时间:2018-12-04 作者:英语课 分类:初来乍到第二季


   "The head of the family is the one with the tail."  “有尾巴的这位先森才是家里的老大”

  God, I want to see this. 天呀,我要看这部
  Finding everything okay, Louis? 没啥问题吧,路易斯
  Oh, uh, yep. 喔,恩,没什么问题
  Thanks, Corey. Just browsing 1. 多谢关心,科雷,我就随便看看
  In the critter capers 2 section? 呃,在动物喜剧区吗
  Oh. I thought it said "Criterion capers." 哦,我看成经典喜剧了啦
  Like silent french police dramas. 像那个法国探长的默剧
  inspector 3.  “糊涂大侦探”
  oh, here's the movie I was looking for. 哦,我一直在找这部电影呢
  "La choffey."  “精灵之嗝”(这短语在法语里是小精灵的意思)
  "La chouffe." 是“精灵之歌”
  Gnome's folly 4. It's a great choice. 这地精蠢呆了,你真有眼光
  See, this is why 看吧,这就是为什么
  you're one of our favorite customers, louis. 你是我们最受欢迎的顾客之一,路易斯
  You get film. 你,总是能发现好电影
  Most of the other people who come in here, 很多来这儿的人
  they just want the latest Mel Gibson movie 只是想找梅尔·吉布森的最新电影
  or something with cars fighting. 或是些车啊,追来追去的电影
  But not you. You're one of us. 但你不是,你跟我们一样有品位
  I really am. 我也这么觉得
  Oh, okay, you have a $2 late fee on "Das boot." 噢,好吧,你还欠了两美元的《潜艇风暴》滞纳金
  But, uh, since you're a fellow cinephile, 但是,你懂得,你可是和咱志趣相投的影迷啊
  I'm just gonna go ahead 那我就帮你
  And das boot that right off your account. 把这笔账“一笔勾销”了吧
  I understand that reference. 我懂你的梗
  Uh, and your other rentals 5 are due back Tuesday. 对了,你借的其他片子周二就到期,记得还哦
  Other rentals? 其他片子
  Somebody from your family came in last week 上周你家里人来这儿了
  and rented a bunch of movies. 还租了一堆电影
  What? Who? 什么?谁?
  Our store policy says we can't reveal our customers' identities 我们店里不允许我们透露顾客的身份
  or any specifics on the account, 或者他们账户的其他信息
  But I can tell you they have terrible taste. 但我跟你说,他们的品位烂到不行
  If it were up to me, they'd be due back never. 要是我说了算,我不用他们还了
  But it's not. 但不是我说了算
  So, it's Tuesday. 那,周二记得还啊
  Eddie, up now! School! 埃迪,赶紧起床啊!要去上学啦!
  Who's Eddie? I'm Dorf. 埃迪是哪位?我是多尔夫
  "Leonard, keep your eye on the ball."  “雷纳德,盯紧球啊”
  I don't know who that is, but I don't have time for jokes. 我不知道你在演谁,但我没时间跟你开玩笑
  Stop playing invalids 6 and get dressed. 别再装病号了,赶紧穿好衣服啊
  Okay, who was it? 好吧,到底是谁
  Who used my card to rent movies? 是谁用了我的会员卡去租电影
  Just tell me who it was. 告诉我是谁就行了
  I won't be mad. Come on. 我不会生气的,拜托
  I know one of you took my card, went to the video store, 我知道是你们之中的一个家伙,拿了我的卡,去了录像店
  embarrassed me in front of Corey. 让我在科雷面前出丑
  Louis, nobody knows what you're talking about. 路易斯,没人懂你在说什么玩意儿
  Let the boys focus on their breakfast. 就让孩子们赶紧把早餐吃完吧
  Staring contest. 干瞪眼比赛开始
  I didn't know. It's too early to compete. 我不造啊,现在就比太早了啊
  Too late. I'm staring at you! 晚了,我已经开始瞪你了
  Eddie, stop distracting Evan. 埃迪,别再分散埃文注意力了
  He has a spelling test. He needs to eat. 他今天有个拼写测试,他得吃点东西
  You can still eat, right, Evan? 你可以一边吃一边瞪眼,对吧,埃文
  I never wanted this. 我从没想过要这样
  I'll wait outside. 我先去外面等你们吧
  Game over. Now move. 游戏结束了,赶紧走
  We tied! 我们打了个平手
  Okay, come on. We got to go. 好啦,快点,我们得出发了
  Let's go. Come on, please. 动作麻利点,好不
  Mom. I need you to sign this. 妈,你得在这上面签个字
  I'm not gonna sign another doctor's note 我不会再给你签什么
  granting you permission to eat two lunches. 让你吃两份午餐的医生证明了
  It's my permission slip for my history-class field trip. 这是我的历史户外课的同意书啦
  Field trips are just paid vacations for teachers. 户外课只不过是那些老师的带薪休假啦
  I don't pay taxes so they can walk around a museum 让他们带着我们的孩子在博物馆里乱转
  telling our children 然后告诉他们这幅罐头的画是多么的好看
  that a painting of a soup can is beautiful. 这我可不买账
  What?! But... 虾米?可是...
