音标:[kikt] ;
v. 踢( kick的过去式和过去分词 ); 踢蹬, 踢(腿); (因干了蠢事、失去良机等)对(自己)生气; 体育运动
v drive or propel with the foot
v thrash about or strike out with the feet
v strike with the foot
v kick a leg up
v spring back, as from a forceful thrust
v stop consuming
v make a goal
v express complaints, discontent, displeasure, or unhappiness



  1. That horse kicked me.那匹马踢了我。
  2. It's not fair to kick another player in football.足球比赛中不允许踢另一位球员。
  3. The rifle kicked my shoulder when I fired it.我开了一枪后,步枪反弹到我肩上
  1. The bruise was caused by a kick.这伤痕是脚踢的。
  2. He gave the table an angry kick.他狠狠地朝桌子踢了一脚。
  3. The probability of obtaining a lattice atom displacement via the phonon kick process is evidently small.很明显,通过声子反冲过程而取得晶格原子位移的几率是不大的。
  4. And while you may want to kick back this weekend, if you don't have a little structure, you'll end up feeling like you've wasted precious time.如果你在本周周末想要反冲,如果事先有结构的进行安排,最后你会感到你浪费了之前的时间。
  5. It is a rifle with a heavy kick.这是一把后座力很大的步枪。


  1. The pony struggled and kicked.小马一边挣扎,一边踢腾。
  2. Be careful, the horse kicks.小心点,那匹马踢人。
  3. Simon was floating in the water and kicking with his feet.西蒙浮在水中,双脚用力踢动着。
  4. If the people are taxed much more, they'll begin to kick.如果向人民再加重税,他们就开始抱怨了。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. He's crying because she kicked him.他在哭叫,因为她踢了他。
  2. The horse kicked me when I tried to ride it.我设法骑这马时,它踢了我。
  3. The horse kicked him on the shin.马踢到了他的胫部。
  4. The boys are kicking a football.男孩们正在踢球。
  5. The rifle kicked Tom's shoulder.步枪撞上了汤姆的肩膀。
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. + adj.
  1. The man kicked the door open in his rage.盛怒之下那人踢开了门。
S+~+ n./pron. + prep.- phrase
  1. The man wanted to kick her to death.那个男人想把她踢死。
  1. The horse has a mean kick.这匹马踢人很厉害。
  2. He gave the ball a kick.他把球猛踢了一脚。
  3. His leg was injured by a kick from a horse.他的腿是被马踢伤的。
  4. If the door won't open, give it a kick.门要是打不开就踢一下。
  5. He gave the door a kick to open it.他向门踢了一脚,想把门踢开。
  6. He gave her a kick on the backside.他踢了她屁股一脚。
  7. The article gave me a kick.这篇文章使我很兴奋。
  8. She gets her kicks from windsurfing and skiing.她从帆板运动和滑雪运动中得到极大的乐趣。
  9. He's a sick man,but he still has some kick in him.他是个病人,但他还挺有劲儿。
  10. This drink has a kick.这酒有股劲儿。


kick about〔around〕1( v.+adv. )
    〈口〉谈论 talk about a subject trying to reach a decisionkick sth ⇔ about〔around〕

    The boys were kicking an old ball about.


    Children enjoy kicking piles of dead leaves around.


    kick about〔around〕

    He kicked about a good deal before settling down.


    Davis kicked around in several stock companies.


    kick about〔around〕

    We never dreamt that old Tom would still be kicking around after such a serious operation.


    The idea of flight had been kicking around for centuries before man actually achieved it.


    kick about〔around〕

    I found this book kicking about upstairs, is it yours?


    That letter has been kicking around for weeks and no one's answered it yet.


    kick sb/sth ⇔ about/around

    The mother was taken to court for kicking the children about.


    The boy was in such a temper that he started kicking his little brother about.


    You had better stop trying to kick us around .


    The bigger boys are always kicking him around .


    There must be something wrong with a child who kicks his toys around.


    This old suitcase looks as though it has been kicked about a lot.


    kick sth ⇔ about〔around〕

    We started kicking the idea around right back in January, but a decision hasn't been made yet.


    At first our committee didn't want to accept my plan for a proposed branch office, and so they decided to kick it around for a while.


    After the clinical examination, the consultant invited his students to put forward any suggestions they had kicked about the nature of the disease.


kick about〔around〕2( v.+prep. )
    〈口〉在…流浪〔漫游〕 travel somewhere in a casual way without a plan or schedulekick sb/sth about〔around〕 sth

    The boys enjoy kicking a football about a field.


    The horse kicked its fallen rider about the head.


    kick about〔around〕 sth

    I wonder whose shirt this is?It's been kicking about the changing room for months.


    That old book has been kicking about the house for years.


    kick about〔around〕 sth

    He spent a whole month just kicking around the countryside, enjoying the peace and quiet.


    He's been kicking about Europe since his discharge from the army.


kick against (v.+prep.)
    反对,抗议 protest about or resist sthkick against sth

    He has been kicking against this transfer for weeks.


