He's universally recongnized as the king of martial arts movies after making only one He died young, aged just 32. Hollywood film. 他仅仅凭借一部好莱坞影片就成为世人心中的功夫影帝,他英年早逝,年仅32岁。 And went on

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We need emotional content.Don't think, feel.That's it. 我们需要意念,不要想 用感觉,这就对了。 Bruce Lee, actor, icon,and skilled martial arts. 李小龙是位演员 偶像 同时也是精湛的武术家 A man able to perform sup

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It was an instanty,creating a super star whose influence would change the world forever. 影片红极一时,一位超级巨星就此诞生,他的影响永久地改变了世界。 Secret chambers of Han's evil empire... 韩先生邪恶帝国的密室

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It's not just actors Bruce Lee has inspired.His influence can be felt in people from all walks of life. 受李小龙启发的并不只有演员,你能从各种人身上感受到他的影响。 Any people came into the martial arts film world,whethe

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We fight alone or all together?It all just take me to show you. 你一个人呢 还是全体呢?我一个人就够你受了。 Blown away then we came out of the place.And nearly everybody thought is emulating Bruce. 真是过瘾 散场后我们出来,

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It is my wish that the newspapers and the people of Hong Kong will stop speculating on the circumstances surrounding my husband's death. 我希望所有的报纸和香港的人民不要再揣测我丈夫的死因了。 Please remember him for his gen

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Before Bruce Lee, the majority of the Asian characters in western films were limited to being evil master minds like Fu Manchu, subservient labors or commic fool. 李小龙之前 西方电影中的亚洲角色都局限在老谋深算类型的坏蛋 像

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In Jeet Kune Do, we can sum it up in three important words:simple, direct, and non-classical. 截拳道可以总结成三个要点,简单 直接 非传统。 By simple, it means the techniques we go for simplicity.It is not adding on but taking awa

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Bruce Lee was really ahead of his time in terms of figuring out how to create unique iconic emblems or things that would be uniquely Bruce Lee. 李小龙的确引领潮流,知道如何塑造独特个人特色的或者李小龙专属标志或什么的

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Soon everybody was kungfu fighting across the globe,and pop stars from Donnie Osmond to the king of rock and roll himself were showing off their kungfu kicks. 很快 全球的人都在练习功夫,明星们从Donnie Osmond到猫王都开始展示功夫

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The film was phenomenal success, taking in 3 million dollars in its first seven weeks. 电影取得空前成功 前7周达到300万美元的票房 Costing less than $1 million and generating $200 million,Bruce Lee's breakthrough film went on to becom

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Culturally exposed to everybody, you know,you've got Jim Kelly in there, representing African Americans,you've got John Suces representing Europeans and you have Bruce, representing Asians. 这部电影以文化的形式呈现给了每一个人,Jim

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One man, not a whole group of people,but one guy turned the imagine of a Chinese guy from a little guy with bud teeth and weary glasses who's on the content to the imagine of the fighting philosopher, a peaceful warrior. 一个人 而不是一群人,

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It was also Bruce Lee's first chance to demonstrate his formidable kungfu skills on screen. 那也是李小龙第一次在荧幕上展示他厉害功夫的机会 ...straightly gone or come up Or if I can back a little bit, step back then come back.-

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Bruce Lee's philosophy has been adopted by people in numerous fields. 李小龙的哲学在很多领域被人采用 His belief that success flowed from dedication and self-knowledge helped prepare him to become the first Asian super star and was chan

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Bruce Lee's philosophy is still being picked up and taught by people around the world. 如今全世界仍然有人在学习和教授李小龙的哲学 Shi Fu Shi Yan Ming is a 34th generation Shaolin monk who defected from China to the U.S. in 1992.a

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Bruce Lee's philosophy, recouted in his book the Tao of Jeet Kune Do,was apparent in some of his earliest TV appearences where he would include his teachings in the script. 李小龙在截拳道之道这本书里阐述的哲学,在他早期电视节目

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Empty your mind.Be formless, shapeless, like water. 摒除杂念 无形无像 像水一样 Now you put water into a cup.It becomes the cup.You put water into a bottle.It becomes the bottle. 你把水倒进杯子,水就成了杯子的形状,你把水

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It's a philosophy that can be adapted to many disciplines and situations. 这种哲学适用于许多运动和情境 Bruce Lee isn't just a fighter, he's a thinker And Bruce he, he created his book and the guidelines that's tranferable to anything in

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The water can flow or creep or drip or crash.Be water, my friend. 水可以流淌 潜行 滴落 冲击,像水一样吧 朋友。 Bruce Lee's philosophy has spotted an unususal following across European cities.This is free running. 李小龙的哲学在

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