  When your class goes on the field trip, 你们班去上户外课的时候
  you can just do clc in the library. 你就待图书馆学点中文啊
  End of discussion. Okay. 就这样打住,行了
  You never let me do anything. 你从来都不让我做任何事
  Louis, I'm going with Honey to the mall to run some errands. 路易斯,我要跟蜜儿去商场办点儿事
  Maybe I'll eat a pretzel or a doughnut. 可能我就在那里吃份椒盐卷饼或是个甜甜圈了
  Okay! Just finishing my coffee, 知道了,等我把咖啡喝完
  and then I'm off to work like normal. 我就像平时一样去上班啦
  Just as soon as I find those tapes. 就在我找到那些录像带之后
  What the hell? 什么鬼
  So many nipples. 怎么那么多“奶奶”
  Ah! Don't lift him by the neck, Louis. 啊!你抬它的时候别抓它脖子啊,路易斯
  Lift him by the sphenoid. 抓蝶骨就好了
  Uh-huh. Uh-huh. 嗯哼,做的不错
  Uh, Marvin, I actually just came over 对了,马文,实际上,我这次过来
  to ask your advice about something. 是想让你给我一些建议
  Uh, okay. What a beauty. 啊,好了,真美啊
  You know, I got him when he was drinking water. 你知道吗,我打死它的时候,它正在喝水呢
  Pow. That's why his tongue's out. 砰,这就是为什么它舌头是露出来的
  anyway, what were you saying? 嗯,你刚刚说什么
  Oh, um, does Honey ever... 哦,嗯,蜜儿有没有...
  look at other men? 看过别的男人
  Why? 怎么这么问
  What the hell did you hear? 你他妈的听说什么了
  Nothing. 没听说什么
  Uh, it's just... I found some tapes 呃,只是...我在杰西卡那半边床的底下
  under Jessica's side of the bed. 找到了一些录影带
  Shirtless-men tapes. 都是些半裸男人的录像带
  Shirtless-men tapes? 半裸男人的录影带
  Action movies. 都是动作片
  Stallone, Schwarzenegger, Van Damme. 史泰龙,施瓦辛格,尚格云顿
  Oh. Uh-huh. 哦,啊哈哈
  And you're worried that you're not giving Jessica 所以你就担心自己没有满足
  the macho action-movie energy she clearly craves 9. 杰西卡对动作片里的那种男性阳刚之气的渴望
  You know, now that I hear it out loud, 和你说,现在听到有人把这感觉说出来
  It does sound kind of crazy. 还真的有点儿想多了啊
  No, it doesn't. 不,你没有想多
  You should be worried. 你是应该为此担心
  What? She probably kept it a secret from you  什么?可能她是因为不想伤害你的感情
  because she didn't want to hurt your feelings, 才瞒着你不说的
  which you shouldn't even have in the first place. 可是你完全不应该觉得自己被伤害了
  Maybe you're right, Marvin. 也许你是对的,马文
  Tonight, I'm going to sit her down and really talk it out. 今晚,我要和她坐下来,好好谈谈
  Talk? That's what got you into this mess. 谈?你就是因为这样,才会遇到这种问题的
  They're action heroes, not talking heroes. 你看他们都是动作英雄,不是嘴炮英雄啊
  You want to solve the problem, you got to act. 你要想解决问题,就得用实际行动
  You think I took that stag to tea 你以为我是和那头鹿喝了个茶
  and floated the idea of mounting his head on my wall? 然后心血来潮就把它的脑袋挂在墙上的吗
  No. I just did it. Pow! 不,我就是直接开了一枪,砰
  You want to stop Jessica from watching those tapes? 你想让杰西卡不要再看那些片子吗?
  You got to show her you can be that kind of a man. 那你就要证明给她看,你就是那样的男人
  Pow. Pow. Pow! Pow! 砰,砰,砰,砰
  I'm telling you, it was him! 我跟你说了,那就是他
  Why would Steven Tyler be at the sharper image in Orlando? 为什么史蒂芬·泰勒(美国音乐人)会出现在奥兰多的尖端印象店里
  Because he wants a fogless shave mirror, honey. 因为他要买一个防雾的剃须镜,蜜儿
  Anyway, how's everything else? 不管了,最近过得怎样
  How are your boys doing? 你家孩子们怎么样
  Fine. Eddie's mad at me 很好啊,埃迪和我发脾气
  because I won't let him go on his history field trip. 因为我不让他参加历史户外课
  The one to colonial floridatowne? 是去弗罗里达的殖民小镇吗
  Believe me, you're doing the right thing. 相信我,你做得太对了
  I chaperoned when Nicole went, 妮可儿去的时候我陪着去过了
  and let's just say the bathrooms are very realistic. 我们就说说厕所这个最现实的问题吧
  Did you just say colonial floridatowne? 你刚才是说弗罗里达的殖民小镇吗
  They are literally 10 wood sheds with a hole in the ground. 那些厕所其实就是些小木屋,然后在地上挖了洞而已
  I love colonial American history! 我超爱美国殖民历史哒
  Colonial Americans were like the Chinese of today. 美国的殖民者就像现在的中国人
  Their struggle, their work ethic 11, 他们的挣扎,他们的工作理念
  Their ability to use every single part of the buffalo 12. 他们物尽其用的能力
  I mean, you've seen my porcelain 13 colonial mice. 我的意思是,你看过我那些陶瓷殖民老鼠了吧
  What the...? 什么...
