We have taken another...one of those brilliant original ideas from Xerox PARC that I saw in 1979, 我们借鉴了施乐PARC的另一项研究成果,也是1979年看到的 but didn't see really clearly then, called object oriented technology, 当时只

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You know... one of the things that really hurt Apple was after I left, 我离开苹果以后,发生了一件几乎毁掉苹果的事 John Sculley got a very serious disease, and that disease, John Sculley有个严重的毛病 I have seen other peop

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He gave me a very clear design brief. 他给了我一个非常清晰的设计纲要 The mouse had to have four things. 鼠标必须要满足四个要求 The first was we had to be able to build it for less than $15. 首先 造价必须低于15美元

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That integrity went through every aspect of his life. 这种执着渗入了他生活的每一个层面 His devotion to the products, to the work, to the ethic. 他的一生都奉献给了产品 工作 以及改变世界的理想 It permeated everythi

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Steve Jobs was racing to ensure the Macintosh 乔布斯想要先声夺人 was the first personal computer to have icons on the screen. 确保Macintosh是第一台屏幕上有图标的个人电脑 But just before it was due to be unveiled, 而就在Ma

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For the first time it was actually, you know, intuitive. 计算机的操作头一次变得直观 If you were bright enough to walk around unaided, 只要你生活能够自理 you could just turn it on and use it. 你就能按下开关开始用它 The

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The most serious disagreement was between Steve Jobs 而最严重的分歧则存在于史蒂夫乔布斯 and the man he had made Chief Executive, John Sculley. 和他亲自任命的首席执行官 John Sculley之间 Steve has a tendency to be binary

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Jobs recognised technology was on the cusp of allowing us to communicate through computers. 乔布斯认识到 科技应该能够让我们利用电脑进行交流 And, in fact, the Next's powerful operating system 事实上 Next计算机功能强大的

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The company had lost its lead in the computer market, 苹果公司已经失去了它在计算机领域的领导地位 customers were leaving in droves, the company had no future, no roadmap. 客户不断在流失 公司的前途一片黯淡 不知何去

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He decided to put all of Apple's products and people under review. 他决定逐一审查苹果所有的产品和员工 He was demanding, erm, he would not hesitate to call someone at two o'clock in the morning 他态度可是非常强硬的 只要他想

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After renewing Apple's sense of its own identity, 帮苹果重新找到了自己之后 Jobs needed a product that could bring about the company's financial revival. 乔布斯亟需一款可以使得公司财政状况复苏的产品 He had a new visio

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The iMac fused striking design with the ability to connect to the internet easily. iMac结合了震撼人心的设计与便捷的上网功能 Steve was super-proud of the design 史蒂夫对其极其自豪 and also the idea that he called it the iMac

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Jobs' insight was the beginning of Apple as we know it today. 正是乔布斯的卓越眼光成就了我们现在所熟知的苹果公司 Computers were becoming powerful enough to store and play video, music and other media. 电脑逐渐有了播放视

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When we were planning the launch of the iPod across Europe, 我们在欧洲的销售计划中 an important thing we had to manage with the iPod 有很关键的一个环节 was to make sure we kind of undersupplied the demand 就是要实行饥饿销售

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11 years later, Jobs was still bitter. 11年以后 这件事依然让史蒂夫非常怨愤 What can I say? I hired the wrong guy. 我还能说什么呢?我看走了眼 -That was Sculley? -Yeah, -你是指Sculley? -是的 and, er, he destroyed every

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steve jobs was a genius of the modern age. Steve Jobs 绝对称得上是一位天才 He gave us tools to change our lives 他带来的工具彻底改变了我们的生活 And the way we communicate. 和我们与他人联系的方式. Here comes a dev

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steven paul jobs died on october 5, 2011, 史蒂文.保罗.乔布斯于2011年10月5日去世, at the age of 56, 享年56岁, a life cut short in its creative prime by cancer. 因为癌症,一个生命短暂消失在了他最具有创造力的年纪

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the news that steve jobs had finally logged out Steve Jobs去世的新闻铺天盖地, made headlines everywhere. 成为世界各地的头版头条. this man really had changed the world. 这个人真的改变了世界. when you grow up, you tend t

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in about eighth grade, halfway through, 大约在八年级中间的某个时候, this new guy came into the school, 这个新来的家伙成为了我的同学, who was steve jobs, and we were both introverted, 他就是乔布斯, 那时我们都很内向

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Woz and jobs became inseparable friends, 沃兹和乔布斯成为了形影不离的伙伴, But their first venture was not a computer. 但是他们的第一项冒险举动并不是电脑 The pair developed an electronics kit 这对组合开发了一个

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