单词:peals out
单词:peals out 相关文章
四六级阅读占考试的比重很大,很多考友也为阅读烦恼不已,该怎么办呢?两个字:多看! 所以,从今天开始,每天会节选一些文章和大家一起阅读。 接
黄龙奇观 A View of Huanglong 在四川西部,有一美妙的去处。它背倚峨山宇峰雪宝顶,树木苍翠,花香袭人,鸟声婉转,流水潺潺。这就是松潘县的黄龙。 One of Sichuan's finest scenic spots is Huanglong (
He says I love you haltingly. But somehow those three little words 但不知道为什么这小小的三个字 Are the hardest ones to share. 却最难与人分享 And fathers say I love you 而父亲说我爱你 In ways that words can't match-- 用言语
Poor Harry! He could hear all this glee and merriment through the open window, as he lay in bed. 可怜的哈利!他躺在床上,透过打开的窗户听见了外面所有的欢声笑语。 The storm of passion having subsided, there he lay weepi
Come to the festal board tonight, 快来,参加今晚聚会, For bright-eyed beauty will be there, 那美丽的,大眼睛姑娘要来, Her coral lips in nectar steeped, 她珊瑚色嘴唇,浸透花蜜, And garlanded her hair. 头上戴着,
The clouds now rolled in volumes over the mountain tops; their summits still bright and snowy, but the lower parts of an inky blackness. 云层翻卷滚过道道山峦,峰顶明晃晃地刺眼,峰峦下端黢黑模糊连成一片。 The rain bega
In the second day of the voyage, they came to the Highlands. 旅途第二天,他们抵达苏格兰高地。 It was the latter part of a calm, sultry day, that they floated gently with the tide between these stern mountains. 当时天近傍晚,无风
If it is possible, imagine the effect upon the beholder: 不妨想想旁观者的内心震撼, this precipice of ice, with tremendous cracking, is falling toward us with a majestic and awful motion. 那悬崖峭壁的冰山上端,訇然巨响纷纷
Some Britons love ringing church bells so much that they think it ought to be an Olympic sport. 一些英国人如此喜爱在教堂敲钟,以致觉得它该被列为奥运会项目。 There are magazines devoted to bell ringing, there are bell-rin
牵牛花 Morning Glory 手种牵牛花,接连有三四年了。水门汀地没法下种,种在十来个瓦盆里。泥是今年又明年反复用着的,无从取得新的泥来加入,曾与铁路轨道旁种地的那个北方人商量,愿出