音标:['wɒ:tә] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 水, 雨水, 海水, 水位, 水面, 流水
vt. 给...浇水, 供以水, 注入水, 使湿
vi. 流泪, 流口水, 加水
a. 水的, 水上的, 水生的, 含水的
n. binary compound that occurs at room temperature as a clear colorless odorless tasteless liquid; freezes into ice below 0 degrees centigrade and boils above 100 degrees centigrade; widely used as a solvent
n. once thought to be one of four elements composing the universe (Empedocles)
n. a liquid necessary for the life of most animals and plants
v. supply with water, as with channels or ditches or streams
词型变化:名词复数形式 : waters ; 过去分词 : watered ; 现在分词 : watering ; 第三人称单数 : waters ; 过去式 : watered



  1. The rain water drips from the roof.雨水从屋顶滴下来。
  2. I satisfied my thirst with a glass of water.我喝了一杯水解渴。
  3. Oceania is a separate landmass, but it is separated from Asia by very shallow water.大洋洲是一块单独的陆地,但它与亚洲之间只隔着很浅的海域。
  4. The rain water drips from the roof.雨水从屋顶滴下来。
  5. The sea water foams under the bow.海水在船首下面泛起浪花。
  1. You can water the flowers every three days.你可以每三天给花浇一次水。
  2. The valley is watered by a stream.这山谷有一条小溪流过。
  3. The owner of the pub was accused of watering the beer.有人指责酒店老板在啤酒里搀水。
  4. The smoke made my eyes water.烟使我的眼睛流泪。
  5. They stopped to water the horses.他们停下来让马饮水。


  1. The water can be drunk.那些水可以喝。
  2. Water is changed into steam by heat and into ice by cold.水加热后变蒸汽,冷却后结冰。
  3. Dry earth absorbs water quickly.干土吸水很快。
  4. She mingled water with alcohol.她把水和酒精混合在一起。
  5. Oil and water do not readily combine.油和水不易混合。
  6. Flowers will die without water.没有水,花就会枯死。
  7. Flowers will live longer if you put them in water.花放在水中可以活得久一些。
  8. First prepare the rice by washing it, then cook it in boiling water.先淘米做好准备,再放在沸水里煮。
  9. Burns and scalds can often be treated with cold water.烧伤和烫伤往往可用冷水治疗。
  10. Don't throw out your dirty water before you get in fresh.清水未来,莫泼脏水。
  11. He scalded his hand with hot water.他被沸水烫伤了手。
  12. The water was turned off for several hours a day during the drought.在干旱时,每天有几小时停止供应自来水。
  13. The houses in this village are without water.这个村子里家家户户都没有自来水。
  14. More and more water was gathering in the swamp.沼泽地里的水越积越多。
  15. She fell in the water and drowned.她落水淹死了。
  16. The boat slid down the bank into the water.小船顺着堤岸滑进水中。
  17. They took off their clothes and leaped into the water.他们脱掉衣服纵身跳入水中。
  18. He was casting stone into the water.他正在把石头抛进水里。
  19. The fisherman cast his net into the water.渔夫将网撒入水中。
  20. She dived into the water and swam towards him.她跳进水中向他游过去。
  21. He struggled to the surface as the water dragged him down.他从使他下沉的水中竭力挣扎,想浮出水面。
  22. The branches hung down and touched the water.树枝下垂,触及河面。
  23. The boat draws six feet of water.这船吃水六英尺深。
  24. High water will be at six o'clock.6点钟将有高潮。
  25. They will send the goods by water.他们将由水路运送这批货物。
  26. Let's go by water this time.这次我们就走水路吧。
  27. There is a vast expense of water over there.那边有一大片水域。
  28. The waters of the lake flow out into the Yangtze River.这湖水流入扬子江。
  29. Let's drink the waters.让我们喝一点矿泉水吧。
  30. They drank mineral waters.他们饮用矿泉水。
  31. He is taking the waters at a sanatorium.他正在一家疗养院里作矿泉疗养。
  32. We are going to the Baths of Tang Shan to take the waters.我们正要到汤山浴场去做矿泉浴。
  33. Of course, no country has the privilege of fishing in our coastal water.当然,在我国的领海内没有一个国家有捕鱼的特权。
  34. There was water in her eyes.她流泪了。
  35. He saw that she was not only in labour, but that birth was imminent, she had already broken water.他察觉到她已有了阵痛,就要生孩子了,因为她的羊水已破。
  36. Don't pour cold water on their optimism.别给他们的乐观情绪泼冷水。
  37. He spends money like water.他挥金如土。
  38. All his efforts are written in water.他的一切努力却已成为泡影。
  39. He is still in deep waters.他仍在困难中。
  40. Still waters run deep.静水流深,大智若愚。
  1. They were watering on the streets.他们正在街上洒水。
  2. A ship waters before sailing.船在启航前先加淡水。
  3. Her eyes watered a little at the words.听了这话,她的眼睛都有点湿润了。
  4. The smell from the kitchen made his mouth water.厨房来的气味使他淌口水。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. She is watering the sunflowers.她正给向日葵浇水。
  2. It's very dry, we must water the roses.天气很干燥,我们必须给玫瑰花浇水。
  3. They were watering the street.他们正在街道上洒水。
  4. He watered the wine before drinking it.他加水稀释葡萄酒后再喝。
  5. 1
  6. The Shanxi plain is watered by the Fen River which runs through it.山西平原由流经这里的汾河灌溉。
  7. The valley is continuously watered by the melting snow from the mountains.群山融化的雪不断流经山谷。
  8. This milk has been watered.这牛奶已被掺水了。
  9. Have the horses been fed and watered?给马匹喂食饮水了吗?


