The lion is often called the king of beasts. 狮子通常被称作百兽之王, His height varies from three to four feet, and he is from six to nine feet long. 身高从三英尺到四英尺不等,身长六至九英尺, His coat is of a yellow

发表于:2019-01-17 / 阅读(84) / 评论(0) 分类 美国语文第四册

Boys, if you have nothing to do, will you unpack these parcels for me? 小伙子们,如果你们没什么事做,能不能请你们给我打开这些包裹? The two parcels were exactly alike, both of them well tied up with good whipcord. 两个包

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Come to the sunset tree, 来到落日树旁, The day is past and gone; 白天一去不复返; The woodman's ax lies free, 伐木工的斧头随意躺着, And the reaper's work is done; 收割者的工作已经完成; The twilight star to heav

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Across the lonely beach we flit, 我们掠过寂寞的海滩, One little sandpiper and I, 我和一只小矶鹞, And fast I gather, bit by bit, 我快速地捡拾着,一点一点, The scattered driftwood, bleached and dry. 散落的浮木,发

发表于:2019-01-17 / 阅读(89) / 评论(0) 分类 美国语文第四册

When they met again the widow's son did not appear, 当开学后再见面时,寡妇的儿子没有出现。 and the farmer's son, being next to him, might now have been at the head of his class. 富农的儿子因为成绩紧随其后,可以成为班

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This, from her size and symmetry, greatly increased her value. 从它的体型大小和体格匀称程度来看,这样的年龄无疑大大增加了它的价值。 The gentleman said, I will give you eighty tomans, (nearly two hundred and fifty dol

发表于:2019-01-17 / 阅读(64) / 评论(0) 分类 美国语文第四册

Before the stout harvesters falleth the grain, 在强壮的收割机割断庄稼之前, As when the strong stormwind is reaping the plain, 当猛烈的暴风席卷平原大地, And loiters the boy in the briery lane; 男孩在荆棘密布的小路上

发表于:2019-01-17 / 阅读(85) / 评论(0) 分类 美国语文第四册

A little girl nine years of age was brought into court, 九岁的小女孩走上法庭, and offered as a witness against a prisoner who was on trial for a crime committed in her father's house. 作为一个证人,她将要指证一个受审的罪犯

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Now Hugh was a boy of very frank disposition, and had never been known to tell a lie in all his life. 休是个性格坦率的男孩,从来没撒过谎。 Nor did he tell one now, but confessed that he had run away from school on account of his gre

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Le Vaillant (the celebrated French traveler and naturalist) was the first who gave us any exact account of the form and habits of the giraffe. 勒.瓦扬(法国著名旅行家和博物学家)是第一个为我们精确描述长颈鹿的外形和生

发表于:2019-01-17 / 阅读(63) / 评论(0) 分类 美国语文第四册

Two young, near-sighted fellows, Chang and Ching, 常和庆是两个年轻的近视眼, Over their chopsticks idly chattering, 饭桌上闲谈时, Fell to disputing which could see the best; 争执起谁的眼力好, At last, they agreed to put

发表于:2019-01-17 / 阅读(96) / 评论(0) 分类 美国语文第四册

The elephant is the largest of quadrupeds; 大象是四蹄动物当中最大的; his height is from eight to fourteen feet, and his length, from ten to fifteen feet. 高八到十四英尺,长十到十五英尺。 His form is that of a hog; his ey

发表于:2019-01-17 / 阅读(109) / 评论(0) 分类 美国语文第四册

Annie looked, and saw a multitude of tiny forms moving swiftly around, their numbers increasing as the heat of the fire increased. 安妮看过去,只见无数微小的身形在水盆里敏捷地移动着,随着炉火越来越热,他们数量也不

发表于:2019-01-17 / 阅读(88) / 评论(0) 分类 美国语文第四册

Our bachelor uncle who lived with us was a quiet, genial man, much given to hunting and fishing; 与我们全家共同生活的鳏夫叔叔沉默寡言,性情温和,打猎或垂钓占据他生活中大多时光, and it was one of the pleasures

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The poor man was immediately released from confinement, his accounts returned, and the mistake pointed out. 倒霉的税务官很快从监狱里释放出来,他的账目亦已返还,他的错误自然得到纠正。 During his imprisonment, which

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Mr. H. says, Ha! Steward, how are you, my old boy? How do things go on at home? 你好!管家,最近好吗?老伙计。家里都还好吗? Steward says, Bad enough, your honor; the magpie's dead. 实在太糟了,尊贵的主人,家里那只

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I live for those who love me, 我为那些爱我的人活着, Whose hearts are kind and true; 那些人,心地善良无比真诚; For the heaven that smiles above me, 我为天空里爽朗笑声活着, And awaits my spirit, too; 它们,似乎

发表于:2019-01-17 / 阅读(79) / 评论(0) 分类 美国语文第五册

Providence had many years before taken from her her eldest son, 很多年前,上帝带走了她的大儿子。 who went from his forest home to try his fortune on the high seas, since which she had heard no tidings of him; 那年,他离开了森林

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The old lady appeared to forget Polly, at the end of her speech; 说话末了,老太太似乎忘了波莉,她坐在那里, for she sat patting the plump little hand that lay in her own, 忘神地轻轻拍着握在她手里那只丰润的小手,

发表于:2019-01-17 / 阅读(108) / 评论(0) 分类 美国语文第五册

How does the water come down at Lodore? 洛多瀑布的水,怎么落下的呢? My little boy asked me thus once on a time; 曾经一次,年幼的儿子问我, And, moreover, he tasked me to tell him in rhyme. 甚至特别要求,用韵律节奏

发表于:2019-01-17 / 阅读(94) / 评论(0) 分类 美国语文第五册