Stroeve hid his face in his hands and swayed backwards and forwards, groaning. Was she conscious? 施特略夫用手捂着脸,一边前后摇晃着身体,一边呻吟。她那时候还有知觉吗? Yes. Oh, if you knew how she's suffering! I ca

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She ceased to be a woman, complex, kind and petulant, considerate and thoughtless; she was a Maenad. She was desire. 她不再是一个女性了,不再是一个性格复杂的女性既善良又乖戾,既谨慎又轻率;她成了迈那德(希腊

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It showed an eagerness for adventure, a readiness for the hand-to-mouth, 这说明了她喜欢追求冒险,肯于忍饥耐劳; which the care she took of her home and her love of good housewifery made not a little remarkable. 后一种性格从她过

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she wore the same gray dress that she wore so often, neat and becoming, 穿的是过去经常穿的一件灰衣服,前额光洁明净, and her brow was as candid, her eyes as untroubled, as when I had been used to see her occupied with her househ

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I wanted to kill him, and I only made a fool of myself. 我要杀死他,结果却徒然使自己出丑。 He was silent for a long time, and then he said what I knew was in his mind. 他沉默了半晌,最后他说出的我知道是郁积在他心里

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Chapter 29 第二十九章 I kept silence for a little while, thinking of what Stroeve had told me. I could not stomach his weakness, and he saw my disapproval. 我沉默了一会,思索着施特略夫对我讲的事情。我无法忍受他这种懦弱

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If I've done anything to offend you I beg you to forgive me. Give me another chance. I'll try harder still to make you happy. 如果我做了什么事惹恼了你,我求你原谅我。再给我一次机会吧。我会更努力地使你幸福的。

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Chapter 28 第二十八章 The explanation came a week later. 一个星期以后我知道谜底了。 It was about ten o' clock at night; I had been dining by myself at a restaurant, 大约十点左右,这一天我一个人在外面吃了晚饭,

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Oh, Dirk, I've never since we met asked you to do anything for me. 噢,戴尔克,自从咱们认识以后我还没有求你做过什么事呢。 You know there's nothing in the world that I wouldn't do for you. 你自己也知道,只要你说一句

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You're bragging. If I really did you'd be overwhelmed with remorse. 你在说大话。如果我真的上了吊你会后悔一辈子的。 Try it, and we'll see, I retorted. 你不妨试一试,就知道我后悔不后悔了。 A smile flickered in h

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Chapter 23 第二十三章 I saw Strickland not infrequently, and now and then played chess with him. 我常常见到思特里克兰德,有时候同他下下棋。 He was of uncertain temper. 他的脾气时好时坏。 Sometimes he would sit silen

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Wouldn't it give you a rather pleasing sensation to think of people you didn't know and had never seen receiving emotions, subtle and passionate, from the work of your hands? 想到那些你从来不认识、从来没见过的人被你的画笔打动,

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I received the impression of a life which was a bitter struggle against every sort of difficulty; 我的总印象是,这个人一直在同各式各样的困难艰苦斗争; but I realised that much which would have seemed horrible to most people

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Chapter 21 第12章 I let him take me to a restaurant of his choice, but on the way I bought a paper. 我让他带我到一家他选定的餐馆,但是在路上走的时候我买了一份报纸。 When we had ordered our dinner, I propped it agains

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But if he wanted to be an artist, why didn't he say so? asked Mrs. Strickland at last. 但是如果他想当画家,为什么不告诉我呢?思特里克兰德太太最后开口说。 I should have thought I was the last person to be unsympathetic

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Do you think he's done something that we don't know about, and is lying doggo on account of the police? 你想他会不会做了什么我们都不知道的事,怕警察找他的麻烦,所以躲起来避避风? The suggestion sent a ray of hope

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Chapter 16 第十六章 What followed showed that Mrs. Strickland was a woman of character. 以后发生的事说明思特里克兰德太太是一个性格坚强的女人。 Whatever anguish she suffered she concealed. 不论她心里委屈多大,她

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Nature had made him a butt, but had denied him insensibility. 讲到施特略夫,一方面造物主把他制造成一个笑料,另一方面又拒绝给他迟钝的感觉。 He writhed under the jokes, practical and otherwise, which were perpetual

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I don't pretend to be a great painter, he said, I'm not a Michael Angelo, no, but I have something. 我知道自己不是个伟大的画家,他对我说,我不是米开朗基罗,不是的,但是我有自己的东西。 I sell. I bring romance

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She was a little ashamed of her courage and business capacity, but delighted that she was going to dine the next night with a K.C. who lived in South Kensington. 对自已经营打字行业的胆略和见识她不好意思多谈,但是一说起第二

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