时间:2018-12-04 作者:英语课 分类:初来乍到第二季


   Look at you boys. 孩子们看看你们

  I can't believe the school year's almost over. 真不敢相信一学年就快结束了
  In fact, stand against the wall. 事实上,过来靠墙站直
  I want to see how much you've grown. 我想看看你们长高了多少
  You've never measured us before. 你之前从没量过我们身高
  Yeah, but the last family who lived here measured their kids. 是啊,但是上个住这儿的家庭会帮他们的孩子量呢
  Let's see how you stack up against 你们来和他们比比看
  Howie, Jack 1, and Kimmy Pozlacek. 波次拉克家的豪伊,杰克和金姆
  What happened to Kimmy? 金姆怎么了
  At a certain point, she just disappeared altogether. 某种程度上来说,她完全失踪了
  Did she go to college? 她上了大学吗
  She was so short. 她真矮
  I'm so proud of you boys. 我真替你们骄傲,孩子们
  Evan's finishing third grade, Eddie seventh, 埃文读完了三年级,埃迪七年级
  And emery's graduating elementary school 埃默里作为五年级的
  As the fifth-grade valedictorian. 致辞学生代表,从小学毕业了
  He gets to give a speech. 他有资格发表演讲
  Okay, let's talk graduation presents. 好吧,来谈谈毕业礼物
  What are you getting me? Can I have jordans? 你会送我什么,一双乔丹鞋吗
  No, we're not getting you 不,我们不会再送你
  Another pair of basketball heels. 一双篮球鞋
  We're getting you something better. 我们将会送你更好的东西
  Yes! Awesome 2! 好啊,太棒了
  By Santa's beard! 太棒啦
  What? 啥
  You are invited to the cattleman's ranch 3 你被邀请到牧场主牛排餐厅
  Rib-eye on the future graduation buffet 4 dinner, 享用里脊牛排“放眼未来”自助晚宴
  Featuring all-you-can-eat chicken. 还有吃多少也不怕的鸡肉
  If it's rib-eye on the future, why are we having chicken? 如果已经有里脊牛排了,我们干嘛还要吃鸡呢
  Because chicken is the steak of the future. 因为鸡肉是未来的牛排
  Wow. 哇哦
  So, our big graduation present 所以,我们的超级毕业礼物
  Is dinner at your restaurant, which we eat at all the time? 就是在你的餐馆里吃晚餐,可这不是我们的日常吗
  That's incredible 5! 太不可置信了
  We'll go to your graduation, then eat after. 我们先去参加你们的毕业典礼,然后再吃
  And you can each invite one friend to bring with you. 你们每人可以再带一个朋友
  Great! I'll invite my friend J.J. 太棒了,我会请我的朋友JJ
  No. J.J.'s too chicken crazy. 不行,他就是个鸡来疯
  And he goes through napkins like wildfire. 他一来就跟龙卷风扫荡一样
  Very well. 很好
  Then I'll invite mommy. 那我要请我妈妈
  Oh, I would love to go with you, my angel. 哦,我十分乐意和你一起去,我的小天使
  Good. That's one less mouth to feed. 好,这样可以少喂一张嘴
  My boo, Alison, is performing at emery's graduation 我的宝贝,艾莉森,会在埃默里的毕业典礼上
  With the Orlando youth orchestra 6. 和奥兰多青年交响乐团一起表演
  We can give her a ride to dinner. 我们可以接她去吃晚餐
  Great. So Eddie's bringing his girlfriend. 棒极了,所以埃迪会带上他女朋友
  Girlfriend?! What girlfriend? 女朋友,什么女朋友
  Um...Alison? 额,艾莉森是吗
  I've mentioned her several times. 我提过好几次了
  I just said "My boo, Alison"? 我刚还说了,我的宝贝,艾莉森
  "Boo"? That's the word of a ghost. 宝贝,什么鬼话
  Eddie, I had no idea you had a girlfriend. 埃迪,我都不知道你有女朋友了
  In fact, I don't understand most of what you say. 事实上,你说的话我基本都听不懂
  Sho' nuff. What? I... 就这样,什么,我
  Don't worry. I met Alison at the fall ball. 别担心,我在秋季舞会上见过她
  She's a great girl. 她是个很好的女孩
  Yeah, mom. You'll love her. 是啊,妈妈,你会喜欢她的
  Really? Think about how many people I love. 真的吗,自己想想我喜欢多少个人
  Do the math. 你自己算算
  Have your brothers help you do the math. 让你的弟弟们帮你算算
  I know, right? Yeah.  我知道,对吧,对啊
