音标:[ʃeik] ; 柯林斯词典等级:4 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 摇动, 震动
vt. 摇动, 动摇, 使震动, 挥舞
vi. 震动, 发抖, 动摇
v. move or cause to move back and forth
v. move with or as if with a tremor
v. undermine or cause to waver
v. get rid of
词型变化:过去式 : shook ; 现在分词 : shaking ; 过去分词 : shaken ; 第三人称单数 : shakes ; 名词复数形式 : shakes



  1. Give the bottle a couple of shakes before pouring the juice.倒果汁前,先把瓶子摇几下。
  2. He shook his head in disapproval.他摇了摇头表示反对。
  3. His voice shook with fear.他害怕得声音发抖。
  4. It's time to shake out the red flag.是把这面红旗打开的时候了。
  5. She reached out her hand and offered to shake his.她伸了手去,想和他握手。
  6. When people meet,they shake hands as a token of friendship.人们相逢的时候
  1. He finished the bottle of wine in a shake.他片刻功夫就把一瓶酒喝完了。
  2. The old man was all of a shake at the news.听到这个消息,老人浑身直发抖。
  3. You should give him a fair shake.你应该对他待之以诚。


  1. I gave my purse a shake, and a coin fell out.我摇了一下钱包,掉出一枚硬币。
  2. She gave the rug a good shake.她用力抖掉小地毯上的尘土。
  3. One shake of the stick scared the dog away .棍棒一摇动就把狗吓跑了。
  4. He gave the child a shake.他摇了摇孩子。
  5. Papa dismissed the idea with a shake of his head.爸爸摇了摇头打消了这个想法。
  6. He refused my request with a shake of his head.他头一摇拒绝了我的要求。
  7. The shake of the speaker's hands betrayed his nervousness.发言者双手颤抖,可见他很紧张。
  8. I began to get the shakes just thinking about the test.一想到考试我就开始紧张不安。
  9. He has strong shake.他握起手来很有力。
  10. The president welcomed the visitors with a hearty shake.校长用热情的握手欢迎来访者。
  1. The earth was shaking.地球在震动。
  2. Why are all the windows shaking?窗子为什么抖动?
  3. We felt the house shaking.我们感到房子在颤动。
  4. The house shakes when a train goes by.火车经过时房子会摇动。
  5. I felt the ship shake and toss.我感到船在颠簸。
  6. The rough road made the cart shake.坑坑洼洼的道路使大车颠簸不停。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. In his anger he grasped the child and shook him violently.愤怒之下,他抓住孩子狠命地摇。
  2. Don't shake your fist at me.不要对我挥舞拳头。
  3. He shook salt onto his food.他把盐撒到自己的食物上。
  4. The doctor shook her head.那医生摇摇她的头。
  5. He refused to shake hands with me, just to spite me in public.为了公开羞辱我,他拒绝和我握手。
  6. The two men shook each other by the hand.那两个人握了握手。
  7. The thief managed to shake the police.那个小偷设法摆脱了警察。
  8. The experience shook him badly.这一经历使他大为震惊。
  9. The mining disaster shook the town.这场矿难使全城震动。
  10. His mother's death had shaken him dreadfully.他母亲的死对他打击很大。
  11. As magnificent as high mountains and surging rivers, the song shakes the earth.这歌声气壮山河,震撼寰宇。
  12. The explosion shook the house to its foundations.这一爆炸连地基都受到震动。
  13. It shook his religious faith seriously.这严重动摇了他的宗教信仰。
  14. 1
  15. A sheet of metal was shaken to simulate the noise of thunder.摇动一块金属片来模拟雷声。
  16. Nuts showered down when the tree was shaken.摇动这棵树时,坚果纷纷落下。
  17. Her head was shaken by the doctor.那位医生摇动她的头。
  18. She was too shaken after being assaulted to report the incident to the police.她遭到强暴后失魂落魄,竟没有向警方报案。
  19. This medicine must be shaken before taking.服此药前应摇匀。
  20. My belief, my confidence is shaken.我的信仰,信心被动摇。
  21. They were much shaken at the news.他们对此消息感到震惊。
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. + adj.
  1. The little boy shook himself free of his mother's grasp.那个小男孩扭动身子从他的母亲手里挣脱出来。
  2. The dog shook himself dry.那条狗把自己抖干。
  3. Vibrations shook the panel loose.仪板表震松了。


a fair shake
    公正、合理的安排,均等的机会 just or reasonable arrangement; fair chance
in a couple of shakes〔in two shakes (of a lamb's tail)〕
    马上,立刻 in a moment; very soon
no great shakes
    并非很好,不太有效,不怎么适合,没什么了不起 not be very good, efficient, suitable, etc.
shake down (v.+adv.)
    〈主美·口〉彻底搜查 search sth thoroughlyshake down