  Colonial americans survived 美国殖民者在最艰苦的环境里
  under the harshest of circumstances, 生存下来了
  And for that, they deserve our respect. 正因为此,他们值得我们尊敬
  Look at this one. 看看这一个
  proud, hard-working, 骄傲,勤劳
  holding out her milk jug 14 to the world 把牛奶罐子伸向了这个世界
  as if to say, "Show me your worst, America. 好像在说,“美国,尽管把你最糟糕的一面展示给我吧
  I'll still have milk." 我还是有牛奶可喝”
  This one looks a little bit like Sally Field, 这个看起来有点像莎莉·菲尔德(美国女演员)
  Don't you think? 你不觉得吗
  I think that one looks a lot like Sally Field. 我觉得她看起来是太像莎莉·菲尔德了
  Where's your brother? 你哥哥在哪儿呢
  He's playing super Mario in his room. 他在房间里玩超级马里奥呢
  He says it's nice to start the day with a victory. 他说用一个胜利来开始新的一天,感觉特别好
  Eddie, you're gonna be late! 埃迪,你要迟到了
  Stop playing Italian maintenance twins and get in here! 不要再玩那两个意大利维修工兄弟了,赶快过来
  Later, I'm going to dig a trash pit and burn this. 回头,我要挖个垃圾焚烧坑,把这东西给烧了
  Louis, what are you doing? Put a shirt on. 路易斯,你在干嘛啊?穿上衬衫
  I feel more comfortable this way. 我觉得这个样子更舒服呢
  You hate being shirtless. 你很讨厌不穿上衣啊
  You wear a t-shirt in the ocean. 你在海里也会穿件T恤呢
  I'm trying to give you 我在努力向你展示
  the macho action-movie energy you clearly crave 8. 你渴望的动作电影里的男性阳刚之气呢
  What are you talking about? 你在说啥啊
  I found your tapes, Jessica. 我发现了,那些录影带,杰西卡
  The ones you keep hidden under our mattress 15. 你藏在我们床垫子底下的那些
  Your action-movie tapes. 你的动作片带子
  I don't watch action movies. 我不看动作片的啊
  The only movies I watch are riveting 16 denzel dramas 我只看关于诉讼案情摘要的
  about legal briefs. 丹泽尔剧集啊
  "Where are the legal briefs?  案情摘要在哪里
  Who has the legal briefs? 谁有案情摘要
  Julia roberts, get me the legal briefs." 朱丽叶·罗伯茨,给我案情摘要
  Okay, so if you didn't rent them, who did? 好吧,那如果不是你租的那些录影带,那是谁租的
  Probably your mother. 也许是你妈妈
  I already searched her room. 我已经搜过她的房间了
  All I found was a Chow Yun-Fat calendar. 只找到周润发的挂历
  Somebody in this house is lying to me, 这个家里,有人对我撒谎
  and I'm gonna find out who. 我会找出来是谁的
  Forgetting something? 你忘了什么没有
  Uh, why are you giving me this? 呃,为什么你要给我这个
  I changed my mind. 我改主意了
  You can go on your history field trip. 你可以去参加历史户外课了
  Really? Thanks, mom. 真的吗?妈妈,太感谢了
  Wait. 等一下
  Why are you wearing a hat? 为什么你要戴帽子
  Because I'm coming with you as parent chaperone. 因为我要以监护人的身份和你一起去
  We leave at first light. 天一亮,我们就出发
  Aha! 啊哈
  Emery? 埃默里
  I can explain. 听我解释
  Are you mad? 你生气了吗
  Oh, uh, no, no, I'm not, uh, mad. 额,没,没有,我没有生气啦
  I-I-I-I-I-I'm just, um, well... 我我我,只是,额
  You know, Emery, you're at an age where, uh, your body... 埃默里,你要知道,你现在处于一个,额,你的身体
  A-a-and by that I mean... 我说的身体是指...
  Uh, uh, uh, a father's love knows no... 额,父爱知道没有...
  Greg Louganis is a wonderful... and Broadway. 格莱格洛加尼斯是一个非常棒的...还有百老汇
  Uh, although we may not live in the best state for... 呃,虽然我们可能不是非常好的状态来...