  that's what I was saying! 我说得没错吧
  Hey, Alison. Hey, Nicole. 嘿,艾莉森,嘿,妮可
  What's up? Just hanging out.  怎么样啊,闲聊而已
  Talking about something other than a man. 聊聊和男生不沾边的话题
  It's called the Bechdel test. 这是贝克德尔测验
  We learned about it when we were studying feminism. 我们在学女权主义时学到过这个
  We'd tell you more, but we'd fail. 我们想和你说多一点,但还是算了
  Cool, cool. 酷,酷
  So, Alison, my parents are throwing a dinner 那个,艾莉森,我父母正在准备晚宴
  After Emery's graduation, 晚宴会在埃默里毕业之后
  And they said I could bring a date. 他们说我可以带一个伴儿
  Great! I'm so excited to finally meet your mom. 太棒了,能见到你妈妈真是超级激动
  Oh, Mrs. Huang? 哦,黄夫人
  You're gonna love her. 你会喜欢她的
  I hung out with her when I babysat Eddie. 我照看埃迪时和她一起闲聊过
  We were more like co-babysitters. 我们应该算是合作照看吧
  No, she paid me to watch you. 不,她付钱让我来看住你
  Later. 回见
  Don't be nervous. Parents love me— 别紧张,家长都很喜欢我的
  My mom wants me to date a Chinese girl. 我妈妈希望我能和一个中国女孩约会
  What? She said that? 啥,她那样说了吗
  She's been saying that for a long time. 她一直都在说
  If we talk to our baby, he'll learn the sound of our voices. 如果我们和宝宝说话,他会熟悉我们的声音
  Hey, little baby, this is your baba. 嗨,小宝宝,我是你的爸爸
  Uh, that must be your buffalo 7 wings. 啊,一定是你的香辣鸡翅到了
  Be right there! 马上到
  Baby, this is your mother. 宝宝,这是你妈妈
  You're going to date a Chinese girl. 你以后要和中国女孩约会哟
  I thought she'd gotten over that, 我以为她已经放弃这个想法了
  But I guess she didn't understand we were dating. 但我猜她不知道我们在约会
  How can she not understand? 她怎么会不知道呢
  I don't know! 我不知道
  I said you were my boo, my fly girl, my fine shorty. 我说过你是我的宝贝,我的小美女,我的小辣妹
  I don't know how much clearer I could have been. 我已经不知道该怎么说得更明白点了
  So, is she gonna hate me? 所以,她会恨我吗
  I really would love to say no here. 我真的很想否认这个可能
  well, maybe it won't be that bad. 好啦,也许情况不是太坏呢
  I mean, once she meets you at the dinner, I'll bet. No. No way.  我的意思是,如果她在晚宴上见到你,我保证,不,没门
  Now that I know this, I can't meet your mom 现在我知道了,我不能在毕业晚宴上
  For the first time at a graduation dinner. 和你妈妈见第一次面
  It's too much pressure. 压力太大了
  What if I set up a casual hang at my place? 不然我在我家给你们制造一个偶遇吧
  Then you can meet her in a controlled setting! 然后你可以在一个可控的情况下和她见面
  Yeah, that's good. I'll bring her a lemon cake. 是啊,太棒了,我会带给她一个柠檬蛋糕
  Everybody loves lemon cake, right? 谁都喜欢柠檬蛋糕,对吧
  I don't. I wouldn't. 我不喜欢,我不会
  Mnh-mnh. 嗯哼
  There he is, Mr. Valedictorian. 瞧瞧他,毕业生代表先生
  How's your big speech coming? 你的演讲准备得怎么样了
  Great. I thought I'd thank all the people at school 很棒,我觉得我会感谢全校的人
  For being so nice. 谢谢他们如此美好
  I have a question for you. 我有个问题问你
  If Lincoln gave the Gettysburg address 如果林肯发表葛底斯堡演说
  And just said things were "Nice," 只是说一切都很,美好
  Do you think we'd still have slavery? 你认为我们还会有奴隶制吗
  What? 什么
  Speeches have the ability to effect real change. 演讲应该具备影响和改变的能力
  Lincoln knew that. 林肯知道这点
  Guess who else knows that. 猜猜还有谁知道
  Diane Keaton? Me.  黛安·基顿吗,是我
  I am known for my inspirational speeches. 我以励志演讲而闻名
  So let's go out there 所以我们现在就出去
  And let's win one for charlie sheen's brother! 为查理辛的兄弟得下那意义非凡的一分