    The contents of the packet may shake down in travelling.


    shake sth ⇔ down

    You don't have to climb the tree, it may be possible to shake the apples down.


    shake down

    You'll soon shake down in your new job.


    shake sb ⇔ down

    This looks like a good neighbourhood, we can shake down every small shopkeeper in the street for at least 100 dollars.


    shake sth ⇔ down

    The police had to shake down every building in the street before they found the gunman.


shake off1 (v.+adv.)
    摆脱(麻烦,烦恼等),医治好 get rid of, free oneself from trouble, illness, etc.shake sth ⇔ off

    The horse moved its tail to shake off the flies.


    Angrily, she shook off his hand.


    shake sb/sth ⇔ off

    After a three-mile chase through the woods, he was able to shake off the police.


    By running very hard he managed to shake off his pursuers.


    The dog flew at me, but I shook it off.


    shake sth ⇔ off

    I can't seem to shake off this fever,I've had it all winter.


    How am I to shake off a way of thinking that I have had for thirty years?


shake off2 (v.+prep.)
    从…抖掉,甩掉 remove sth from sth by shakingshake sb/sth off sth

    With a violent movement, he shook his attacker off his back.


    He stamped his feet to shake the snow off his boots.


    The earthquake shook the picture off the wall.


shake out (v.+adv.)
    彻底改组 reorganize sth thoroughlyshake sth ⇔ out

    Turning his trousers upside down, she shook out a lot of coins.


    I'm trying to shake the dust out.


    shake sth ⇔ out

    Don't forget to shake the pockets out before you take your coat to the cleaner's.


    shake sth ⇔ out

    It's time to shake out the flag.


    If you shake the sheets out, they will lie flatter.


    shake out

    Tell the men to shake out as they cross the field.


    shake sth ⇔ out

    The committee needs to be shaken out to get rid of some of the older members.


shake out of (v.+adv.+prep.)
    使(某人)受到震动而改变(其思维方法等) change (sb) from (a way of thinking) with a shockshake sth out of sth

    Wait a minute,I want to shake some of this water out of my boots.


    shake sb out of sth

    Violent exercise might help to shake him out of his feeling of self-pity.


    She needs a strong adviser to shake her out of her usual way of thinking.


shake up (v.+adv.)
    使振作起来 shock sb into activityshake sth ⇔ up

    Shake up the salad-dressing before you put it on.


    shake sth ⇔ up

    Mother ran round the room shaking up all the cushions when the door-bell rang.


    shake sb ⇔ up

    The bad news shook me up.


    Did that lightning shake you up?


    No one was hurt, but many of the passengers were severely shaken up by the accident.


    shake sb ⇔ up

    That lazy boy need shaking up and being made to think for himself.


    We've got to shake up all these people with old-fashioned ideas.


shake with (v.+prep.)
    由于…而发抖 move the body in very quick waves caused by (cold or a strong feeling)shake with sth

    Her voice shook with emotion.


    The children waited outside the school, shaking with cold.


    The prisoner shook with fear as he faced the court.


    Her hands were shaking with nervousness as she admitted her fault to the group.



