加拿大人很注重准时的概念。今天讲的话题是迟到,关于朋友迟到后,你怎样的说辞,迟到也比没出现强是吧。晚点实现梦想也比从来没有去做过强是吧。都是一样的道理。 Maura: Today is a Cha

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大部分人都喜爱睡觉吧。这部分人群又可以分为两种,一种是夜猫子型,一种是是猫头鹰型。 Maura: Right. We love hearing from you. So, todays episode is a Chatterbox episode, and that is where Harp and I chat about al

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终有一天我们都会长大,在加拿大对于成年人的规定年龄是多少呢,他们在未成年时,不允许做哪些事呢 Maura: All right. So, todays episode is a Chatterbox episode and that is where Harp and I get to chat about all

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到加拿大旅游选择的最佳方式是什么呢,飞机太贵,开车太累.... Harp: So today were going to do a Chatterbox episode and thats where we chat. We talk about cultural things, we interview people, and today were going to talk about

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加拿大的冬天很长,而且温度又很低。所以很适合办冬奥会。 Harp: Im so excited because we are in the middle of the Olympics. I love the Winter Olympics. Andrew: Thats true. Yeah. Im pretty excited for the Olympics today, and, y

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安德鲁的家人就要过来看他了,他今天忙得不行,把公寓打扫干净准备迎接家人的到来..... Andrew: So, Harp. Whats new with you? How was your day? Harp: Ah it was pretty good. Lifes good, its pretty boring. What about you

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安德鲁和哈皮今天讨论的是朋友逝去亲人后,怎样合适地表达自己的同情 Harp: Yup. So lets get started. OK. So I want to start with talking about some pretty simple, but very important vocabulary, because talking about death

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坐飞机时,行李的托运有哪些注意事项,这些事项是否正在烦扰着你 Andrew: Yeah. And today we have sort of a new take on the Chatterbox episode. Were going to have some water cooler conversations. Harp: Yes. So when we say wat

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哈皮和安德鲁今天讨论的是坏习惯...... Harp: Yes. So today were gonna bring you a Chatterbox episode, and thats where we chat. We pick a topic, and we talk about it, basically. So today, were gonna talk about something pretty interesting

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哈皮昨天为一个朋友举办了派对,要自己为22个人做晚饭,累得不轻。今天他们的话题是解答粉丝问题,这个粉丝的问题是什么呢 Andrew: So, Harp, hows it going? Whats new with you? Harp: Its pretty good. I h

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哈皮和安德鲁今天讨论的是做梦....人为什么会做梦呢 Andrew: I think, scientifically, we do dream every night, but I cant remember them very often. Harp: Yeah. I know a lot of people keep, kind of, dream journals by their bed so the

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哈皮和安德鲁今天讨论的是话题是去加拿大旅游..... Harp: OK, so I think we should get started with todays episode. Andrew: Yes. And todays episode is all about travelling in Canada, but with a little twist. Harp: Yes. Were going to

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在加拿大接受教育是怎样的体验,小学,中学和高中的学制是多久呢 Maura: Now, todays episode is a Chatterbox episode, and that is where we chat about all different kinds of topics. And sometimes, like today, topics suggested

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很多大学生在大学期间就确定了自己的职业目标并为之努力奋斗,希望将来能在职场中有所成就。 Maura: All right. Now, today were going to do a Chatterbox episode, and that is where Harp and I chat about all differen

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脸书到底有多盛行,有多方便,我们来听听哈皮和毛拉是怎么说的吧。 Sample transcript Harp: So Facebook is a social networking website. You have a profile and you can put pictures up, you can invite people to different event

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加拿大的冬天到底有多冷,哈皮和毛拉在讨论的过程里就觉得很冷,这还了得.... Harp: Were gonna break it down into escaping the winter. Maura: And then were gonna talk about hibernation, which means staying inside during t

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加拿大最出名的运动当属曲棍球了,小孩子们从小就开始玩了..... Maura: Now, todays episode is a Chatterbox episode, and that is where Harp and I chat about some topic of interest. And today we are going to chat about Harp: Spor

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今天哈皮采访的是毛拉,毛拉即将进行一场为期一个月左右的公路旅行,听起来就很让人兴奋! Harp: All right. So today were going to do a Chatterbox episode, and thats where we chat. Maura: Right. We chat about cultu

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毛拉先前说过她要来一场公路旅行,今天是她回来的后续报道,她去了芝加哥,那里有很多她以前从没有见到过和感受过的事物,这次公路旅行对毛拉来说一定终身难忘吧。 哈皮先前买了一套

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哈皮和毛拉这期谈论的主题是选举,国民选举要注意的事情是什么呢,这是国民有效参与政事的一个有效途径。 Maura: So, today were going to do a Chatterbox episode. And that is where Harp and I get to chat about

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