  Ladies, if we build it, they will come! 女士们,只要我们能建,他们就会来
  As we approach Eddie's third birthday, 当我们接近埃迪第三个生日时
  We should get him the greatest gift of all 我们应该送他最好的生日礼物
  A human sibling 8. 一个弟弟或妹妹
  Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you. 哦,是啊,我忘了告诉你
  I'm already pregnant 9. 我已经怀孕
  Wh— 什么
  There is great power in public speaking, 这就是公共演讲的伟大力量
  If you know how to harness it. 如果你知道如何利用它
  Can you teach me? 你能教教我吗
  I'd be honored. 我的荣幸
  But I'm busy. 但我很忙
  Of course I will! See? 当然我愿意,看到了吗
  In two sentences, I made you feel three feelings— 两个句子,我会让你感受到三种感觉
  Disappointment and elation 10. 失望和得意
  What's the third feeling? 第三种感情是什么
  Curiosity. 好奇
  What do you mean? 你是什么意思
  I don't have a suit. 我没有西装
  I have two blazers, three khakis, 我有两件夹克,三条卡其布裤子
  And six shirts that I mix and match 和六件衬衫,我可以搭配他们
  To create 36 different looks. 来创造三十六种不同的造型
  Isn't a suit complicated to make? 可西装不是很难做吗
  Hmm. I wanted to play video games, 嗯,我想打游戏
  But Alison insisted we have a study date. 但是艾莉森坚持让我们学习
  I guess being with Alison just makes me a better student. 我想和艾莉森在一起让我成为了一个更好的学生
  Does she do C.L.C.? 她有上补习班吗
  Uh, no. Hmm. 没有,嗯
  What are you writing? Nothing.  你在写什么呢,没什么
  Can I talk to you for a second? 我可以跟你聊聊吗
  try not to be too judgmental about Eddie's girlfriend. 试着不要对埃迪的女朋友妄下判断
  I know you want him to date a Chinese girl, 我知道你希望他和一个中国女生约会
  But this is Florida. 但这里是佛罗里达州
  His options are limited. 他的选择很有限
  Well, then he should wait until he goes to college. 好吧,那他应该等到他去了大学再说
  He could find a Chinese girl at northwestern. 他可以在西北部找到一个中国女孩
  Georgia tech. 乔治亚理工大学
  Oh! Right on time. 噢,正好
  That's another thing about Alison—so punctual. 那是艾莉森的另外一个优点,准时
  Um... 嗯
  Oh, hi! You must be Mr. And Mrs. Huang. 噢,你们好,你们一定是黄先生和黄太太
  I'm Alison. 我是艾莉森
  Eddie, you didn't tell me your girlfriend was Chinese. 埃迪,你没有告诉我你的女朋友是个中国人
  Oh! I almost lost my balance from joy. 噢,我都高兴得站不稳了
  hi. Um, have we met before? Because I thought— 嗨,我们之前见过吗,因为我以为
  Oh, yes. We met at the fall ball. 噢,是的,我们在秋季舞会见过
  Nice to see you again, Mr. Huang. 很高兴再见到你,黄先生
  Please, please. Come in. 不用客气,快进来吧
  Louis, you didn't tell me Alison was Chinese. 路易斯,你没有告诉我艾莉森是个中国人
  This is the only surprise you've ever given me 这是你给过我的唯一一个
  That I have liked. 我喜欢的惊喜
  I'd like to present you with a traditional gift of oranges. 我想给你橘子作为一份传统的礼物
  I buy them wholesale 11. 我批发来的
  Yes. 好的
  Eddie, shut the door. Shut the door. 埃迪,关门,把门关上
  Shut the door! Shut the door! 关门,关门
  I'll just put these in the kitchen. 我就把它们放在厨房里吧
  Who are you? 你是谁
  Are you Eddie? Yes. 你是埃迪吗,是的
  I'm Audrey, Alison's friend from youth orchestra. 我是奥德丽,艾莉森青年弦乐团的朋友
  Call her. She'll explain everything. 打电话给她,她会解释的
  Alison, I have so many questions for you. 艾莉森,我有好多问题要问你
  Where do you live? Where is your family from? 你住在哪儿,你的家人是从哪儿来的
  Well, uh, we live near Thornton park, 好吧,我们住在桑顿公园
  Which is right over by... 就在
  Um, are you crying? 你为什么在哭
  I've been waiting for you. 我在等你