用作名词 (n.)
  • get the shakes发抖
  • give sth a shake摇一下某物
  • have the shakes使劲摇
  • put sb on the shake向某人勒索钱财
  • dubious shake含义不明的摇头
  • fair shake公平交易
  • great shake平凡
  • hearty shake亲切的握手
  • impatient shake不耐烦的摇头
  • impressive shake难忘的握手
  • nervous shake紧张的颤抖
  • respectful shake尊敬的握手
  • strong shake有力的握手
  • weary shake疲倦的摇头
  • a fit of the shakes打哆嗦
  • with a shake摇头
  • a shake of the head摇一下头
  • one shake of the stick棍棒的摇动
用作动词 (v.)
  • shake a foot跳舞
  • shake apples摇下苹果
  • shake building震动楼房
  • shake hands握手
  • shake head摇头
  • shake leaves摇树叶
  • shake one's coat脱去外衣
  • shake one's head摇头
  • shake sand抖沙子
  • shake sides捧腹大笑
  • shake snow抖雪
  • shake stick挥棍子
  • shake the bad habit除去坏习惯
  • shake the bad influence摆脱坏影响
  • shake the chair摇椅子
  • shake the company to its foundations动摇该公司的基础
  • shake the dust抖去尘土
  • shake the house震动房子
  • shake the press摆脱新闻报道
  • shake the rain抖雨水
  • shake the sand抖去沙子
  • shake the snow抖去雪
  • shake one's belief动摇信仰
  • shake one's confidence动摇信心
  • shake one's determination动摇决心
  • shake one's religion动摇宗教信仰
  • shake one's testimony动摇证词
  • shake the economy动摇经济
  • shake energetically使劲地摇
  • shake furiously愤怒地挥动
  • shake inwardly向内摇
  • shake quickly快速地摇动
  • shake rudely粗鲁地摇动
  • shake vehemently使劲地摇
  • shake vigorously大力改组
  • shake violently猛烈震动
  • shake warmly热情地挥动
  • shake well摇匀
  • shake away抖掉
  • shake the earth away抖掉泥土
  • shake down把…摇落下来,适应,敲诈
  • shake the fruit down摇落果实
  • shake off摆脱,抖掉,推掉(责任),抛弃
  • shake off a bad habit改掉坏习惯
  • shake off cold治愈感冒
  • shake out摇开,抖开,抖掉
  • shake out a sail扬帆
  • shake up搅动,摇动,摇匀,使(人)振作
  • shake up a bottle of medicine摇匀药水
  • shake up a cushion抖松靠垫
  • shake down for the night临时借宿
  • shake down in a new environment适应新的环境
  • shake out of使摇落,抖掉
  • shake head at对…摇头(表示不赞成)
  • shake head at the idea对这个建议摇头
  • shake sb by the shoulder抓住某人的肩膀猛摇
  • shake from使摇落,抖掉
  • shake sth from a tree把…从树上摇落
  • shake sth off clothes把衣服上的…抖掉
  • shake head over对…摇头(表示不赞成)
  • shake with因…而发抖
  • shake with cold冷得发抖
  • shake with fear害怕得发抖
  • shake with laughter捧腹大笑


  • It seemed to have given a shake to memory, calling up notice after notice.

    出自:C. Lamb
  • Jim..gave her hand a very British shake.

    出自:R. Bagot
  • A refusal..indicated by a smiling shake of the head.

    出自:B. Vine
  • He gave his shoulders a slight shake.

    出自:A. Tyler
  • The long light shakes across the lakes.

  • The..pine-forests which shake In the wind.

    出自:C. S. Calverley

Shake and Shake Come on everybody Gather around Grab our parachute And shake it on down Were gonna shake And shake and shake And shake Were gonna shake And shake and shake AndSTOP Hey everybody That was really good Now lets get it movin Dont you thin

发表于:2018-12-08 / 阅读(144) / 评论(0) 分类 Gymboree金宝贝早教歌曲

11.I Never Know When to Shake Hands 我该什么时候握手 A: I have a real problem when I meet people. B: What is it? Maybe I can help. A: I never know when to shake hands and when not to. Can you tell me something about it? B: Do you come from

发表于:2018-12-28 / 阅读(98) / 评论(0) 分类 突破英文对话

A: All the furniture in the store is on sale today? A: 店里所有的家具全都减价卖出吗? B: Yeah. The whole place is packed. You\'d better shake a leg before it\'s all gone. B: 是呀! 整个地方(店)都挤满人了。你最好在它们卖光

发表于:2019-01-08 / 阅读(119) / 评论(0) 分类 美国俚语

Florence And The Machine新单Shake It Out超清MV首播 Florence And The Machine新单Shake It Out超清mv首播!网络媒体Pitchfork Media评论这首歌是最佳新歌:这首比起Lungs所有的歌曲都很华丽,很美!主唱Florence Wel

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音乐咖啡厅:Nadia Oh - Shake It 相关介绍:原名Nadia Oates的Nadia Oh,出名于她为两大王牌美剧绯闻女孩和丑女贝蒂唱作的2曲热门单曲Got Your Number和N.A.D.I.A. O.H.。充满电子气息的流行歌唱曲目俨然成为

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To shake a leg To pull one's leg 美国的成语和俗语,也和其他语言一样,有许多都是由身体各个部份的名称组成的。例如:To follow your nose是指

发表于:2019-01-14 / 阅读(200) / 评论(0) 分类 美国习惯用语

今天要讲的习惯用语共有这样一个关键词 : shake。 Shake这个词最常用的意思是摇动或者震动,而且shake既可以当动词也可以作名词。例如,在今天要学的第一个习惯用语里shakes就是名词,而且

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今天要讲的习惯用语里都有一个关键的单词,那就是fair 。 Fair这个单词有好几种意思,但是在我们今天要讲的习惯用语里,fair是指合理,正确,公正。 我们来给大家介绍第一个习惯用语:f

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He and his coworker, Sheila, were at Shake Shake in Brooklyn. They had both ordered cheeseburgers, fries, and shakes. He had ordered a coffee shake. She had ordered a chocolate shake. Their buzzer sounded. He went to the pick-up counter. He brought t

