We came over to Hong Kong and that was when they showed the premiere of The Big Boss.The theatre was packed. 我们去了香港,那时《唐山大兄》首映,影院人满为患。 Bruce and I sat there towards the back. 我和布鲁斯坐在最后

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There's a pretty good chance that you'll get a TV series in the States called The Warrior in which you use, what, the martial arts in a Western setting? 你有一个好机会能在美国出演一部叫做勇士的节目,在节目中,你在欧美的场景

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I have already made up my mind that in the United States I think something about the Oriental I mean, the true Oriental, should be shown. 我下定决心要在美国展示一些东方特色,向美国人揭露最真实的东方文化。 Hollywood su

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At certain times there were prejudices against my skin but I never let it bother me because in the back of my mind I used to think I'll take care of the partner. Or just I'll beat your head in. 有时人们会因我的肤色心生偏见,但我毫不在

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If you play the film with the dubbed English and then in the original Cantonese you see that they're essentially different films. 如果你看过该电影的英语和粤语配音版,你会发现它们截然不同。 So, for example, one of the char

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He said to Raymond Chow I want to make this film, The Way of the Dragon.I want to write it, I want to produce it,I want to direct it and I can do this and act in it. 他告诉邹文怀,我想做电影《猛龙过江》。我来当编剧,当制作人

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He was very appealing to anybody who's ever been oppressed because of ethnic reasons or other reason. 那些被压迫的人觉得他充满魅力,有民族自豪感的原因或者其他的原因。 That time when Bruce was on the rise,we were lookin

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When Bruce started doing the film Way of the Dragon and he was this huge star on the rise,things were changing. 当布鲁斯开始做《猛龙过江》这部电影的时候,他成为一颗冉冉升起的新星,事情在发生变化。 I think he

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It got to the point where he could hardly go out of the house without people following him. 已经到了没有其他人的陪伴,他没法踏出房门的地步。 He craved on sort of a soul level to be a little bit more peaceful. 他极度渴望心灵

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I really love the idea of the levels and getting to the next level,and fighting different styles.As a dancer who battled other dancers,that was like the whole mentality. 我很爱这个主意,一级级慢慢来,从低级到高级,对垒不同的门

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The thing that I got off him the most is the trust being able to trust your abilities in each situation. 我从他身上学到最多的是信任,无论何时何地都能信任自己的能力。 A lot of times the game becomes too scripted.When if i

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I tried to make my parents buy me some real ones. Thank God they didn't. 我想让我的父母买个真的给我玩玩,多亏他们没买。 I'm nunchucking, I'm busting myself all in the head.I had the rubber ones. So I'm good. 我玩双节棍老是

发表于:2019-01-23 / 阅读(85) / 评论(0) 分类 名人传记

They were all there in Hong Kong,the producers, Fred Weintraub. Paul Heller. 他们都聚集在香港,出品人,弗里德维特博,保罗海勒。 They're ready to film, have all this crew,Western crew, Chinese crew,which was a very difficult s

发表于:2019-01-23 / 阅读(108) / 评论(0) 分类 名人传记

Enter the Dragon was Hollywood's first dipping its toe into the water of the martial art genre. 《龙争虎斗》是好莱坞首次涉足功夫题材的电影 Bruce Lee is explosive in a way that no one had seen before. 李小龙展现了前所未有的

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Bruce was in a studio doing dubbing for Enter the Dragon and he went to the restroom and he collapsed. 布鲁斯在录音棚给《龙争虎斗》配音,他去休息室的时候昏倒了。 I was called and came to the hospital.And he was unconsciou

发表于:2019-01-23 / 阅读(85) / 评论(0) 分类 名人传记

I was called and told by Raymond Chow,You should get to the hospital.They're taking Bruce to the hospital. 我接到邹文怀的电话,他说,你需要来医院一趟,他们把布鲁斯送去医院。 And I was there way before Bruce got there.

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I said, Dan, is it true? Is Bruce Lee dead? 我问丹这是真的吗 李小龙死了吗? I got a lot of calls. And he says, Yeah Rich. 我接到很多电话,他说是的,理查。 Linda called him from Hong Kong,and he was in a trance on his ow

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And then there's all this stuff about, you know, how he died the sinister way in which he died. 很多人都在讨论他是怎么死的,他死的有多痛苦。 He had an aneurysm or the death hands got him or,you know... 有人说他得了动脉瘤,

发表于:2019-01-23 / 阅读(69) / 评论(0) 分类 名人传记

Bruce Lee was just a symbol of everything that every little boy wanted to be. 李小龙是每个小男孩心中的榜样,梦想成为的人。 You have offended my family and you have...Disgraced the Shaolin temple.The most important thing he's eve

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He didn't compromise.People really felt that presence about him and felt that influence from him and they just wanna somehow connect with him. 他不会向别人妥协,人们可以感受到他强烈的存在感和深刻的影响力,他们就想去接

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