  Come on. Come on. Let's go. 进来,进来,我们走吧
  I'm sorry! 我很抱歉
  Why is there a Chinese girl here saying she's you? 为什么有个中国女孩声称她是你
  I freaked out. 我太惊慌了
  All that talk about your mom got in my head, 我脑子里全是关于你妈妈的话
  So I sent my friend Audrey. 所以我叫我朋友奥德丽来
  She Pleddie, get off the phone! In orc you're being rude!  她会... 埃迪,放下电话,你这样做是非常不礼貌的
  And lose the bowls on the table. 而且你会错过吃饭的
  I'm gonna put out the good chips. 我准备拿出好吃的那种薯条
  I'm gonna tell her the truth. This is crazy! 我要告诉她实情,这太疯狂了
  No, you can't! She'll hate me even more! 不,你不能,她会更讨厌我的
  Well, what was your plan? 好吧,你的计划是什么
  I didn't have one! I panicked! 我没有计划,我很害怕
  Hey, Eddie. Uh, Alison wanted to talk to you. 嘿,埃迪,艾莉森想和你说话
  That's not Alison. Whew. 她不是艾莉森,那就好
  I didn't want to say anything. 我什么都不想说
  I'm usually great with faces. 我对面部表情的理解很有一套
  Me, too. 我也是
  Do you use the eyes-mouth method 你是通过眼睛和嘴看出来的
  Or the most prominent feature? 还是看最明显的外貌特征
  Both of you, shut your eyes-mouth. 你们两个都闭嘴
  No one cares. 没有人在意
  Is that Audrey? Say hi for me. 那是奥德丽吗,替我问好
  Alison says hi. 艾莉森向你问好
  Tell her, "Hi, Al." 告诉她,你好艾莉森
  Your mom wanted me to tell you to come join us in the kitchen. 你妈妈叫我告诉你到厨房来加入我们
  She's gonna make dumplings while I quiz you with flashcards. 她要边包饺子,边看我考你学习抽认卡
  I have to go deal with this. 我必须要处理一下这个
  Okay, but promise me you won't say anything. 好吧,但你必须保证我不会说出来
  We'll figure something out tomorrow at school. 我们明天去学校再想办法
  Fine. 好吧
  So, quick quesh— 那么,我有个问题
  That's not Alison. 那不是艾莉森
  She panicked and sent her friend Audrey. 她害怕了所以叫她的朋友奥德丽来
  I knew it wasn't her. 我就知道这不是她
  I'm good with faces. I use the mouth-chin method. 我很会看脸色的,我通过嘴和下巴看出来的
  Perfect? Look at this sleeve. 刚刚好?看这袖子管
  Can we move some of this over here? 我们可以把这里的袖子分点到那里吗
  That's not even a real ruler. That's bubble tape. 但那甚至不是真正的尺子,那是口香糖胶带
  Well, I hope you're happy. My mom loves you. 你现在开心了吧,我妈妈很喜欢你
  She does?! 是吗
  Oh. Right. That's not good. 噢,好吧,那不是很好
  Having a Chinese girl come to my house and pretend she's you? 让一个中国女孩到我家来假扮你
  This is untenable, dawg! 这是站不住脚的
  "Untenable"? 站不住脚
  I learned it from Audrey's flashcards. 我从奥德丽的卡片里学来的
  It was a long night. 那是一个漫长的夜晚
  I'm sorry. 我很抱歉
  I just really wanted your mom to like me. 我只是希望你妈妈能喜欢我
  I get it. But we have to come clean. 我明白,但是我们应该坦白
  Come over tonight. We'll tell my mom it was a joke. 你今晚来吧,我们会告诉我妈妈这只是一个玩笑
  I'll introduce you, pop in a movie, 我会通过一部电影介绍你
  And boom—problem solved. 就这样嘭一下,问题解决
  A movie? How is that gonna fix anything? 一部电影,一部电影能解决什么
  My mom's a huge Denzel fan. 我妈是丹泽尔的超级迷妹
  I was saving "Malcolm x" For when I did something really bad, 我本来准备把《马尔科姆·艾克斯》留到我犯大错的时候用的
  Like turn our van into a low-rider. 比如像把我家车变成一部拉风摩托车
  But these are desperate times. 但是这一次已经到绝境了
  And now, your valedictorian, 现在,你们的致辞代表
  Emery...Emery... Emery...Emery... 埃默里,埃默里,埃默里
  Huang...Huang... Huang...Huang. 黄,黄,黄,黄
  That's your cue 12. 到你上场了
  Oh. Great. 噢,棒极了
  Wait. 等等
  Where are your visual aids? Your charts? Your props 13? 你的教具在哪,图表呢,还有你的小道具