    I always kick against Bill's ideas.


    Jack kicked against the rising prices.


    To my mind, it's better to fall in with the arrangements than to kick against them.


    John kicked against his wife's idea of travelling in Africa in summer.


    You'll only make yourself feel worse if you kick against your fate—you just have to learn to accept it.


    It's no use trying to kick against the rules.


    You must obey the rule. It is useless for you to kick against the pricks.


kick at ( v.+prep. )
    〈非正〉反对,不喜欢 oppose or dislike sthkick at sb/sth

    I saw you kicking at my dog !


    The bandit kicked at the legs of the two villagers.


    kick at sth/v-ing

    I have always kicked at your ideas.


    Even middle-class consumers in the U.S. are beginning to kick at the runaway prices.


    You'll only make yourself feel worse if you kick at your bad luck—you just have to learn to accept it.


    The customers are kicking at paying such high prices, and they can hardly be blamed.


kick away ( v.+adv. )
    踢倒; 踢开 remove sth as a support, by kickingkick away at sb/sth

    The famous footballer said that the secret of his success was the time he spent in his youth practising, just kicking away at a ball for hours on end, in an empty field with a few friends.


    kick sth ⇔ away

    They kicked away the wooden posts and brought the whole thing down.


    Kicking away the blocks holding the wheels, the pilot jumped into the light plane and flew off.


kick back ( v.+adv. )
    〈非正〉回击 attack in returnkick sb/sth ⇔ back

    The center forward kicked the ball to the quarter-back, who kicked it back to him.


    Don't blame me for the fight—he kicked me first, and I only kicked him back.


    kick back

    This kind of feverish cold is slow to cure, it often kicks back just when you think you are better.


    kick back

    The engine kicked back.


    Be careful when you start the motor, it sometimes kicks back.


    His false accusations kicked back and ended up with himself in prison.


    kick sth ⇔ back

    The thief had to kick back the stolen money at last.


    The embezzler was severely punished and enjoined to kick back a portion of the stolen money each month.


    kick back

    Don't kick back; I'm only joking.


    kick back at sb/sth

    You ought to kick back at such malicious slander.


    Tom wanted to kick back at the people who had written so unfavorably about his new book in the newspapers.


kick down ( v.+adv. )
    换低挡 change a motorcycle engine to a lower gearkick sb/sth ⇔ down

    That player doesn't play fairly; did you see him kick his opponent down?


    kick down

    When you are going up a steep hill and losing speed, you have to kick down.


    kick sth ⇔ down

    He kicked the car down from third to second, and we slowed down.


kick downstairs ( v.+adv. )
    〈口〉(使)降级,(使)地位下降 move sb to humbler position
kick in1 ( v.+adv. )
    〈非正〉缴付 add one's share of moneykick sth ⇔ in

    Did you see how he treated the cat?He just opened the door and kicked the poor animal in!


    In the last minute, the player kicked the ball in and so ensured his team's victory.


    kick sth ⇔ in

    The firemen had to kick the door in to get inside the burning building.


    “Go on, hit him! Kick his teeth in!”shouted the angry crowd.


    kick in

    Mr. Jones said he would kick in with 500 dollars.


    kick sth ⇔ in

    We all agreed to kick in 10% of the cost.


    If each of us kicks in a small amount, it'll be enough to buy things for the party.


kick in2 ( v.+prep. )
    伤害某人的感情,强烈反对某人 hurt sb's feelings; harm sb on purpose; oppose sb rudely; treat sb inconsideratelykick sb in sth

    While the man was lying on the ground, his attackers kicked him in the face.


    kick sb in the teeth

    Mr.Wall had been the Member of Parliament for this area for ten years, but at the last election, the voters kicked him in the teeth by electing his opponent.


kick off( v.+adv. )
    〈美口〉停止运转 (of a machine) stop workingkick off

    The teams kick off at three o'clock.3


    A sports personality was invited to kick off at the final.


    The match is due to kick off at 2:30 p.m.


    kick off

    When should we kick off?


    The party kicked off in great style.


    kick off with sth

    We kicked off with soup, and then went on to duck and green peas.


    Who will kick off with the first question for our speaker?


    kick sth ⇔ off

    I was surprised when they kicked off the interview by asking me about my girlfriend.


    The theatre company will kick off the season with a production of The Playboy of the Western World .


    The movie festival was kicked off with the showing of a new film.


    kick sb/sth ⇔ off

    He kicked his slippers off and dropped onto the bed.


    The dog attacked me, biting my left foot, but I kicked it off.


    kick off

    Well,I really must kick off now. I've stayed long enough.


    kick off

    After his wife kicked off, he lived alone.


    He kicked off after a long and painful illness.