发表于:2019-01-22 / 阅读(91) / 评论(0) 分类 英文短篇故事(纽约)

BEIJING, Aug. 19 (Xinhua) -- Basketball teams from China and the United States shook hands late Thursday after a brawl during a friendly game, Vice Foreign Minister Cui Tiankai said Friday. Chinese coaches and players saw the American team off at the

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发表于:2019-02-03 / 阅读(161) / 评论(0) 分类 美国习惯用语

狂野的肢体语言 Metro Station - Shake It Let's drop! Yeah, come on Shake, shake I'll take you home if you don't leave me at the front door Your body's cold but girl we're getting so warm And I was thinking of ways that I could get inside Tonigh

发表于:2019-02-03 / 阅读(111) / 评论(0) 分类 好听的英文歌曲

在shake a leg这个习惯用语里,shake显然是个动词,照字面意思看shake a leg就是晃动一条腿。我们看下面的例子来捉摸习惯用语shake a leg是什么意思吧。这是大学生在叫醒早上贪睡不起的室友Bob。注

发表于:2019-02-09 / 阅读(124) / 评论(0) 分类 美国俚语

fair shake 公平待遇;公平处理(或交易),诚实对待,以诚相见 Shake这个词和其他英语单词一样有不同的解释。大家都很熟悉的意思肯定是shake hands, 握手,在这里shake是一个动词。但是,在fair s

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饶舌:Bow Wow - Shake it 相关介绍 : Bow Wow,原名Shad Gregory Moss,1987年3月9日出生在Ohio州的Columbus市。人称新千禧年嘻哈王子,天生就有当歌手的禀赋,饶舌技巧了得(3岁时便能够进行说唱,并因此

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Shake It是流行摇滚团体Metro Station发行的第三张单曲,收录于他们的同名首张大碟《Metro Station》中。Shake It是他们的第一首打入单曲榜的歌曲,在美国单曲榜上排名第十,在加拿大单曲榜排在第四。 在最新一期英国单曲榜上,Shake It冲到了第六名的位置。 Artist:Me

发表于:2019-02-20 / 阅读(122) / 评论(0) 分类 英文摇滚歌曲

今天一起来看看 OMG美语 最棒的音乐节目!Any music that makes you want to get up and dance is booty shakin' music! Shake your booty! 所有让你想跳起来的音乐就是booty shakin' music! 很HIGH的音乐!

发表于:2019-02-20 / 阅读(104) / 评论(0) 分类 OMG美语

He was in Manhattan visiting his mom. They took a walk to Madison Square Park. They saw many people in line for Shake Shack. He said, This place must be good. Let's try it. She said she had never eaten there. He said, Well, it'll be a new taste treat

发表于:2019-02-22 / 阅读(164) / 评论(0) 分类 英文短篇故事(纽约)

Let's drop! Yeah, come on Shake, shake I'll take you home if you don't leave me at the front door Your body's cold but girl we're getting so warm And I was thinking of ways that I could get inside Tonight you're falling in love, let me go now This fe

发表于:2019-03-02 / 阅读(122) / 评论(0) 分类 好听的英文歌曲

Florence And The Machine单曲Shake It Out!网络媒体Pitchfork Media评论这首歌是最佳新歌:这首比起Lungs所有的歌曲都很华丽,很美!主唱Florence Welch的声音和鼓的运用都去到高峰,很美的歌曲。 Regrets

发表于:2019-03-04 / 阅读(261) / 评论(0) 分类 好听的英文歌曲
active hydrogen compounds
alcohol duty
an old one
angled fiber
arks of the covenant
banking interface
be down for a count of
box condenser
cargo line system
centre-of-gravity disturbance
Chadyr-Lungskiy Rayon
Coccinia indica
consumer watchdog
credit manage
crosservice country service
dead rubbers
desperata phthisis
disseminated microthrombus
eliminating delays
escape with one's life
express money order
field locking
foam extinguishing agent
forward estimation
happy marriage
inner potential
intermolecular relaxation
item sale
limb of electromagnet
major offensive
mandrel stroke limiter
mod chip
mount the ladder
multiphonon scattering
nominal capacity of chemical tank
optic papilla (or papilla of optic nerve)
partus precipitatus
place des vosges
polypodium scouleris
potato belt conveyer
profile broaching
Restore button
runaway reactor
scratch strength
secondary float feed
single-cage fast hoist
soil evaporimeter
space weather
surface electromagnetic wave
take cognizance of
tautologous sentence
tax subsidy
thalassia testudinum
variable-block format
von Euler
xinjiang uighur autonomous regions
Zea mays L. var. indurata Sturt.