  I don't have any. 我没准备啊
  Emery, you don't just speak to people's ears. 埃默里,你不是仅仅对着观众的耳朵说话
  You speak to their eyes. 你还应该在他们眼前展示
  Give me your speech. I'll show you how it's done. 把你的稿子给我,我给你展示一下
  "Good afternoon, palms elementary school." 下午好,棕榈树小学
  I'm sorry. I can't do this. 不好意思,我做不来
  Dad, that's my speech! 老爸,这是我的演讲稿
  Dad! I had prepared some remarks, 老爸,我的确准备了一些话语
  But instead, I'm going to speak from the heart. 但是现在,我要说出自己的心里话
  And then the real speech is on your hand. 其实真正的演讲稿在你的手心
  Ohh. That's good. Mm-hmm. 噢,这招不错,嗯哼
  And you swapped 14 out my speech with the pages you ripped 15 up. 你事先把我的演讲稿和你撕掉的那份换掉了
  Right? 对吧
  Hey, what's that alien's name? 嘿,那个外星人叫啥来着
  You ready? 准备好了吗
  I'm ready. 准备好了
  Hello, mother. 嘿,妈妈
  Funny story. Eddie!  有意思吧,埃迪
  Hi. Your mom called and invited me to play mahjong. 嘿,你妈妈邀请我来打麻将
  She insisted that I come over. 她执意让我过来
  Insisted. 执意
  I love this girlfriend of yours, Eddie. 我超爱你这个女朋友,埃迪
  She never feeds grandma any good tiles 16. 她从来不给你奶奶任何好牌
  Who's this? 这是谁
  Hi. I'm, uh— 嗨,我是,呃
  She's, uh, selling girl scout 17 cookies. 她是,呃,来推售曲奇饼干的
  Cookies? Cookies? 曲奇要吗,要吗
  Nope, we're all good. 不,我们不需要
  Thanks, stranger! See yourself out! Bye-bye! 谢了,陌生人,不送了,拜拜
  Eddie! 埃迪
  You didn't ask Alison if she wanted cookies. 你都不问一下艾莉森她要不要来点曲奇
  Alison? 艾莉森
  Do you have anything lemon? 你有柠檬吗
  I love lemon. 我超爱柠檬
  Hi, Eddie. 嗨,埃迪
  Change your mind about those thin mints 18? 想再来点干薄荷饼干了是吗
  I'm sorry. I just—my mom looked so happy. 对不起,我,我老妈那时候看起来玩得很开心
  I don't know. I just panicked. 我也不懂,我一时乱了阵脚
  Where's Audrey? Still at my house.  那奥德丽现在在哪,还在我家
  I said I had to go to the bathroom, 我跟他们说我要去上厕所
  Turned on the water, and crawled out the window. 然后我就打开水龙头,从窗户爬出来了
  Eddie, hurry up! 埃迪,快点啊
  Are you in line for the bathroom? 你也要排队上厕所吗
  Yeah. I like waiting in line. 是呀,我喜欢排队
  It's like being in a really slow parade. 这就像在一个很慢很慢的游行里面行走一样
  You know what I hate? Line cutters. 你知道我讨厌什么吗,插队的人
  You know who they're really cutting? 你知道他们其实插的是谁的队吗
  Themselves. Themselves.  他们自己的,他们自己的
  Come on! 快点啊
  Your mom's so happy with Audrey. I'd just be a disappointment. 你妈妈对奥德丽很满意的样子,我其实也有点失望
  I guess tomorrow at your brother's graduation, 可能明天在你弟弟的毕业典礼上
  We just pretend we don't know each other. 我们只能假装不认识对方了
  Yeah, I guess. 是啊,只能这样了
  Well, I better get going. 哎,那我先走了
  If the water bill's too high, we all get grounded. 如果这个月水费太高了,我们都得被禁足了
  What a crowd. 真是人山人海啊
  I don't know which I like more, the pomp or the circumstance. 排场还是环境,我自己都不知道我更喜欢哪个呢
  Alison! Alison! 艾莉森,艾莉森
  we need to get your girlfriend some pork bone stew 19, 我们得给你女票送点猪骨炖汤
  Help her hearing. 有助听力
  Alison! Hey. Hi, Eddie. Hi, Reba. 艾莉森,嗨,嗨,埃迪,嗨,丽巴
  I heard about your dating mess. 我听说你的对象乌龙事件了
  It's the talk of the band. 现在乐队传得沸沸扬扬
  Sounds like the whole thing's fubar. 感觉整个事情都乱成一团了
  Fudged up beyond all Reba. 我丽巴从来不轻信谣言
  Have a nice summer. You, too. 祝你暑假愉快,你也是
  Hopefully when I get back, you'll have realized... 希望等我回来,你能明白
