doesn't make any difference to his cultural and historical importance,because his films changed the world. 对他在文化和历史上的重要地位都没有任何影响,因为他的电影已经改变了世界。 You got the job on The Green Horne

发表于:2018-12-27 / 阅读(105) / 评论(0) 分类 名人传记

When I did The Green Hornet, I was not being myself and I'm trying to accumulate external security external technique,but never to ask what Bruce Lee would have done.The beauty was that he immediately said,I'm not gonna do that anymore. 拍《青蜂侠

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I mean, it is easy for me to put on a show 我可以摆一些花架子 and be cocky and be flooded with a cocky feeling 然后为此洋洋得意 and then feel like pretty cool and all that. 骄傲自满 这么做很容易 Or I can make all kinds of p

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So Yip Man was a great influence on Bruce, 因此叶问对布鲁斯影响很深 and leaned him in the direction of philosophy. 并引导他走上了功夫哲学之路 Yip Man would not be a legend without Bruce Lee. 没有李小龙 叶问也不会成为

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if you couldn't get laid, you got in a fight. 约不到炮 就找人打一架吧 Let me punch this ugly motherfucker. 让我料理了这个王八蛋 In Youngstown. It was a nice place to live. 扬斯敦可是武术家的天堂 Fighting has taken over

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Like L Cool J,Eddie Griffin says Bruce Lee inspired him professionedly and made him want to take up martial arts. 和L Cool J一样,Eddie Griffin说李小龙的精湛功夫启发了他去拍功夫片。 I did this movie called Undercover Brother,an

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Bruce Lee has been endlessly referenced in Hong Kong movies, Chinese movies, Japanese movies even, Canadian movies.But he's also been endlessly referenced in Hollywood movies. 香港电影 大陆电影 日本电影 甚至是加拿大电影都一直都模

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So what we are doing right now, we're in the studio with the Rza. 我们现在要做的 是和Rza一起在工作室工作 Got my crew in here,and we're working on a project called Afro Samurai starring Sam Jackson and Lucy Liu. 这是我的组员,我

发表于:2018-12-27 / 阅读(105) / 评论(0) 分类 名人传记

One, two, three...Add the pianos.Do the four piano chords. 一 二 三,加入钢琴配乐,弹下那四个和弦. As well as being influenced by Bruce Lee and kungfu movies,Raz says there are also parallels between the improvisational nature of ra

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Improvisation lives at the core of Break Dancing,where dancers are continually adapting their moves. 即兴创作是霹雳舞的精髓,舞者不断调整自己的动作。 This Brooklyn-based New York dance group specialize in a dance form called U

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The man responsible for creating the music for the film that first inspired these dancers is composer Lalo Schifrin. 第一个激发这些舞者的是,电影配乐的作曲者Lalo Schifirn。 As well as Enter The Dragon,he received six Oscar nomina

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Like Brett Ratner, Quentin Tarantino was another high-profile Hollywood director that has been inspired by Bruce Lee. 跟Brett Ratner一样 Quentin Tarantino是好莱坞另一位受到李小龙启发的大腕导演。 When he wanted someone to do the

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When Bruce Lee emerged in the early 1970s,he looked and acted like no one before A larger than life super hero who could never be beat. 李小龙在70年代初期出现时就有前无来者的形象和表演方式,战无不胜的超级英雄。 Sta

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With the advent of video games in the 1980s,designers were quick to pick up on the same characteristics that had made Bruce Lee translate so well into comics. 随着80年代电玩的出现,设计者们迅速采用了与李小龙在漫画中的表现相

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I love Bruce Lee.That was the inspiration for the whole thing.I wanted always to do a martial arts game,because I want to do something Bruce Lee-like. 我爱李小龙,他是整个游戏的灵感之源。我一直想开发一款搏击类游戏,因为

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But not everybody is a fan of Apple's growing influence on the music world. 苹果对音乐界影响越来越大 并非皆大欢喜 iTunes almost single-handedly wipes out traditional music stores. iTunes几乎一手抹掉了所有传统音乐商店

发表于:2018-12-03 / 阅读(91) / 评论(0) 分类 名人传记