water down (v.+adv.)
    削弱; 使打折扣; 使缓和 weaken the potency or effectiveness of; dilute; softenThe teacher had to water down the course for a slow-learning class.教师不得不降低课程的要求以迁就慢班的学生。


用作名词 (n.)
  • absorb water吸水
  • add water添水
  • administer water管理水
  • agitate water摇动水
  • boil water煮(沸)水
  • channel water引水(浇地)
  • cut off water断水
  • disturb water搅动水
  • drain water from让水从…排出
  • drain off water排水
  • draw water for a bath放水洗澡
  • draw water from a well从井里汲水
  • drink water饮水
  • empty water倒干水
  • excrete water排水
  • fetch water打水来
  • filter water过滤水
  • hold water盛得住水,言之有理
  • immerse in water浸在水中
  • infest water寄生于水中
  • ingest water吸水
  • lead the water引水
  • live in (the) water生活在水里
  • make water漏水
  • muddy the waters把水搅混
  • obtain water获得水
  • pacify water使水域静下来
  • partake of water喝光水
  • play with water玩水
  • plunge into water跳进水里
  • pollute water使水受污染
  • pour water倒水
  • pour out water倒出水
  • pump water抽水
  • run water for a bath放水洗澡
  • shut off water断水
  • soften water使水质软化
  • store water贮藏水
  • travel by water走水路,乘船
  • make water小便,撒尿
  • pass water撒尿
  • cross the waters渡过海洋
  • abundant water充足的水
  • acid water酸性水
  • azure water碧水
  • bickering water潺潺流水
  • bitter water苦水
  • black water黑水
  • bleak water阴冷的水
  • blessed water福水
  • boiled water开水
  • boiling water沸腾着的水
  • brackish water含盐水,稍咸的水
  • broken water断流
  • burning water高温水
  • calm water平静的水面
  • chanting water欢唱的水
  • clear water清澈的水
  • climbing water逐渐上涨的水
  • cold water冷水
  • coastal waters沿海水域
  • crystal water清澈的水
  • curative water有疗效的矿泉水
  • darkening water变黑的水
  • dead water死水
  • deep water深水
  • defensive waters防御水域
  • distilled water蒸馏水
  • dreamy waters朦胧的水域
  • drinkable water饮用水
  • enough water足够的水
  • fetid water臭水
  • filthy water污水
  • fragrant water香水
  • fresh water淡水
  • glassy water清澈的水
  • glistering water闪光的水
  • green water绿水
  • hard water硬水
  • heavy water重水
  • hidden water地下水
  • honeyed water蜜水
  • hot water热水
  • hurrying water流速急的水
  • hydrant water自来水
  • iced water冰水
  • idle water无用的水
  • impounded water贮备供灌溉用水
  • landlocked water内陆水
  • clean water干净水
  • limpid water清澈的泉水
  • living water活水
  • lonely water荒凉的水域
  • low water低潮
  • meager water贫乏的水
  • medicinal water药水
  • milky water浊水
  • mineral water矿泉水
  • muddy water泥水,污浊的水
  • natural water天然水
  • odorous water有气味的水
  • pellucid water清澈的水
  • piped water自来水
  • polluted water被污染了的水
  • precious water宝贵的水
  • pure water纯净的水
  • running water自来水,流动的水
  • safe water(能)安全(饮用)的水
  • salty water有咸味的水
  • soft water花露水
  • still water静水
  • sufficient water充足的水
  • sweet water淡水
  • unclear water不清澈的水
  • warm water温水
  • waste water废水
  • dangerous waters危险的水域
  • narrow waters狭窄的海面
  • ice water冰水
  • rain water雨水
  • rose water玫瑰香水
  • salt water咸水,盐水
  • sea water海水
  • service water工业用水
  • snow water雪水
  • toilet water润肤水
  • fishing waters钓鱼场
  • water ballet水上芭蕾
  • water main自来水总管道
  • water pipe水管
  • water project水工程
  • water resources水资源
  • water tower水塔
  • by water由水路(运送)
  • a basin of water一盆水
  • a body of water一片水
  • a bottle of water一瓶水
  • a bowl of water一碗水
  • a glass of water一杯水
  • the drops of water水花
  • the surface of the water水面
  • under water在水下
  • in deep water陷入困境
  • in hot water处于困境
  • water in the river河里的水
  • water of a lake湖水
  • water on the brain脑积水
  • water under the bridge往事烟云
用作动词 (v.)
  • water the flowers给花浇水
  • water the street在街道上洒水
  • water constantly不断地浇水
  • water daily每天浇水
  • water diligently勤奋地浇水
  • water faithfully忠诚地浇水
  • water patiently耐心地洒水
  • water down掺水于,用水把…冲淡,削弱,使缓和
  • water the story down冲淡故事的生动性
  • water down the wine在酒中掺水


