Whether involved in drug t
51, fill a prescription 按处方抓药 Would you please fill this prescription for me? 52, fill in for 代替; 同义:fill ones place(position, shoes); take the place of; take over Say, Dave, can you fill in for me tonight at the restaurant? Id li
1,a change of pace 节奏变换 You can do these chemistry experiments all day long. You certainly need a change of pace. 2, a far cry from 相距甚远 The published book is far cry from the early manuscript. 3, and how 的确 A: Shes a good dance
1、避而不译,绕过难点; 36计走为上计:make oneself scarce 2、用异语文化替代原语文化; 班门弄斧: Teach one's grandmother to suck eggs 3、直译加注,传达形象; 东施效颦:'Tung Shih imitaging His Shih'
1. 70秒 70 seconds 被问及握手感觉时,马英九说,我们两个都很用力。 2. 红蓝领带 Color of tie 两岸领导人均着深色西装,习近平系红色领带,马英九为蓝色领带。 一种解释是,在台湾,国民党(
经济篇 1. 给......带来机遇和挑战 present (bring) both opportunities and challenges to2. 给......带来积极影响 bring a more positive impact on3. 给予财政资助 support financially 4. 有巨大潜力 have huge potential for 5. 开发
传统节日 Traditional Festivals 拜年 paying a New Year call 爆竹 firecracker 鞭炮 a string of small firecrackers 除夕 New Year's Eve 春节 Spring Festival 春联 Spring Festival couplets (conveying best wishes for the year )辞旧迎新 b
President Xi Jinping announced on Tuesday in his speech inSeattle that China and the US will launch a China-US Year ofTourism in 2016. 22日,国家主席习近平在西雅图发表演讲时宣布,中美将在2016年举办中美旅游年。 习近平
1.成立与成员国 亚太经合组织(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)成立于1989年,由亚太地区21个成员经济体(member economies)组成。成员包括:澳大利亚(Australia)、 文莱(BruneiDarussalam)、 加拿大(Canada)、 智利
成功考生应具备的条件 英译汉是一种跨语言、跨文化、跨社会的交际活动过程。作为一个成功的考生,首先 要通晓英汉两种语言.在翻译时能比较快速自如地在英汉两种语言间进行转换;其次
创客 creators 互联网金融异军突起,电子商务、物流快递等新业态快速成长,众多创客脱颖而出,文化创意产业蓬勃发展。 Internet-based finance rose swiftly to prominence. E-commerce, logistics, express deliver