  The tapes were research for school. 那些带子,是学校做研究用的
  I knew it. 我就知道
  I knew it was homework-related. 我就知道,这肯定和家庭作业有关
  Not exactly. 也不全是
  You know how I've always made friends easily? 你知道我怎么总能轻易交到朋友吗
  Well, there's been a change at school. 呃,现在学校里面,有点儿变了
  It's like it happened overnight. 好像是一夜之间变了的
  And I'm tapping five mana to cast ancestral tentacle 17 grab, 我要消耗5点法力值,召唤先祖之触
  dealing 18 two damage to all your... 造成2点群体伤害,对所有...
  you guys are dorks. 你们都是笨蛋
  I'm gonna go throw bottles at a train. 我要去扔瓶子,砸火车
  Suddenly, all of my friends are acting 7 like tough guys. 突然之间,我的所有朋友,都表现地像硬汉一样
  All they want to talk about is cars, fire, 他们聊的都是,车啊,枪火啊
  and throwing things at other things. 还有用这个砸那个
  And that's not me. 这不是我的风格
  I don't even know how to hang with them anymore. 我都不知道该怎么和他们一起玩了
  Puberty strikes hard and quick, 青春期来得又猛又快
  like a large soda 19 halfway 20 through "Schindler's list." 就像看“辛德勒名单”到一半的时候,喝了一大杯汽水
  Anyway, that's why I rented the tapes. 不管怎样,这就是我租这些带子的原因
  The video store has a whole section on tough guys. 录像店里有一整区都是关于硬汉的
  And I was hoping they might help me figure it out. 我还想说它们能帮我弄清楚呢
  But I know what I'm gonna do. 不过我现在知道该怎么做了
  I've decided 21 to write a poem. 我决定了,要写一首诗
  A poem? For class. 一首诗?给全班同学的
  I'm gonna tell an epic 22 story through verse 我要以诗的形式讲一个史诗般的故事
  and show that brains are as valuable as brawn 23. 告诉他们大脑和肌肉一样重要
  Big no to that. 绝对不行
  Luckily, as a small-business owner 幸好,作为一以服务客户为生的
  who relies on customer service, 小企业家
  I understand the mechanics of getting people to like you. 我知道怎么让别人喜欢和你交朋友
  You find out what makes them tick, 你找到他们感兴趣的东西
  and then you use that to relate to them. 然后,通过这些东西,去了解他们
  Like, uh, these boys at school... 比如说,学校里的这些孩子们
  how do they speak to each other? 他们是怎么跟对方说话的
  Well, they mostly just insult each other 他们大部分时间都在对骂
  And make jokes about farts. 还有讲"屁"的笑话
  Like, "Who farted? 像,谁放的屁
  Did you fart? No, I farted. 你放的?不,我放的
  Fart, fart, fart." 屁,屁,屁
  That's a funny joke. 这笑话不错啊
  So, they have a sense of humor. 所以说,他们挺幽默的啊
  Good. 很好
  That'll be the key to winning their respect. 这就是赢得他们尊重的关键
  And group five is Huang, Masterson, Stone, Selby, and Pew. 第五组是黄,马斯特森,石头,塞尔比和皮尤
  Your chaperone will be Mrs. Huang. 你们的监护人是黄女士
  Mother goose! 鹅妈妈
  Wait, Brian, your last name is Pew? 等等,布莱恩,你姓皮尤
  How long have we been friends? 我们做朋友多久啦
  It's cool that we're all together. 太好了,我们都在一起
  Cool? My mom is our chaperone. 好?我妈妈是我们的监护人啊
  So? It'll still be fun, right? 然后呢?还是会很有趣的,对吧
  No way. My mom hates fun! 想得美,我妈讨厌有趣的事
  Boys. Here we go. 孩子们,看吧
  We're not even inside yet, and she's already starting... 我们都还没进去,她就开始...
  We're going rogue 24. What?!  我们要涂点口红,啥
  I looked at the map, and turns out your class is only hitting 我看了地图,结果发现你们班
  the educational parts of floridatowne, 只会去佛罗里达小镇的教育区
  which doesn't leave any time for the good stuff. 这样我们就没时间看别的好东西了
  So we're going to forge our own way. 所以,我们要自己来
  It's what the colonials would have done. 殖民者们也是这么干的
  Come on! 来吧!
  What are you waiting for, Pew? 等什么呢,皮尤
  Follow her. 跟上她
  You forgot to wipe. 你忘记擦手了
  Hey, Chad. Want to hear a joke? 嘿,查德,想听个笑话吗
  Your face looks like a butt 25, 你的脸看起来像个屁股
  And whenever you talk, it sounds like a fart. 你一开口,声音就像放屁
  And that's how colonial women used milk 殖民区的女人就是这样
  to get out even the most stubborn of household stains. 用牛奶,洗掉最顽固的污渍
  Now, who wants to help me 现在,谁想来帮我
  get the blood out of this undershirt? 洗掉这件汗衫的血迹呢
