标签:第二季 相关文章
-Sheldon:Okay, that's question 20. You have to guess. 好,这是第20问了,你得猜猜看。 -Penny:I don't know, Sheldon. Are you Star Wars? 我不知道,Sheldon你扮演的是星际大战? -Sheldon:How can one person be a whole movie?
-Howard:Grow up, Raj. There's no place for truth on the Internet. Internet:因特网 别天真了Raj,真相在因特网上是无处容身的。 Just go. I'll catch up with you. catch up with:追上 你们先走,我等会儿就来。 -Leonar
We knew it, we got it. I knew it, I saw it! 我们知,我们行。我早知,我已见。 Is this how you imagined it when you were laughing at all the dumb-dumbs on Cupcake Wars? 你嘲笑上节目的傻蛋们时,有想到过此情此景吗?
Kick. 用力踢 Okay, so, I'll drop you off at work, 我先载你上班 Go to the dry-cleaners, 去拿干洗的衣服 And then take the Robertsons to go see some condos. 然后带罗伯森一家人去看公寓 Sorry. What's the plan? Oh, don't forget
1995 has been a big year for the Huang family. 1995年,对黄家来说是不平凡的一年 We moved from D.C. To Orlando 我们从华盛顿搬去奥兰多 because of my dad wanted to open his own restaurant. 因为我老爸想开一间他自己的餐
Raj: I hate trains. 我讨厌火车。 -Sheldon: Don't be ridiculous, you love trains. ridiculous: 荒谬的,可笑的 少胡说八道,你喜欢火车的。 -Raj: Yes, I do. Come on. See you later, Leonard. 好吧,是的来吧,回头见,Leo
你在我身后唠叨的话 我就跳 If you were standing behind me nagging, I might. 别跟你母亲顶嘴 Don't talk back to your mother. 这个太危险了 拉杰 This trip is much too dangerous, Rajesh. 不是的 No, it's not. 霍华德 告诉他们
神探夏洛克第二季第一集_1 你是谁? 吉姆莫里亚蒂 'Who are you? Jim Moriarty. 再见 'Bye! 咨询罪犯 'Consulting criminal. 我一直非常享受我们间的小游戏 'I have loved this, this little game of ours. 有人为此死了 人
神探夏洛克第二季第一集_15 老天 千万别告诉我 你是打电话来祝圣诞的 dear Lord, we're not going to have Christmas phone calls now, are we? 通过什么新法律了吗? Have they passed a new law? 你们今晚应该会找到艾琳
-Howard:Okay. Are you from the Star Wars universe? universe:宇宙 好吧,你是来自星战吗? -Leonard:Yes. 是的。 -Howard:Were you in the original trilogy? original:原版的,原作的 trilogy:三部曲 你是星战原三部曲
-Sheldon:Smell that? 闻到没? That's the smell of new comic books. comic:连环漫画 新漫画书的味道。 -Howard:They're on me today, boys. 哥们,今儿个都算我账上。 -Raj:You're paying? 你付钱? Have you been selling your
神探夏洛克第二季第三集_21 不 Nah. 你是普通人 You're ordinary. 你是普通人 你站在正义的天使一边 You're ordinary. You're on the side of the angels. 也许我是站在天使一边 Oh, I may be on the side of the angels, 但你
Max, you look insanely good. 麦克斯,你今晚真美。 Thanks. Now, maybe you could repeat that to your wife, and where is she? 谢谢夸奖。要不要把这句话对你老婆复诵一遍啊,她人呢? We never got married. 我没有跟她结
There's my cute boyfriend. Hey. How did everything go at spike's liquor? 我可爱的男人来啦。去酒店买酒的过程如何? Well, I got a little bit confused about what charity we're pretending to help, 我去买的时候有点搞不清我们
Hi, everybody. Sophie's here! 各位乡亲。苏菲驾到啦! And look at my new coat. It's double-breasted. 瞧我的新狐皮大衣。是双巨乳呢。 Pretty nice, huh? It was a gift from me. 很不错吧?是我送的礼物呢。 It's the onl
And I'll have the BLT with the french fries. 来一份培根生菜三明治加薯条。 Miss? I think our waitress is asleep. 小姐?我们的服务员好像睡着了。 Yeah, she's tired. We haven't slept a lot lately. 是啊,她很累,我们最