If someone says, I can't watch a Bruce Lee film, 如果某人不喜欢李小龙的电影 then I can't talk to'em. 那我和他就完全没有共同语言 Bruce Lee is a worldwide fighting icon. 李小龙是功夫的代名词 He was a 130-something-po

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The moves that he could do, 他的武术动作速度快到 you were wondering if they were speeding up the camera. 让人怀疑是否是加速放映的效果 Bruce Lee was like the superhero of the Asian community. You had Muhammad Ali. You had Malco

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There was controversy about me 将他遗体带回美国安葬 taking him back to the United States. 这件事饱受争议 But he loved his time 但他十分怀念 that he lived in Seattle before all of this. 过去在西雅图的美好时光 And it w

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There's bad blood historically between China and Hong Kong and Japan. 中日在香港问题上积怨颇深 His mother used to tell me 他妈妈曾告诉我 how Bruce would hang over the side of the balcony 布鲁斯如何在阳台上来回踱步 and

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He's also part Caucasian. 他有部分的白人血统 I think he saw a lot of adversity racially, 当时他目睹了许多的种族厄运 not only around him but within himself. 同时自己也经历了不少 And he had run-ins with English schoolboy

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But they didn't have to. 不过最终都不用这样 The board relented 因为董事局最后让步 and on January 22, 1984 在1984年1月22日 an audience of 96 million 在超级杯美式足球赛事的 Superbowl viewers watched 9600万名观众面前

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Steve Jobs and John Sculley became so extremely close 乔布斯和史考力一直紧密合作 that when they got into a confrontation 所以当他们面对冲突情况 and Sculley essentially pushed aside Steve Jobs 而史考力竟将乔布斯推在一

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steve always thought much more broadly 史蒂夫所想的远远要比纯粹的 Than just technology. 技术多的多. He was certainly a techno-visionary, 史蒂夫确切的来说是一个技术梦想家 But the key to his greatness is to see how bro

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Jobs completed the course in 1974 乔布斯在1974年完成了这门课程 But returned to palladino just two years later. 却在两年以后再次拜访Palladino. He was enthusing about a machine 当时乔布斯正在为他那台在车库里制造的机

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Steve was very much taken with zen, zen buddhism. 史蒂夫从禅宗与佛教中受益匪浅 Zen represents the relationship between things, Things of the world. 禅宗描绘了世界万物之间的联系, In zen, it's expressed in the art. 在禅宗里

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you got to build it for less than 15 bucks, 你得把它的成本限于15美元 it's got to last two years, 它需要能使用两年 I want it to work on the desktop, 我希望它能在桌子上使用 a normal formica desktop, 一个普通的福米加塑

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I personally can attest to having heard Each of them 我能证实我亲耳听见他们互相朝对方 say very nasty things about the other 丢了非常恶劣的话语 Off the record in private over the years. 在早期的一些非公开场合. I thi

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as the two got to know each other, 当他们俩人慢慢了解对方 Sheff realized he had a front row seat 席夫意识到,他对于 On what was then an unimaginable technological future. 难以想象的未来技术有着非常前瞻性的看法 s

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Steve opened it up, pulled out what was 他打开箱子,拿出 One of those first macintoshes off the assembly line, 刚刚从生产线上下来的第一台麦金塔电脑 Set it up on the floor. 在地板上组装好. Sean was down on the floor wi

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president john sculley admits apple will be 约翰斯考利加盟苹果公司这件事 Just another personal computer company unless macintosh 在个人电脑领域 同麦金塔电脑的发布一样 Becomes an industry milestone in the next 100 days.

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but there were still people willing to back him With hard cash. 但是当时真的有人愿意用现金让乔布斯回去继续当 One of them was self-made texan billionaire 其中一个人就是德克萨斯州的总统候选人, And former presiden

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a new steve jobs was rising out of the ashes 一个新的史蒂夫乔布斯在苹果公司 of the boardroom battle at apple, 董事会会议室里的斗争中诞生 And this time he was ruthless. 而这一次,他毫不留情. He invested $5 million

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Nobody had ever tested it, But at this point, I tested it. 没有人试过,但是在那个节骨眼上,我试了 I marched past him and I wrote on the whiteboard, 我走过去然后在白板上写字, And he said, y-y-you can't do that. 然后他说

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one man who witnessed jobs' return to apple 有一个人目睹了乔布斯回到苹果公司, Was friend walt mossberg. 那就是 Walt Mossberg. He came back to apple, and the company was almost dead. 他回到苹果,整个公司被死板,刻板笼

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but jobs with his eye ever on the bottom line, Had a different view. 但是从乔布斯看来,这还没有触及他的底线 There were too many people at apple 有太多人站在苹果这一边了 And in the apple ecosystem playing the game of 而且

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