  • Surface water percolating downwards..comes into contact with hot magma.

    出自:P. Francis
  • Cardiff was flooded, and firemen were called to pump water away.

  • Flat meadowland, watered by slow winding rivers.

    出自:I. Colegate

to hold water water off a duck's back it makes my mouth water 这一课里我们再要讲两个和水,也就是和 water 这个字有关的词汇。第一个是 to hold water。 To hold water 按字面

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in hot water to throw cold water on something 英语里有好些习惯用语都和“水”,就是water这个字有关系。有的用:hot water;还有的用:cold water or deep water。在英语里

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Reading water meters in an unfamiliar part of town, I came upon a house with no number. Then I noticed an elderly man gardening at the first house on that block.

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LONDON, July 22 (Xinhua) -- The captain on the US water polo team, Anthony Azevedo believes that his side can go one better than the silver medal that they won in Beijing four years ago and win the gold medal in London. Beijing saw the US defeated by

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Reading water meters in an unfamiliar part of town, I came upon a house with no number. Then I noticed an elderly man gardening at the first house on that block. Excuse me, I said to him. Are you Number One?He smiled and replied, My wife thinks so!No

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Water对人的身体来说是非常重要的。在英语里,有一些和water有关的短语非常奇怪但又很形象。下面,就让我们就看看其中三个和water 有关的表达吧。 1. To hold water 站得住脚,说得通 按字面解释

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A lot Much water has run under the bridges since.
Ainsliaea chapaensis
analog-to-digital (a/d)conversion
anti-downdraught terminal
arbitrate a dispute
Arch Henda
automatic knock-off timing motion
bearing oil hole
bose gas statistics
builder pattern
chaulmoogra tree
configuration data control
conflicts of interest
daughter card
DBD (data base definition)
differential operator of the first kind
disk piston blower
dispatch in
double current signaling
downtown street
dyed white
enlargement of the liver
exchangeable bases
file conditioning indicator
focal distance of the monochromater
free water exchange zone
gas-evolving liquid
general sandhi
generator on charge
Geranium shensianum
grid control centre
head ... off
hydrojet boat
information publish
Japan Industrial Standard
Jim Crow laws
kinaesthetic sense
level of awareness
lighted straight channel beacons
linked control
major excommunication
Medical Lake
model of gear
nucleoside kinase
oxide depletion zone
plasma arc welder
plated thru-board
psoriatic arthritis
quasi-center of action
reciprocal form
regeneration heat exchanger
Romantic Movement
screw type chain cable compressor
sealyham terriers
single-roll breaker
spatial beating
stamp box
straightforward circuit
strain insulator
subfamily garrulinaes
subtropical belt
suppressed frequency band
the weather man
three-dimensional television
tongue stud
torn between something and something
transparent audio coding
vehicle weight