What's steve's done is quite phenomenal. 史蒂夫做的事情则是非常反常规的 His ability to always come around And figure out 他那种能够知道下一场赌局如何取胜的能力经常出现 where that next bet should be Has been pheno

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The magic of apple products is simple. 苹果产品的魔力就在于简洁 There was one button, and it's magic. 只有一个按键,很有魔力 from the early days, 在早期, one man influenced steve jobs More than any other, 有一个人比其他

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Death is very likely the single-best invention of life. 死亡很可能是生命最杰出的产物 It's life's change agent. 它是生命变革的推动者 It clears out the old to make way for the new. 老一代退出舞台 新一代徐徐登场 Whe

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Look at how lovely these things are. 看看这些东西是多么可爱 I mean, even when they're off 我是说即使不使用它们 they're beautiful to hold. 拿在手里都觉得漂亮 In their design,Jobs' went for simplicity above all else. 在他们

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Even the famously immodest Jobs 就连以狂妄著称的乔布斯 can't predict how transformative his new piece of techno wizardry will be. 也没有预料到这款新产品会带来如此神奇的变革 I think the iPhone may really change the whol

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Steve was always absolutely incredibly interested in hands. 一直以来 史蒂夫对双手有着极大的兴趣 In fact, he would stand in meetings and sometimes be sitting there looking at his hands. 不管是站着开会还是坐着休息 有时候他

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And it's real now, isn't? 这是真的吗 It's real. 是的 Especially when people turn their Wi-Fi stuff off. 特别是当人们把Wi-fi关掉的时候 He generated the same kind of an excitement 他能带给你的刺激感 that you would get from t

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It did inspire him. 这确实鼓舞着他 It did motivate him to work more and faster and create more things. 使他工作更加发奋 提高产品创新的速度 And in fact, his creative output over the last five and six years is probably his great

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Steve Jobs was focused,intense, driven. 乔布斯专注 对人严厉 要求极高 Some even say, mean. 有人甚至说他很刻薄 He could not tolerate mediocrity. 他不能忍受平庸 He was intimidating at times. 他有时候是很吓人的 Very

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Stay hungry. Stay foolish. 求知若饥 虚怀若愚 It's impossible to ask that how many people he deeply influenced directly or indirectly. 有无数人直接或间接地受到他的深刻影响 But it's certain that the Steve Jobs ripple effect wi

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I'm Bob Cringley, 我是Bob Cringley 16 years ago when I was making my television series Triumph of the Nerds, I interviewed Steve Jobs. 16年前(1995)我制作《书呆子的胜利》时采访了乔布斯 That was in 1995, 10 years earlier Steve

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So, how did you get involved, uh, with personal computers? 你是怎么与个人计算机结缘的? Well, I ran into my first computer when I was about 10 or 11. 我第一次见到计算机是10或11岁 And its hard to remember back then but Im, Im

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So I became very err.... captivated by computer. 我完全给计算机迷住了 And a computer to me was still a little mysterious 当然计算机对我而言仍然有些神秘 cause it's at the other end of wire,I had never really seen the actual co

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So anyway, since with HP and I started going up to their Palo Alto Research Labs every Tuesday night, 之后我每周二晚都去惠普的Palo Alto实验室 with a small group of people to meet some of the researchers and staffs. 与一些研究人员见

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And we again, we were captivated. How could anybody do this? 我们很好奇,怎么可能做到呢? And we thought it must be a hoax. 多半是吹牛 And we started looking through libraries, looking for the secret tones that would allow you to d

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And I remember the first call we made was down to, uh, LA, one of Wozs relatives. 我记得第一个电话想打给Woz住在洛杉矶的亲戚 We dialed the wrong number. But we woke some guy up in the middle of the night. 我们拨错了号码,大半

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He was about humanizing technology 他致力于将科技人性化 in a way that made it extraordinarily easy, 让其变得无与伦比地便捷 intuitive and an absolute joy and pleasure to use. 使操作变成一种享受和乐趣 And when you do th

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Woz said you called the Pope? Woz说你们给教皇打了电话? Yeah, we did call the Pope. He, uh, he pretended to be Henry Kissinger. 没错,他冒充基辛格给教皇打电话 And we get the number of the Vatican and we called the pope. 我们

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And although they could scavenge most of the parts as well, 虽然他们也能弄到零件 they didnt have the sort of skills to build them that we had acquired by training ourselves through building them. 但他们不具备制作经验和技能 So w

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We never thought of this before, so we then kicked this around, 我们从没想过出售整机,不过还是答应了 we thought Why not? Why not try this? 何乐而不为呢? And so I spent the next several days on the phone talking with electron

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