标签:第二季 相关文章
The head of the family is the one with the tail. 有尾巴的这位先森才是家里的老大 God, I want to see this. 天呀,我要看这部 Finding everything okay, Louis? 没啥问题吧,路易斯 Oh, uh, yep. 喔,恩,没什么问题 Than
All you women want is someone to treat you like trash. 你们女人都只想要一个毫不在乎你的男人 This is not about me. It's all about you. 我又不是这样,你就是这样 You got a good guy in billy. 你有一个很好的做警察的男
Call me crazy. But this pizza just tastes less good. 你们可以觉得我疯了,但这披萨真的没那么好吃了 It's right angle. Try to make us learn to lunch. 没错,就是想让我们学会怎么好好吃午餐 Eddie, it's your girl. 埃迪
-Leonard: Let's just eat so I can get to bed. 我们开饭吧,我好上床睡觉。 With any luck, 运气好的话, tonight will be the night my sleep apnea kills me. apnea: 呼吸暂停 今晚我就会死于睡眠呼吸暂停。 -Sheldon: Did yo
唐顿庄园第二季第八集_3 [INT. LADY SYBIL'S BEDROOM - DAY] LADY SYBIL Your threats are hollow, don't you see? I won't be received in London. I won't be welcome at court. How do I make you understand? I couldn't care less. [Robert is about to
唐顿庄园第二季第八集_1 [INT. GREAT HALL - DAY] CORA We can put the presents in the drawing room against the window. MRS HUGHES Very good, milady. [Mrs Hughes leaves to take care of it.] ISOBEL I suppose we do have to display all the present
唐顿庄园第二季第一集_5 [EXT. DOWNTOWN, FRONT DOOR - DAY] [Branson pulls the car up to the front door. Bates steps out of the front seat and walks to Anna. William collects the luggage.] ANNA Why didn't you say you were coming? MR BATES I di
唐顿庄园第二季第一集_12 [INT. CRAWLEY HOUSE - DAY] VIOLET, DOWAGER COUNTESS OF GRANTHAM I make no apology. It would be a terrible thing if poor old Mr Molesley's son were killed, wouldn't it Molesley? ISOBEL CRAWLEY I'm sure it would, but--
唐顿庄园第二季第一集_8 [INT. KITCHENS - EVENING] [The servants sit down to dinner.] ETHEL I still don't understand why it was funny to make me look a fool. You weren't even there to enjoy it. O'BRIEN Oh, don't worry, we enjoyed it all right
Tom Mason, 2nd Mass. I didn't know they had anybody else. 我是马萨诸塞州第二团的汤姆梅森。我不知道它们还挟持了其他人 Neither did I. Bonnie Garcia, Vermont militia. 我也是。伯妮加西亚,佛蒙特州国民军 Basta
Well, if they're drones, they got to get their commands from somewhere, right? Yeah. 如果它们是无人机,那总得从某处获得指令吧。没错 I mean, it's most likely this base. 很可能就是这个基地了 Yeah, this big flyswatter-lo
Checked you out from head to toe. You seem perfectly normal. 已经彻底检查过了,你看起来很正常 Well, what if it wasn't something physical but psychological? 如果不是身体上而是心理上的问题呢 Could they have given me some
After we attacked this structure in Boston, the aliens want us like hounds on a fox. 在我们袭击了波士顿基地后,外星人就像猎犬紧盯猎物一样盯着我们 Tried every trick I could think of to shake them, but, uh, they surrounded
We don't have to rebuild it, captain. We could just patch it up. 上尉,我们不必完全重建。我们只需把它修复 You know, the supports look like hell, but I think they'll hold. 虽然这桥看似烂透了,但我觉得它能挺住 We c
唐顿庄园第二季第八集_11 [INT. MRS HUGHES'S SITTING ROOM - NIGHT] [Mrs Hughes gets up from her desk and hands Jane an envelope.] MRS HUGHES I think that's everything we owe. JANE Thank you, Mrs Hughes. MRS HUGHES I'm sorry you're going, Jane
Fresh air! Listen up. 空气真好。听着 I'd like nothing better than to leave you stewing in your own filth. 我真希望让你们被自己的体臭熏死 But after speaking with Tom, I have a proposition for you. 但是和汤姆谈过之后,我有