Tyrion laughed.Youre too smart to believe that. The Nights Watch is a midden heap for all the misfits of the realm. 提利昂笑笑。聪明如你,怎会相信这种屁话?守夜人军团是个专门接收全国各地人渣废物的垃圾场, I

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Maester Luwin set the lamp in a niche by the door and fiddled with its wick. 鲁温学士把油灯安置在门边的壁龛里,胡乱捻着灯芯。 There are several appointments that require your immediate attention, my lady. 夫人,还有好些职

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It was a great honor to ride with the queen, and besides, Prince Joffrey might be there. Her betrothed. 能与王后作伴是至高无尚的荣耀,更何况乔佛里可能也在。那可是她的未婚夫呢。 Just thinking it made her feel a stra

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冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第210期:第十六章 艾德(8)Robert looked at Ned with flat, dead eyes and left without a word, his footsteps heavy as lead. Silence filled the hall. 劳勃眼神呆滞地看了看奈德,然后迈开沉

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Yes it is! Prince Joffrey insisted. They all attacked me, and she threw Lion's Tooth in the river! 明明就是这样!乔佛里王子坚持,他们一起围攻我,她还把狮牙丢进河里! Ned noticed that he did not so much as glance at Ar

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His shirt was soaked in blood. Arya said, She didn't hurt you...much. 他的衣服上全是血。艾莉亚说:她也没把你伤得太厉害嘛。 She picked up Lion's Tooth where it had fallen, and stood over him, holding the sword with both hands

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He's my friend, Arya said sharply. You leave him alone. 他是我朋友,艾莉亚语气尖锐地道,你们别欺负他。 A butcher's boy who wants to be a knight, is it? Joffrey swung down from his mount, sword in hand. 杀猪小弟也想当骑士

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Jofftey reflected a moment. We could go riding. 乔佛里想了想。我们可以去骑马。 Oh, I love riding, Sansa said. 噢,我最喜欢骑马了。珊莎道。 Joffrey glanced back at Lady, who was following at their heels. 乔佛里回头看看

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Catelyn slid her fingers from his grasp. I thank you, my lord, but my own Maester Luwin has already seen to my hurts. 凯特琳从他掌心抽回手,伯爵大人,感谢您的美意,不过我这伤口已经让家里的鲁温师傅处理过了。

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The Tyroshi fingered his forked green beard. Just so. I know of several establishments that might suit your needs. 泰洛西船长捻捻绿色的八字胡,那敢情好,我倒是知道几个符合您要求的店家。 Yet first, if I may be so bol

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So cold, he thought, remembering the warm halls of Winterfell, where the hot waters ran through the walls like blood through a man's body. 好冷啊,他一边想,一边回忆起临冬城的厅堂,那里有温泉终年流贯壁垒之间,仿如人

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So cold, he thought, remembering the warm halls of Winterfell, where the hot waters ran through the walls like blood through a man's body. 好冷啊,他一边想,一边回忆起临冬城的厅堂,那里有温泉终年流贯壁垒之间,仿如人

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So cold, he thought, remembering the warm halls of Winterfell, where the hot waters ran through the walls like blood through a man's body. 好冷啊,他一边想,一边回忆起临冬城的厅堂,那里有温泉终年流贯壁垒之间,仿如人

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When Loras Tyrell unhorsed him, many of us became a trifle poorer. 所以当洛拉斯提利尔爵士把他一枪刺下马时,我们都输了点小东西。 Ser Jaime lost a hundred golden dragons, the queen lost an emerald pendant, and I lost my kn

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So... on the morrow, we make for Harrenhal. 所以明日一早我们便朝赫伦堡出发。 Kevan, I want Sir Addam's outriders to screen our movements. 凯冯,命令亚当爵士的斥候掩蔽我军行踪, Give him as many men as he requires, a

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These are the ones who keep the old gods, she realized. She asked herself what gods she kept these days, and could not find an answer. 这些是依旧信奉古老诸神的人,她明白,但当她扪心自问:如今的自己究竟信奉哪个神?

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And Lysa? A cool wind moved through his thin white hair. Gods be good, your sister... did she come as well? 莱沙呢?一阵冷风吹过他稀疏的白发。诸神保佑,你妹妹她也回来了吗? He sounded so full of hope and yearning that

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He forbade it. He did not want his enemies to know that he was dying. 是他不准,他不想让敌人知道自己将不久人世。 With the realm so troubled, he feared that if the Lannisters suspected how frail he was... 眼下王国如此动乱,

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At his side stood the Lord Tytos Blackwood, a hard pike of a man with close-cropped salt-and-pepper whiskers and a hook nose. 站在他身边的是泰陀斯布莱伍德伯爵,身躯硬挺,留了短短的灰胡子,生了个鹰钩鼻, His brigh

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I am tired of the maegi's braying, Dany told Jhogo. 我听够了巫魔女的废话。丹妮对乔戈说。 He took his whip to her, and after that the godswife kept silent. 他取出鞭子交给她,在那之后,女祭司沉默了。 Over the carc

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