  Poison. Poison. 毒药,毒药
  Reba. 丽巴
  Why aren't you wearing your new suit? 你怎么不穿你的新西装呢
  Good question. 问得好
  Why aren't I wearing my new suit, grandma? 奶奶,我为什么没有穿我的新西装呢
  Welcome to the palms elementary school class of 1996 graduation! 欢迎参加棕榈树小学1996级毕业典礼
  And before we begin, a quick announcement. 在我们正式开始之前,说一个简短的通知
  Uh, Billy Sanders, I've just been informed 呃,比利·桑德斯,我刚接到通知
  That you got a "D" On your last art project, so... 你的美术课程最终成绩是D所以
  You let us down, Billy! 你让我们很失望哦,比利
  Okay! 好了
  Please give a warm welcome to your valedictorian, Emery Huang! 请大家用最热烈的掌声有请出我们的毕业生代表,埃默里·黄
  Yeah, that's my boy! 耶,那是我家儿子
  Good afternoon. 大家下午好
  Fourscore and three semesters ago... 八十三个学期之前
  I'm sorry. I can't do this. 抱歉,我做不到
  He's doing it. 他真这么做了
  I'd prepared a speech, 我准备了一份演讲稿
  But instead I wanted to speak from the heart. 但是我更想说出我的心声
  So, I'd like to take a few moments 所以,我想用这几分钟的时间
  To recognize the people 告诉大家
  Who helped me become the person I am—my family. 是我的家人,帮助我成长为现在你们眼中的我
  My dad for giving me the confidence 我的爸爸,给了让我迈出
  To come out of my shell. 象牙塔的自信
  My grandma. 我的奶奶
  And my little brother, Evan, 还有我的小弟,埃文
  For teaching me that class comes in all sizes. 他教会了我,同学们各有各的长处
  He said my name in the microphone. 他在麦克风里说出了我的名字耶
  I'm famous! 我这下出名了
  And my mom for always wanting what's best 还有我的妈妈,总是想为我们兄弟仨
  For me and my brothers. 争取最好的东西
  And my brother Eddie 还有我哥哥,埃迪
  For being honest and always speaking his mind. 他总是心无城府,为人耿直
  And thank you to everyone else who supported me. 最后,谢谢所有支持我的人
  You've all been real, real nice. 你们都是非常非常善良的人
  That's not my girlfriend! I don't like your girlfriend!  那不是我女票,我不喜欢你女朋友
  And now a medley 20 by the Orlando youth orchestra. 现在,有请奥兰多少年管弦乐团为大家演奏混成曲
  Wait. I thought you loved my girlfriend. 什么,我以为你很喜欢那个女生
  She's perfect. 她很完美
  I just didn't realize how boring that would be. 我只是没想到和她相处会这么无聊
  She's like tofu. 她就像豆腐一样
  She absorbs flavor. Got none of her own. 会吸收其它的口味,但是自己却没有独特的味道
  You need someone with more personality, Eddie. 你需要和更有个性一点的女生在一起,埃迪
  Like you. 就像你一样
  I'm confused. 我被你搞晕了
  She's not your girlfriend? 她不是你女朋友吗
  No. The real Alison freaked out 不是,当我告诉真的艾莉森
  When I told her you wanted me to date a Chinese girl. 你想让我找个中国女孩的是,她被吓到了
  I suppose you don't have to date someone who is Chinese. 我想你不一定得和中国人谈恋爱
  She just has to act Chinese in here. 她只要打心底像中国人就行了
  So, if the girl I met isn't your girlfriend, then who is? 这么说,如果我见到那个女孩不是你女朋友,那你女朋友是谁
  The one playing 2pac on the piccolo. 正在吹第二段短笛的那个女生
  First-chair piccolo. 首席短笛手耶
  Whoo! 哇
  And now I'd like to introduce our next valedictorian, 现在,让我们有请下一位学生代表
  Chica Cohen. 琪卡·科恩
  Next valedictorian? 下一个学生代表
  At our school, everyone is valedictorian 在我们学校,每个人都是学生代表
  So they don't feel left out. 这样他们就不会觉得落后于别人啦
  They're pal-edictorians. 他们是致告别词次优生
  Hi, mom! 嗨,妈妈
  Oh, oh, that's— that's the light, dear. 噢,噢,那是,那是灯,亲爱的
  Oh, okay. 噢,好了
  Hi, mom! It's me—Chica! 嗨,妈妈,是我呀,琪卡