  Come on, come on! 快,快
  Whoa! 哇
  Wow, that was fun. 哇,今天玩得好开心啊
  Who knew that making candles was a career possibility? 谁会想到还可以以制作蜡烛为生啊
  Goodbye, architecture. 我放弃建筑业啦
  And I got a kiss from the midwife's assistant. 助产士的助手还亲了我呢
  You didn't get a kiss from her. 她没有亲你好吗
  You just asked her where the bathroom was. 她只是告诉了你,厕所在哪
  We had a connection. 我们之间产生了火花
  Eddie, your mom is so fun. 埃迪,你妈好好玩啊
  She makes my mom look straight-up garbage. 跟她比起来,我妈真没意思
  Nobody tell my mom I said that. 谁也不许和我妈说我说过
  I was just wrapped up in the moment. 我只是一时头脑发热了才说的
  Yeah, Eddie. 对啊,埃迪
  This field trip would've sucked without your mom. 你妈要是没来的话,这次户外课,肯定糟透了
  I vote we all pool our money 我提议,我们一起凑钱
  and buy her some fancy chocolates. 给她买点高档的巧克力
  sea salt or something. 或者海盐什么的
  Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! 好啊,好啊,好啊,好啊
  Yeah, you guys are right. 你们说的对啊
  Hey, mom. You were fun today. 嗨,妈,你今天好有趣啊
  Oh, thank you, Eddie. 喔,谢谢,埃迪
  I'm glad you and your friends had a good time. 我很高兴你们玩得那么开心啊
  You know, that big red... 你造吗,那个红头发的小孩
  He has a real talent for tanning meat. 他在制皮革方面真的很有天赋啊
  No, I mean, you were fun today. 你没懂,我是说,你...今天很有趣
  What is that all about? 你咋啦
  Are you jealous your friends had fun with your mom? 你是在嫉妒你的朋友们和我玩得开心吗
  No. You were fun today, 不是,我是说,你,今天很有趣
  which means you've always been capable of having fun. 其实你是可以做一个有趣的妈妈的
  You just chose not to. 你只是选择不做
  Where was fun mom when I wanted to keep that gecko 当我想要养那只跑进奶奶房间的壁虎时
  that got into grandma's room? 我那个有趣的妈妈怎么就不出现呢
  Or when I spilled my 我把饮料洒在了机场电梯时
  slurpee on the moving walkway in the airport? 你也没觉得这好玩
  You could've been fun this entire time. 你本来可以一直很有趣的啊
  Hello? 喂
  Eddie got into a fight? 埃迪又打架了
  Eddie got into a fight? 埃迪打架了吗
  Madeline, what did I tell you about keeping me in the loop? 马德琳,我不是跟你说了要跟我报告所有事吗
  We had two vomits 26 and a sprained 28 ankle, 今天有两个孩子吐了,还有一个扭伤脚踝了
  But no fights today. 但没有人打架啊
  Really? Two vomits? 啥?两个孩子吐了
  It's taco day. 因为今天吃的是玉米卷嘛
  Wait. 稍等麻袋
  If Eddie didn't get into a fight, then who... 埃迪没打架,那谁打架了...
  Oh, no. 哎呀,不好
  Oh, my god. What happened? 我滴个天呐,出啥事儿啦
  You came so late that I missed a tony little gazelle masterclass 你来的也太晚了吧,弄得我都错过了旋转跳跃健身课
  that I paid $45 for. 45大洋呢
  You know that expression, 人们都说
  "Oh, if you work out, everything else will"?  健身吧,人生就会美好的了
  Well, that is not true. 呵呵,都是套路
  Oh, and emery was in a fight. 噢,对了,埃默里打架了
  You know, this isn't really as bad as it seems. 那啥,这事儿其实没那么糟啦
  So you got punched. 你就是被打了一拳嘛
  Everybody gets punched at some point in their lives. 人们在一生中总是会被揍个一两次的
  Your mom got punched by a lady at the yogurt shop last week. 你妈上周在酸奶店还不是被个女的打了一拳
  This is all your fault. My fault?  都怪你,怪我
  Instead of handling things my own way, 我没有按照我的方式去解决这件事
  I took your advice, and look what happened. 而是听取了你的建议,结果却是这个下场
  Thanks a lot, dad. 真是谢谢啊,爸爸
  Yo, Evan, want to hear a secret? 哟,埃文,告诉你个秘密
  If it's that you wipe your hands on my towel, I already know. 我知道你在我的毛巾上擦手了
  How do you know about that? 你咋知道的
  I know what a damp towel feels like, Eddie. 埃迪,我摸得出来毛巾湿不湿啊
  Whatever. 额
  I'm trying to tell you a real secret. 我是要跟你讲一个真的秘密啦
  Mom is fun. 妈妈其实很有趣
  That's not a secret. 这并不是个秘密呀
  I've been telling you that for years. 我这些年一直在跟你说啊
  Not your nerd version of fun. 不是你的那种书呆子式的有趣
  Like actually fun. 而是真正的有趣
  Today at my field trip, she... 今天我上户外课的时候,她...
  Boys! 孩儿们
  What are you, waitresses at a small-town diner? 你们是小镇餐馆的女服务生吗?
