The plenary sessions of the National People's Congress (NPC)and the National Committee of the Chinese People' s PoliticalConsultative Conference (CPPCC), popularly known as the twosessions, are kicking off this week. What will be the big talkingpoint

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Promoting China-Latin America Common Development byUpgrading China-Brazil Cooperation 在中巴工商界峰会闭幕式上的致辞 Address at the Closing Ceremony of the China-Brazil Business Summit 中华人民共和国国务院总理 李克强 Li

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习近平主席致亚信非政府论坛首次年会的贺词 Congratulatory Message by President Xi Jinpingto the First Annual Conference of the CICA Non-governmental Forum 2015年5月25日 May 25, 2015 值此亚信非政府论坛首次年会开幕之际

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【考试日期】 2015年9月13日上午:英语高级口译笔试;下午:英语中级口译笔试 2015年10月5日或6日(随机安排半天):英语口译基础能力考试(笔试+口试,考场设在上海) 【报名办法和报名日期】 参

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reform and opening up and in the modernization drive改革开放和社会主义现代化建设 put into practice the guiding principles of the Sixteenth National Congress ofthe Communist Party of China (CPC) under the leadership of the CPC and thegui

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新闻发布会: press conference 汶川地震:Wenchuan Earthquake 大地震:the massive earthquake 8.0级地震:the 8.0- magnitude earthquake 地震灾区:quake-hit area/ quake-stricken area重灾区:the worst-hit area 震中:epicenter 余

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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying's RegularPress Conference on November 3, 2014 外交部发言人华春莹主持例行记者会(2014年11月3日) At the invitation of President Xi Jinping, President Barack Obamaof the United States of Ameri

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恶性通货膨胀 hyperinflation 二级市场 secondary market 发行货币 to issue currency 发行总股本 total stock issue 法定准备金 required reserves;reserve requirement 法人股 institutional shares 法人股东 institutional sharehold

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基本建设投资 investment in infrastructure 基本经济要素 economic fundamentals 基本适度 broadly appropriate 基准利率 benchmark interest rate 机关团体存款 deposits of non-profit institutions 机会成本 opportunity cost 激励机

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2、口译速记技巧 缩略词、缩写符号 保留前几个字母 保留开头和结尾的发音字母 根据英语的发音进行速记 1. 掌握常用速记符号和方法 对于口译考生,笔者推荐以下几类: A.保留大写字母或

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7) 科技 科学发展观 concept of scientific development 全民科学文化素质 scientific and cultural qualities of the entire people 发展科技 scientific and technological advancement 科教兴国 revitalize China through science and educat

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发表于:2019-01-17 / 阅读(58) / 评论(0) 分类 英语口译

马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、江泽民三个代表重要思想Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought,Deng Xiao-ping Theory, Jiang Zemin Three Represent's important Thought. 新民主主义革命 new-democratic revolution 民族独立

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科菲安南 (Kofi A. Annan)联合国秘书长 金正日 (Kim Jong Il) 朝鲜领导人 小泉纯一郎 (Junichiro Koizumi) 日本首相 亚西尔阿拉法特 (Yasser Arafat) 巴勒斯坦民族权力机构主席 阿里埃勒沙龙(Ariel Sharon) 以色列

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句型一 1、所有年代所有的智慧,数百年来让人津津乐道的所有事,都能轻易看到,花费也不高,一切藏于书卷中。可是我们必须知道怎样利用这种财富,而且是充分利用。 All the wisdom of all

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句型二 一、比较句型的误译。 今年的产量比去年高。 This years outcome is greater than last years. 中国的人均农业土地面积比不上世界许多其他国家。 Chinas per capita agricultural land can not compare with that

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句型三 1. 经济过热,确实带来了一些问题,比如票子发得多了点,物价波动大了些。 The overheated economy resulted in a number of problems. For instance, the issue of excess bank notes led to a major price fluctuation. 2

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2014翻译资格考试CATTI笔译二级常用句型4 Wish prosperity to your country and wellbeing to your people! 祝国家繁荣,人民幸福! For diplomacy to be effective, words must be credible. 要想在外交上取得成效,说话必须算数

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中华民族的传统文化、博大精深,源远流长。 The traditional Chinese culture, both extensive and profound, dates back to ancient times. 早在2000多年前,中国就产生了以孔孟为代表的儒家学说,和以老庄为代表的

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The important point is that each side of the transatlantic partnership is capable of shouldering its part of the problems and is ready to act in close harmony with the other. 重要的是,大西洋两岸双方能够肩负起各自应负的责任,并

发表于:2019-01-17 / 阅读(86) / 评论(0) 分类 英语口译