  So, in order to make a good first impression, 于是,为了给我留下好的第一印象
  You used a Chinese double— very clever. 你叫了个中国女孩来替你,很聪明
  It's exactly what I would have done. Thank you.  换我我也会这么做,谢谢
  So, how did you get so good at piccolo? 说说,你怎么这么会吹短笛
  Practice. 练习
  To be honest, I started playing 说实话,我起初是因为看中了
  Because there are a lot of unclaimed piccolo scholarships. 短笛奖学金都没人拿,所以才开始学的
  Yes. 是啊
  Mom, are you ever gonna let me talk to Alison? 妈妈,我还让不让我跟艾莉森说话了呀
  Be a gentleman and go get us some more chicken. 绅士去给我们拿点鸡肉来
  You have to start training them young. 这些都得从小培养
  Okay. 好吧
  Eddie, I'm gonna need you to take it easy on the thighs 21. 埃迪,你少拿一点鸡腿
  We're running low. 鸡腿快没有了
  I'm sorry, but the good food is for graduates only. 不要意思哦,这些好菜只有毕业生可以拿
  Thanks for everything, dad. 谢谢你为我做的一切,爸爸
  Your "Tearing up the speech" Trick worked. 你那招“撕演讲稿”很奏效哦
  No, it didn't. 没有啦
  I could tell you weren't reading the speech off your hands. 我看得出你没有把演讲词抄在手上
  I'm sorry. 抱歉
  In the moment, everything I'd written just didn't feel right. 那时候,我写下来的那些东西都不是我的心里话
  I had to use my own words. 我得用自己的话完成那个演讲
  An off-the-cuff emotional speech? 即兴演讲吗
  Even Lincoln had to write his down. 就连林肯都得把演讲稿写下来
  You're a natural. 看来你是那块料
  Hmm. Maybe one day you could teach me something. 嗯,也许哪天你可以教教我
  I'd be honored. 我会很荣幸的
  But I'm busy. 可是我很忙
  See what I did there? I like what you did.  看到了吧,我喜欢这招
  Hi, Emery. 嗨,埃默里
  Thanks for inviting 22 me to be your date. 谢谢你邀请我来当你的女伴
  Thanks for saying yes. 谢谢你能来
  We have so many shared interests. 我们之间有这么多的共同爱好
  Is that chicken? 那是鸡肉吗
  Jessica. 杰西卡
  She's really going to town on those thighs. 她快要把鸡腿拿光了
  Why can't emery find a nice girlfriend, like Eddie did? 为什么埃默里就不能像埃迪一样找个好女朋友呢
  Grandma? What's going on? 奶奶,怎么了
  M'mommy, shall we hit the buffet? 我的妈妈咪,可以邀你一起享用自助餐吗
  Nice suit. 西装真帅气
  I can't believe I've never seen "Malcolm x." 真不敢相信我从没看过《马尔科姆·艾克斯》
  You know, in ancient roman times, 你知道吗,在古罗马时代
  His name would have been Malcolm 10. 他的名字得写成马尔科姆·十
  Denzel looks good in glasses. 丹泽尔戴眼镜的样子真帅
  Is there a Mrs. X? 有没有X夫人呢
  Yeah. Betty Shabazz. 有啊,贝蒂·莎贝斯
  She went on to become an educator and civil rights leader. 她后来成为一个教育家和民权领导家了
  Oh. Malcolm x sure can give a speech. 噢,马尔科姆·X演讲肯定很厉害
  Malcolm x wasn't afraid to bring the hammer down 当马尔科姆·X路见不平时
  When he saw a great injustice 23. 不惧挑战权威
  Which brings me to the water bill. 这让我想起了我们家水费单
  Go! Run! Go, go! 走,快跑,快,快

1 jack
  • I am looking for the headphone jack.我正在找寻头戴式耳机插孔。
  • He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tyre.他用千斤顶把车顶起来换下瘪轮胎。
2 awesome
  • The church in Ireland has always exercised an awesome power.爱尔兰的教堂一直掌握着令人敬畏的权力。
  • That new white convertible is totally awesome.那辆新的白色折篷汽车简直棒极了.
3 ranch
  • He went to work on a ranch.他去一个大农场干活。
  • The ranch is in the middle of a large plateau.该牧场位于一个辽阔高原的中部。
4 buffet
  • Are you having a sit-down meal or a buffet at the wedding?你想在婚礼中摆桌宴还是搞自助餐?
  • Could you tell me what specialties you have for the buffet?你能告诉我你们的自助餐有什么特色菜吗?
