A second time he came to the door and again he ran back. 第二次,他走到门口,然后又跑回来了。 A third time he repeated his performance. 第三次,他重复了他的动作。 The fourth time, before he had time to lose his courage,

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54.67CHAPTER 27 第27章 Going like the wind, Pinocchio took but a very short time to reach the shore. 像风一般,皮诺乔很快就到达了海岸。 He glanced all about him, but there was no sign of a Shark. The sea was as smooth as glass. 皮诺

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A few minutes after, a Bricklayer passed by, carrying a pail full of plaster on his shoulder. 过了几分钟,街上又走过一个泥水匠,肩上扛着一桶灰泥。 Good man, will you be kind enough to give a penny to a poor boy who is yawnin

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CHAPTER 24 第24章 Pinocchio, spurred on by the hope of finding his father and of being in time to save him, swam all night long. 皮诺乔一心想要及时赶到救他爸爸,于是游了整整一夜。 And what a horrible night it was! It poured

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They went into the empty coop and there they found nothing but a bowl of water and a small basket filled with chick-peas. 他们落到一个空了的鸽子窠里。那儿只有一碗水和一篮鹰嘴豆。 The Marionette had always hated chick-peas.

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I left him three days ago on the shore of a large sea. -What was he doing? 三天前我是在海岸边跟他分手的。-他在那里干什么? He was building a little boat with which to cross the ocean. 他在造一只小船想要飘洋过海。

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Chapter 23 第23章 As soon as Pinocchio no longer felt the shameful weight of the dog collar around his neck, he started to run across the fields and meadows, and never stopped till he came to the main road that was to take him to the Fairy's house.

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This is our plan: We'll come once in a while, as in the past, to pay a visit to this henhouse, and we'll take away eight chickens. 这就是我们的计划:我们照旧过一段时间来鸡舍一次,拿走八只鸡。 Of these, seven are for us,

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At the sound, two large Mastiffs appeared, dressed in Carabineers' uniforms. 听到声音,马上来了两只身穿火枪队制服的獒犬。 Then the magistrate, pointing to Pinocchio, said in a very solemn voice: 然后法官指着皮诺乔,用庄

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Through this crowd of paupers and beggars, a beautiful coach passed now and again. Within it sat either a Fox, a Hawk, or a Vulture. 在这群叫化子和穷人中间,不时走过一些高贵马车,里面坐着狐狸、鹰或是秃鹫。 Where is

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Chapter 18 第18章 Crying as if his heart would break, the Marionette mourned for hours over the length of his nose. 木偶哭的伤心欲绝,为他的长鼻子呜咽了好几个小时。 No matter how he tried, it would not go through the door. 不

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Chapter 15 第15章 As he ran, the Marionette felt more and more certain that he would have to give himself up into the hands of his pursuers. 他跑着跑着,木偶越来越确定自己会放弃,落入追逐者的手中。 Suddenly he saw a litt

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It is too bitter, much too bitter! I can't drink it. 这太苦了!实在太苦了!我喝不下。 How do you know, when you haven't even tasted it? 你尝都没尝怎么知道呢? I can imagine it. I smell it. I want another lump of sugar, then

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In a quarter of an hour the coach was back. 一刻钟不到,这辆马车就回来了。 The Fairy, who was waiting at the door of the house, lifted the poor little Marionette in her arms, took him to a dainty room with mother-of-pearl walls, put hi

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I understand, said one of them to the other, there is nothing left to do now but to hang him. 我明白了,其中一个说,除了吊死他没有别的办法了! To hang him, repeated the other. 吊死他吧!另一个跟着又说了一退。 T

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He turned to look and behold, there in the darkness stood two big black shadows, wrapped from head to footing black sacks. 他回头一看,就看见黑暗中站着两个巨大的黑影,从头到脚用黑口袋裹着。 Two figures leaped toward h

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What do you want? asked the Marionette. 你找我干嘛?木偶问。 I want to give you a few words of good advice. 我想给你一个忠告, Return home and give the four gold pieces you have left to your poor old father你往回走吧,把剩下

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Chapter 8 第八章 The Marionette, as soon as his hunger was appeased, started to grumble and cry that he wanted a new pair of feet. 木偶肚子一不饿,马上就叽哩咕噜,哇哇大哭,吵着要一双新的脚。 But Mastro Geppetto, in o

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Geppetto did not have a penny in his pocket, so he made his son a little suit of flowered paper, a pair of shoes from the bark of a tree, and a tiny cap from a bit of dough. 杰佩托口袋里连一个子儿也没有,于是用花纸给他的孩子做

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Give us two good rooms, one for Mr. Pinocchio and the other for me and my friend. 给我们开两间上房,一间给皮诺乔先生,一间给我和我的朋友。 Before starting out, we'll take a little nap. 在出发之前,我们需要打个盹

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