  Stop chatting. 就知道聊天
  Evan, finish your homework in your room. 埃文,回房做作业去
  Eddie, take out the trash. 埃迪,丢垃圾去
  Okay, mommy. 好的,母上大人
  Oh, cool, you're back to being zero fun. 行啊,你又变得不好玩了
  Awesome 29. 真是醉了
  Maybe I'll experience fun mom again in another 12 years. 可能我得再等个12年才能和有趣的妈妈玩吧
  You think I don't want to be fun mom? 你以为我不想有趣吗
  I would love to be fun mom. 我也很想做一个有趣的妈妈
  So then do it. 那就做啊
  Eddie, we had fun today 埃迪,我们今天玩得很开心
  because I didn't have to spend every minute 那是因为我不用
  chasing after you and nagging 30 you. 时时刻刻都要跟在你屁股后面唠叨你
  You think fun mom could get you to do your homework 有趣的妈妈会让你做作业吗
  and clean your room? 有趣的妈妈会给你打扫房间吗
  No way. 不会的
  That's what this mom is for. 这些事都是不好玩的妈妈做的
  This mom gets things done. 不好玩的妈妈才能做好这些事
  No juice boxes until you finish your homework. 没做完作业不准喝果汁
  Your discipline is the only reward I need. 你的训诫就是对我最好的奖励
  Mom, I did the right thing, right? 妈,我做对了,是吗
  with emery. 这么对待埃默里
  What do you mean? 你什么意思
  I don't do that. 我没这么做啊
  Go, you 'guanas! 加油,热火
  Go, you barn owls 31! 加油,火箭
  Why do they call it women's basketball? 为什么他们要叫女子篮球啊
  It's just basketball, am I right? 这就是篮球嘛,对不对
  Oh, my god, you're right. 哦,天哪,你说得对
  I hate women's basketball. 我不喜欢女子篮球
  Do you really think I change who I am 你真的觉得我改变自己
  to get people to like me? 来让别人喜欢我吗
  Now I understand the difference between a movie and a film. 我现在知道电影和影片的区别在哪了
  How's that eye? 眼睛好点儿了吗
  It's okay. 还行
  And don't worry. I told mom 你别担心,我跟妈说
  that I got it from looking too hard through my telescope. 我眼睛变这样,是因为我看望远镜太用力了
  I think she was proud? 我觉得她还挺为此自豪的
  I, uh, shouldn't have told you to act like somebody you're not. 那个,呃,我不该跟你说,你不能表现自己的样子
  You're your own person, you're not ashamed of it, 你就是你,你不需要为真正的自己而感到任何羞愧
  and that's your strength. 而且这也是你的优点
  Tell that to the boys at my school. 这话你该跟我那些同学说说
  They're just too busy 他们只是忙着
  trying to figure out who they are to notice. 去搞清楚他们到底是什么样的人
  You may feel like you're falling behind the curve right now, 你也许觉得你现在跟不上他们的队伍
  But trust me, you are way ahead of it. 但是相信我,你领先了他们很多
  Thanks, dad. 谢谢你,老爸
  You know, maybe I just need to change my tactics. Good.  你知道吗,也许我只需要改变一下我的策略,很好
  And deliver my poem in a completely different way. Oh.  然后以完全不同的方式,把我的诗传达给别人,噢
  I need to show Chad and those other boys 我要证明给查德,还有其他男生看
  that you don't need to fight all your battles with your fists. 人生的战斗中,不是只能用你的拳头
  Sometimes you can use the power of rhymed verse. 有时候,你也可以用诗歌韵律来说话
  Okay. Just be smart about it, all right? 好的,反正你自己看着办,好吗
  Don't worry, dad. 不用担心,老爸
  That's who I am. 这就是我
  You guys are missing the gnome's funeral! 你们俩要错过地精的葬礼了!
  I wonder if there's a "La chouffe 2." 我想知道这个片子有没有第二部啊
  Eddie, up now. School. 埃迪,马上起床,去上学
  I heard what you said yesterday, and I get it. 我听了你昨天说的,我也懂了
  Sometimes, I can be a little much. 有时候,我可能太过了
  Sometimes? 只是有时候
  More like... not now. 其实...闭嘴
  Yes, mommy. 好的,妈妈
  I understand now that the only reason 现在我理解了,为什么我在这儿能开心
  why I have any fun around here 唯一的理由是
  is because you're not having any, 你过得不开心
  and that's not fair. 而这完全不公平啊
  That's why I got myself ready this morning. 所以我今早,早早就准备好了
  I even packed my own lunch... six oreos and a tortilla. 我甚至还打包好了午餐...六个奥利奥还有一个玉米饼
  Thank you, Eddie. 谢谢你,埃迪
  Even though I can tell you didn't shower 虽然我知道你昨天没洗澡
  because you smell like a pepperoni pizza, 因为你闻起来一股子香肠披萨饼味儿
  I'm proud of you. 我还是为你感到骄傲
  But that means we're 30 minutes ahead of schedule. 但是这意味着,我们现在多出了30分钟
  Am I the green janitor 32 or the red janitor? 我到底是这个绿门卫还是红门卫
  Neither, mom. You died five minutes ago. 都不是,妈,你5分钟之前就挂了
  You've just been pressing buttons for no reason. 你只是傻不拉叽还在那儿敲键盘
  "And for who but the flowers and the trees  除了花与树,不知为谁
  Doth man speak and sing his many whimsies 33." 男人说着也唱着他的奇怪念想
  Poetry's for 'ginas. 写诗这种事,是娘炮才干的
  "And though a fist may crush and sprain 27,  而就算是拳头,也会被粉碎或扭伤
  There is no weapon like the brain." 而大脑却是最强的武器"
  This poem was written by a clearly sensitive student. 这首诗,明显是一个思想敏锐的学生写的
  Our very own chad. 那就是我们的查德
  Lovely work, chad. 非常棒,查德
  No. 不不不
  That wasn't me, I swear! 这不是我写的,我发誓
  No need to be bashful, chad. 没必要这么害羞,查德
  It was a beautiful poem. 这首诗写的很好
  I really like that poem. 我非常喜欢这首诗
  Me, too. 我也是
  There's real power in rhymed verse. 这韵律里藏了很强大的力量
  Oops. I dropped my pencil. 哦,天,我的笔掉了
  let's go spray-paint some turtles. 我们一起去喷乌龟吧
  Oh, hey, Louis. 哦,嘿,路易斯
  We just got an amazing danish film 我们刚来了一部超棒的丹麦电影
  "Cosette and the gentle clown."  珂赛特和温柔小丑
  It tells the story of a young girl, Cosette, 说的是一个叫珂赛特的年轻女孩的故事
  who leaves her oppressive mining village to apprentice 34... 她离开了那座压迫的小矿村,去拜师...