5 incredible
  • Some planets run at incredible speed.某些星球以难以置信的速度运行着。
  • Her answer showed the most incredible stupidity.她的回答显示出不可思议的愚蠢。
6 orchestra
  • He plays the violin in an orchestra.他在管弦乐队中演奏小提琴。
  • I was tempted to stay and hear this superb orchestra rehearse.我真想留下来听这支高超的管弦乐队排练。
7 buffalo
  • Asian buffalo isn't as wild as that of America's. 亚洲水牛比美洲水牛温顺些。
  • The boots are made of buffalo hide. 这双靴子是由水牛皮制成的。
8 sibling
  • Many of us hate living in the shadows of a more successful sibling.我们很多人都讨厌活在更为成功的手足的阴影下。
  • Sibling ravalry has been common in this family.这个家里,兄弟姊妹之间的矛盾很平常。
9 pregnant
  • She is a pregnant woman.她是一名孕妇。
  • She is pregnant with her first child.她怀了第一胎。
10 elation
  • She showed her elation at having finally achieved her ambition.最终实现了抱负,她显得十分高兴。
  • His supporters have reacted to the news with elation.他的支持者听到那条消息后兴高采烈。
11 wholesale
  • The retail dealer buys at wholesale and sells at retail.零售商批发购进货物,以零售价卖出。
  • Such shoes usually wholesale for much less.这种鞋批发出售通常要便宜得多。
12 cue
  • When she coughs,it's my cue to come onto the stage.她一咳嗽,就是给我暗号出场。
  • The actor missed his cue and came onto the stage late.这演员错过了向他发出的提示,上场晚了。
13 props
小道具; 支柱( prop的名词复数 ); 支持者; 道具; (橄榄球中的)支柱前锋
  • Rescuers used props to stop the roof of the tunnel collapsing. 救援人员用支柱防止隧道顶塌陷。
  • The government props up the prices of farm products to support farmers' incomes. 政府保持农产品价格不变以保障农民们的收入。
14 swapped
交换(工作)( swap的过去式和过去分词 ); 用…替换,把…换成,掉换(过来)
  • I liked her coat and she liked mine, so we swapped. 我喜欢她的外套,她喜欢我的外套,于是我们就交换了。
  • At half-time the manager swapped some of the players around. 经理在半场时把几名队员换下了场。
15 ripped
n.瓦片,瓷砖( tile的名词复数 );扁平的小棋子
  • The wind dislodged one or two tiles from the roof. 大风从屋顶上刮下了一两片瓦来。
  • On both slopes of the roof there are broken tiles. 屋顶的两面斜面都有破瓦片。 来自《简明英汉词典》
16 scout
  • He was mistaken for an enemy scout and badly wounded.他被误认为是敌人的侦察兵,受了重伤。
  • The scout made a stealthy approach to the enemy position.侦察兵偷偷地靠近敌军阵地。
17 mints
薄荷( mint的名词复数 ); 铸币厂; 薄荷糖; 巨额(的钱)
  • Taxes were regularized, tariffs lifted, private mints abolished and the debased currency restored. 税收调整了,关税提高了,私人造币厂废除了,贬值货币恢复了。 来自英汉非文学 - 文明史
  • Rough-surfaced mints without surfactant did not create such large fountains. 由粗糙表面的薄荷糖们没有表面活性剂的话不会有那么大的喷泉。
18 stew
  • The stew must be boiled up before serving.炖肉必须煮熟才能上桌。
  • There's no need to get in a stew.没有必要烦恼。
19 medley
  • Today's sports meeting doesn't seem to include medley relay swimming.现在的运动会好象还没有混合接力泳这个比赛项目。
  • China won the Men's 200 metres Individual Medley.中国赢得了男子200米个人混合泳比赛。
20 thighs
n.股,大腿( thigh的名词复数 );食用的鸡(等的)腿
  • He's gone to London for skin grafts on his thighs. 他去伦敦做大腿植皮手术了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The water came up to the fisherman's thighs. 水没到了渔夫的大腿。 来自《简明英汉词典》
21 inviting
  • An inviting smell of coffee wafted into the room.一股诱人的咖啡香味飘进了房间。
  • The kitchen smelled warm and inviting and blessedly familiar.这间厨房的味道温暖诱人,使人感到亲切温馨。
22 injustice
  • They complained of injustice in the way they had been treated.他们抱怨受到不公平的对待。
  • All his life he has been struggling against injustice.他一生都在与不公正现象作斗争。
标签: 初来乍到
affective computing
agathen acid
auger signal intensity
backward direction
beyond the horizon
Bizet, Georges
boring micrometer
bridge cut off test
calconcarboxylic acid
character release
choke cable
clip-holding forceps
Committee for State Security
continuous record
conveyer screw drive shaft
cross point noise
diifuse peritonitis
dosimeter kit
educational simulation edusim
electromagnetic rotation
epilachna maxima
ethylsiliconic acid
gaetanus minor
gastric lavage
Hylomecon japonica
ice skating rink
infiltration leakage
intermediate store
international dual economy
laelaps myonyssognathus
long-path interferometry
main hauling line
male students
medium-sized vein
Mount Juliet
nabalus serpentariuss
non-cyclic phosphorylation
oil flash
on one's time
orchitis variolosa
pop - up menu
processing plus memory element
progressive failure
puerto la victoria (puerto casado)
pulp flume
receiving cashier
reusable equipment
Rutherford scattering
Sarlath Ra.(Sarlat Ghar)
selected area electron diffraction image
service area
shell freezing
stomocnidae nematocyst
strip canker
superior longitudinal sinuses
syracosphaera rotula
tepary bean
threephase potential transformer
two-four time
two-on-one injector
unslaked limes
video board
washing water pump
Washita County