In the water, their ideal element, I must say these animals swim wonderfully thanks to their flexible backbones, narrow pelvises, close-cropped hair, and webbed feet. 我得说,它们在海水里面生活环境优越,这些脊骨活动,骨盘狭窄

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Made of solid ivory, without striations, harder than elephant tusks, and less prone to yellowing, these teeth are in great demand. 是人们争求的珍品。因此这些海马受到意外过度的猎龋不久就要被消减到最后阶段了, Acco

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It was an arduous climb over sharp lava and pumice stones in the midst of air often reeking with sulfurous fumes from the smoke holes. 我们是在充满喷火口所发出的流磺气体的大气中,沿着尖利的火石和浮石的石层,作艰苦

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DURING THE NIGHT of March 13-14, the Nautilus resumed its southward heading. 在8月13日至14日夜间,诺第留斯号航行的方向还是往南。 Once it was abreast of Cape Horn, I thought it would strike west of the cape, make for Pacific sea

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I stared at Ned Land, whose motives were easy to guess. 我眼光盯着尼德兰,他的意图很容易了解。 Because, I said, if I can trust my hunches, if I truly understand the captain's way of life, his Nautilus isn't simply a ship. 因为,我

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Gives us the quotient of 625. 所得的数是六百二十五。 Which is tantamount to saying that the air contained in the Nautilus would be exactly enough for 625 men over twenty-four hours. 这就是说,诺第留斯号所有的空气可以供应六

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Aristotle put the dimensions of one squid at five cubits, or 3.1 meters. 亚历士多德曾经确证过一条长3.1米的枪乌贼。 Our fishermen frequently see specimens over 1.8 meters long. 我们现在的渔夫也经常看到一些长超过1.8米

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Yet, Conseil asked me, doesn't master believe in gigantic devilfish? 那么,康塞尔问我,先生也不相信有大型章鱼吗? Yikes! Who in Hades ever believed in them? the Canadian exclaimed. 哎!鬼才相信呢!加拿大人喊道。 M

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Aristotle put the dimensions of one squid at five cubits, or 3.1 meters. 亚历士多德曾经确证过一条长3.1米的枪乌贼。 Our fishermen frequently see specimens over 1.8 meters long. 我们现在的渔夫也经常看到一些长超过1.8米

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Chapter 18 The Devilfish 第十八章 章鱼 For some days the Nautilus kept veering away from the American coast. 几天来,鹦鹉螺号船只总是一直避开美洲海岸, It obviously didn't want to frequent the waves of the Gulf of Mexico or

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DURING THE PERIOD in which these developments were occurring, 这些事件发生的时候, I had returned from a scientific undertaking organized to explore the Nebraska badlands in the United States. 我正从美国内布拉斯加州的贫瘠地区做

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Rifles! What for? Don't your mountaineers attack bears dagger in hand? And isn't steel surer than lead? Here's a sturdy blade. Slip it under your belt and let's be off. 枪支:有什么用?你们山中人不是手拿短刀去打熊吗?钢刀不比

发表于:2019-01-27 / 阅读(112) / 评论(0) 分类 《海底两万里》中英双语有声读物

On February 9 the Nautilus cruised in the widest part of the Red Sea, measuring 190 miles straight across from Suakin on the west coast to Qunfidha on the east coast. 2月9日,诺第留斯号浮出在红海最宽阔的一部分海面上,海面的西

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Surely, but of great use to the world at large, Captain Nemo said. 不错,不过对全世界很有用。船长回答, The ancients well understood the usefulness to commerce of connecting the Red Sea with the Mediterranean, but they never dreamed

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AT SUNRISE the next morning, February 12, the Nautilus rose to the surface of the waves. 第二天,2月12日,天一亮的时候,诺第留斯号就浮出水面。 I rushed onto the platform. The hazy silhouette of Pelusium was outlined three mil

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I think as master does, Conseil replied, and it's extremely possible that after crossing every sea on the globe, Captain Nemo will bid the three of us a fond farewell. 在这个世界上,有始必定有终。我跟先生的想法一样,康塞尔回

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That's how we ended this conversation, which later was to have such serious consequences. 这次谈话谈到这里就结束了,后来发生很严重的后果。 At first, I must say, events seemed to confirm my forecasts, much to the Canadian's des

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THREE SECONDS before the arrival of J. B. Hobson's letter, I no more dreamed of chasing the unicorn than of trying for the Northwest Passage. 在收到何伯逊部长的信之前三秒钟,我还像不愿意去北冰洋旅行一样不愿意去追逐海

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Conseil! I called a third time. 康塞尔!我第三次叫他。 Conseil appeared. 康塞尔出来了。 Did master summon me? he said, entering. 先生,叫我吗?他进来的时候说。 Yes, my boy. Get my things ready, get yours ready. We're de

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AT THIS SHOUT the entire crew rushed toward the harpooner-commander, officers, mates, 一听到这喊声,全体船员,从舰长、军官、水手长, sailors, cabin boys, down to engineers leaving their machinery and stokers neglecting their furn

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