  I'm renting "Beethoven." 我要租“贝多芬”
  I think maybe you meant to get "Amadeus." 我觉得你是不是要租“莫扎特传”
  That's over in... 那个在...
  No, I didn't. 不是
  I don't want to watch "Amadeus." 我才不想看"莫扎特传"
  "Amadeus" looks boring.  莫扎特传"看起来很无聊
  Just like all the movies you recommend. 就跟你推荐的所有电影一样无聊
  From now on, I'm only renting 从现在开始,我只租
  the kind of movies that I like. 我喜欢的电影
  Movies about animals... Acting...Crazy. 关于动物的电影...动作的...疯狂的
  Whatever, man. Yeah! 随便你咯,老兄,太棒了

1 browsing
v.吃草( browse的现在分词 );随意翻阅;(在商店里)随便看看;(在计算机上)浏览信息
  • He sits browsing over[through] a book. 他坐着翻阅书籍。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Cattle is browsing in the field. 牛正在田里吃草。 来自《简明英汉词典》
2 capers
n.开玩笑( caper的名词复数 );刺山柑v.跳跃,雀跃( caper的第三人称单数 )
  • I like to fly about and cut capers. 我喜欢跳跳蹦蹦闹着玩儿。 来自辞典例句
  • He always leads in pranks and capers. 他老是带头胡闹和开玩笑。 来自辞典例句
3 inspector
  • The inspector was interested in everything pertaining to the school.视察员对有关学校的一切都感兴趣。
  • The inspector was shining a flashlight onto the tickets.查票员打着手电筒查看车票。
4 folly
  • Learn wisdom by the folly of others.从别人的愚蠢行动中学到智慧。
  • Events proved the folly of such calculations.事情的进展证明了这种估计是愚蠢的。
5 rentals
n.租费,租金额( rental的名词复数 )
  • In some large hotels, the income derived from this source actually exceeds income from room rentals. 有些大旅馆中,这方面的盈利实际上要超过出租客房的盈利。 来自辞典例句
  • Clerk: Well, Canadian Gifts is on the lower level. It's across from Prime Time Video Rentals. 噢,礼品店在楼下,在黄金时刻录像出租屋的对面。 来自口语例句
6 invalids
病人,残疾者( invalid的名词复数 )
  • The invention will confer a benefit on all invalids. 这项发明将有助于所有的残疾人。
  • H?tel National Des Invalids is a majestic building with a golden hemispherical housetop. 荣军院是有着半球形镀金屋顶的宏伟建筑。
7 acting
  • Ignore her,she's just acting.别理她,她只是假装的。
  • During the seventies,her acting career was in eclipse.在七十年代,她的表演生涯黯然失色。
8 crave
  • Many young children crave attention.许多小孩子渴望得到关心。
  • You may be craving for some fresh air.你可能很想呼吸呼吸新鲜空气。
9 craves
渴望,热望( crave的第三人称单数 ); 恳求,请求
  • The tree craves calm but the wind will not drop. 树欲静而风不止。
  • Victory would give him a passport to the riches he craves. 胜利将使他有机会获得自己梦寐以求的财富。
10 literally
  • He translated the passage literally.他逐字逐句地翻译这段文字。
  • Sometimes she would not sit down till she was literally faint.有时候,她不走到真正要昏厥了,决不肯坐下来。
11 ethic
  • They instilled the work ethic into their children.他们在孩子们的心中注入了职业道德的理念。
  • The connotation of education ethic is rooted in human nature's mobility.教育伦理的内涵根源于人本性的变动性。
12 buffalo
  • Asian buffalo isn't as wild as that of America's. 亚洲水牛比美洲水牛温顺些。
  • The boots are made of buffalo hide. 这双靴子是由水牛皮制成的。
13 porcelain
  • These porcelain plates have rather original designs on them.这些瓷盘的花纹很别致。
  • The porcelain vase is enveloped in cotton.瓷花瓶用棉花裹着。
14 jug
  • He walked along with a jug poised on his head.他头上顶着一个水罐,保持着平衡往前走。
  • She filled the jug with fresh water.她将水壶注满了清水。
15 mattress
  • The straw mattress needs to be aired.草垫子该晾一晾了。
  • The new mattress I bought sags in the middle.我买的新床垫中间陷了下去。
16 riveting
  • I find snooker riveting though I don't play myself.虽然我自己不打斯诺克,但是我觉得它挺令人着迷。
  • To my amazement,I found it riveting.但令我惊讶的是,我发现它的吸引人处。
17 tentacle
  • Each tentacle is about two millimeters long.每一个触手大约两毫米长。
  • It looked like a big eyeball with a long tentacle thing.它看上去像一个有着长触角的巨大眼球。
18 dealing
  • This store has an excellent reputation for fair dealing.该商店因买卖公道而享有极高的声誉。
  • His fair dealing earned our confidence.他的诚实的行为获得我们的信任。
19 soda
  • She doesn't enjoy drinking chocolate soda.她不喜欢喝巧克力汽水。
