a standing ovation for apple ceo steve jobs 人们纷纷起立为这位苹果的CEO鼓掌, As he greeted the public for the first time In more than a year. 在乔布斯告别人们一年多以后首度露面时 he carried on working, 他完成了工作

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And I said, really? 我说,真的吗? Really? 真的。 You're sure you want To go for a walk? 你确定你想要散步? We're about halfway to the neighborhood park, 我们走到邻近的公园, And he stops, you know. 半路上他停下来 He w

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I'm going to miss the chance to go to him 我开始怀念 And just sit down and share just person to person. 一个和他坐下来, 单独交谈的机会 How much fun we had ohh 我们曾经如此快乐 ohh... How much fun we had in those days Doin

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When you grow up, you tend to get told 当你渐渐长大,你会被教育说, That the world is the way it is 这个世界是这样运行的, and your life Is just to live your life inside the world, 而你的生活也要在这个世界里这样活

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I think the world will miss steve jobs. 我认为全世界都会怀念乔布斯 He took stuff to a new place, 他将我们带入新的世界 And I do identify with that. 我绝对认同这一点 It's exciting when you do that, 你在做这些的时候感

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Steve Jobs has been called a revolutionary. 史蒂夫乔布斯被称为革命先驱 He changed the computer industry, 他改变了电脑行业 the movie industry, the music industry 电影行业、音乐行业 and the mobile phone industry. 和流动电

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He was kind of an electronic hobbyist 他可以说是个电子狂 or amateur enthusiast 或者业余的爱好者 and he liked to buy used stereo equipment 他很喜欢买些旧的立体声设备 and fix it up and sell for a profit. 自己修理好之后

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Steve Wozniak was going to give the plans 沃兹尼瓦克本来想将电脑 for the computer away for free, 免费送给人使用 but Steve Jobs convinced him 但乔布斯游说他 they could sell the computer. 将电脑卖给别人 On April 1, 1976,

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A year after the company started, 在苹果电脑公司成立一年之后 the Apple II computer debuted 苹果第二代电脑 at the West Coast Computer Faire 在西岸电脑节首度推出 in April 1977 在1977年4月 It had a sleek plastic case, 第二

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On December 12, 1980, 在1980年12月12日 Apple went public. 苹果电脑公司正式上市 It's 4.6 million shares of stock 开市价22美元 opened at $22 而价值460万美元的股票 and sold out in minutes. 在数分钟内卖光 When the stock

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Steve had this amazing insight 乔布斯有灵感开发 into building a new technology 一项新的技术 called the Macintosh 叫做Macintosh and what he saw at Xerox Parc 他是在帕罗奥图的施乐研究中心 which was the mouse and the icons

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In the early 1980's 在80年代初期 Apple Computer became the fastest 苹果电脑成为美国历史上 growing company in the US history. 发展最迅速的电脑公司 The Macintosh team was working on Macintosh团队正朝着 what Steve Jobs hop

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He sold his Apple stock 他卖了其苹果股票 so Steve Jobs had $100 million. 得到1亿美元 And he had enough money 因为这样他拥有足够的资金 that he could spend money until he was satisfied 可以用来令到每件事 that he was do

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When the company was running out of money, 当公司的资金快要用光时 Steve Jobs wanted to fire 乔布斯本想解雇 the people who were making the short films. 制作短片的队伍 It was ony when they got nominated for an Oscar 不过在他们

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Toy Story premiered in November of 1995 玩具总动员在1995年11月举行首映 and became an instant blockbuster. 然后很快成为票房冠军 Soon it was the third most successful 之后更成为有史以来第三部 animated movie ever made. 最

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Instead of being a boring old box 和市场上其他 like every other computer in the market, 刻板沉闷的电脑截然不同 it had this beautiful, iMac的外型很亮丽 curved, sculptural profile. 充满流线型线条 And instead of just being

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He wanted a one-stop digital music store. 他希望有一站式的数码音乐商店 What Steve needed to do to launch iTunes, 乔布斯推出iTunes was convince the record companies 要做的是说服各大唱片公司 and the music publishers, 和音

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On April 28, 2003, 在2003年4月28日 the iTunes music store debuted. iTunes音乐商店正式推出 More than one million songs 最初五天已有超过100万首 were downloaded in the first five days. 歌曲被下载 But the year would take a surp

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He took another leave of absence in 2009 他在2009年再次请病假 when he receved a liver transplant. 去接受肝脏移植手术 Some wondered it he would 有人在猜 ever return to Apple. 乔布斯能不能再回到苹果公司 There was great

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In January 2011, 2011年1月 Steve Jobs announced another leave of absence, 乔布斯宣布再次请病假 but be appeared at the launch of iCloud in June 2011. 不过之后他在2011年6月的iCloud发布会中亮相 It was the last product release 那

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