  • I will freshen your drink with more soda and ice cubes.我给你的饮料重加一些苏打水和冰块。
20 halfway
  • We had got only halfway when it began to get dark.走到半路,天就黑了。
  • In study the worst danger is give up halfway.在学习上,最忌讳的是有始无终。
21 decided
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
22 epic
  • I gave up my epic and wrote this little tale instead.我放弃了写叙事诗,而写了这个小故事。
  • They held a banquet of epic proportions.他们举行了盛大的宴会。
23 brawn
  • In this job you need both brains and brawn.做这份工作既劳神又费力。
  • They relied on brains rather than brawn.他们靠的是脑力,而不是体力。
24 rogue
  • The little rogue had his grandpa's glasses on.这淘气鬼带上了他祖父的眼镜。
  • They defined him as a rogue.他们确定他为骗子。
25 butt
  • The water butt catches the overflow from this pipe.大水桶盛接管子里流出的东西。
  • He was the butt of their jokes.他是他们的笑柄。
26 vomits
呕吐物( vomit的名词复数 )
  • A baby vomits milk from repletion. 婴儿吃饱会吐奶。
  • An active volcano vomits forth smoke and lava. 活火山喷出烟雾和熔岩。
27 sprain
  • He got a foot sprain in his ankle. 他脚踝受了严重的扭伤。
  • The sprain made my ankle swell up. 我的脚踝扭伤肿了起来。
28 sprained
v.&n. 扭伤
  • I stumbled and sprained my ankle. 我摔了一跤,把脚脖子扭了。
  • When Mary sprained her ankles, John carried her piggyback to the doctors. 玛丽扭伤了足踝,约翰驮她去看医生。
29 awesome
  • The church in Ireland has always exercised an awesome power.爱尔兰的教堂一直掌握着令人敬畏的权力。
  • That new white convertible is totally awesome.那辆新的白色折篷汽车简直棒极了.
30 nagging
adj.唠叨的,挑剔的;使人不得安宁的v.不断地挑剔或批评(某人)( nag的现在分词 );不断地烦扰或伤害(某人);无休止地抱怨;不断指责
  • Stop nagging—I'll do it as soon as I can. 别唠叨了—我会尽快做的。
  • I've got a nagging pain in my lower back. 我后背下方老是疼。 来自《简明英汉词典》
31 owls
n.猫头鹰( owl的名词复数 )
  • 'Clumsy fellows,'said I; 'they must still be drunk as owls.' “这些笨蛋,”我说,“他们大概还醉得像死猪一样。” 来自英汉文学 - 金银岛
  • The great majority of barn owls are reared in captivity. 大多数仓鸮都是笼养的。 来自辞典例句
32 janitor
  • The janitor wiped on the windows with his rags.看门人用褴褛的衣服擦着窗户。
  • The janitor swept the floors and locked up the building every night.那个看门人每天晚上负责打扫大楼的地板和锁门。
33 whimsies
n.怪念头( whimsy的名词复数 );异想天开;怪脾气;与众不同的幽默感
34 apprentice
  • My son is an apprentice in a furniture maker's workshop.我的儿子在一家家具厂做学徒。
  • The apprentice is not yet out of his time.这徒工还没有出徒。
标签: 初来乍到
advanced tactical aircraft
alienate a right
amphipyra deletaiwana
anchor space
arse upwards
automatic-zero buret
axiomatic system
boom slew
CAN cancel
cardiac surgery
cellar milk
critical cross velocity
crush a pot
dbs(direct broadcast satellite)
Drinker method
electromechanical screw time release
Evarts Act
executable files
exhaust feed heater
fatigue of metals
fixed investment trusts
flashing recall
flowing of well
gay-lussac hydrometer
genetic operation
glutamyl cyclotransferase
Goldblatt unit
guttate perthite
heterocladium pilicuspes broth
hume-rothery rule
hydraulic remote control
incoming vector
information visualization
insulated hose
joropo (venezuela)
limit state
lining products
magnesium rhodanate
magnetic-core circuit
motor transport tariff rate
netherlands guianas
neutral chromate solution
new product development process
non return rate
not mince words
on one's behalf
partial combustion
prestress in the radial direction
probe with long water column coupling
public demand theory
reinvested profit
revved up
second growths
spectacle bossing
spooled device
straw board
stunt fliers
synthetic apriorism
tempered bainite
transonic facility
trichophyton megalosporon endothrix
true false test
uncertain factors
US pints
vertical ingot
visual distance
wear resisting property
wheel ore