    Having received a fatal blow, the enemy lieutenant instantly kicked off.


    kick off

    That old washing machine has kicked off again.


kick on ( v.+adv. )
    (使)突然开始运转 (of sth electrical, machinery, etc.) (cause to) begin working, usually suddenlykick on

    Suddenly, the motor kicked on, when I had almost given up hope.


    kick sth ⇔ on

    The policeman kicked the switch on, and light flooded the room.


kick oneself
    自责 regret doing sthkick oneself

    No sooner had I uttered the words than I could have kicked myself, for I knew they would displease him.


    kick oneself for v-ing

    I could kick myself for selling those shares; if only I had kept them a day or two longer I should have made nearly another hundred pounds on them.

    真该怪我自己把那些股票卖了; 只要多留一两天,我就可以多赚差不多一百镑。

kick out( v.+adv. )
    拼命抵抗 resist strenuouslykick sb ⇔ out

    The boss kicked the clerk out for an offensive remark.


    These were excuses for the boss to kick us out.


    The old lady was kicked out because the owner wanted to pull it down.


    She worked for two years and was then kicked out because she was ill.


    kick out

    The horse kicked out at them.


    kick sb/sth ⇔ out

    Don't kick the cat out like that, it's cruel; lift it out gently.


    If a player on your own team kicks the ball out, the other side gets a free turn at the ball.


    kick out

    He'll kick out if you treat him like that.


kick out of ( v.+adv.+prep. )
    踢出; 赶出 hit sth out with the foot; expelkick sb/sth out of sth

    He kicked the football out of the field.


    The teacher threatened to kick the impudent pupil out of the room.


    The government kicked a foreign secret agent out of the country.


    He was kicked out of the club because he was so rude to the manager.


    He was kicked out of the school last year.


kick over ( v.+adv. )
    〈俚〉付出,捐献 pay; contributekick sth ⇔ over

    The cow has kicked the bucket over again.


    She had him under her thumb for many years, but he finally kicked over the traces.


    kick sth ⇔ over

    I asked for ball and he kicked it over.


    kick over

    After a moment of cranking the motor finally kicked over.


    kick sth ⇔ over

    Try as he could, he couldn't kick the motor over.


    kick sth ⇔ over

    The gang forced all the storekeepers on the block to kick over $6 a week.


kick up( v.+adv. )
    发生故障; 变得不听话 become insubordinatekick sth ⇔ up

    She kicked the sand up.


    The children enjoyed playing by the sea, kicking up the sand into each other's faces.


    The tyres kicked the little stones up.


    Clouds of dust were kicked up by the passing cars.


    kick sth ⇔ up

    The two boys kicked up a row after their parents left.


    The children kicked up a terrible noise as soon as the teacher left the room.


    He kicks up a stink as it is, every time I'm late.


    kick sth ⇔ up

    Benson signalled the auctioneer quietly and kicked the bid up another thousand yuan .


    kick up

    He felt his stomach start to kick up.


    After working well for a year, the air conditioner suddenly started kicking up.


    The enemy airmen kicked up at the orders to fly more missions.


kick upstairs (v.+adv.)
    〈英·非正〉使明升暗降 get rid of sb by giving him a more honourable but less powerful positionkick sb upstairs

    He was incompetent yet hardworking, so all they could do was to kick him upstairs.


    They decided to kick him upstairs and appointed a younger man to take his place.


    They kicked their manager upstairs by putting him on the managing committee.


    He is about to be kicked upstairs to be secretary of state.


a kick in the teeth
    讨厌的、且常为未料到的行动 unpleasant and often unexpected action
for kicks
    找刺激〔激动〕 for fun〔thrills〕
get a kick out of
    从…中获得极大的乐趣和刺激 get a great pleasure or thrills from


用作动词 (v.)
  • kick a goal踢进一球
  • kick one's way踢出一条路
  • kick affectionately亲切地踢
  • kick badly后坐力很厉害
  • kick carelessly不经意地踢
  • kick about〔around〕漫无目的地踢,虐待
  • kick the ball about乱踢球
  • kick the children around虐待儿童
  • kick back踢回,反冲,回扣
  • kick back at向…反击
  • kick down将…踢倒,把(汽车的)排挡调低
  • kick in把…踢进某处,踢坏(某物),缴付
  • kick the door in踢门而入
  • kick off踢脱,(足球的)开球
  • kick out踢出,赶出,撵出
  • kick over把…踢倒,踢翻
  • kick over the milk bucket踢翻牛奶桶
  • kick up把…踢起来,扬起,提高(价格等),激起,引起
  • kick up a dust扬起灰尘
  • kick up a row大吵大闹
  • kick against反对,不喜欢,对…不满
  • kick against the cruel treatment反抗虐待
  • kick at向…踢,反对,不喜欢,对…发牢骚
  • kick at a decision反对某项决定
  • kick at a dog踢狗
  • kick at paying such high prices抱怨价格太高
  • kick in踢伤某部位
  • kick sb in the chest踢伤某人的胸部
  • kick sb out of one's job解雇某人
  • kick sth out of把某物踢出
  • kick with boots用靴子踢
  • kick with both feet左右开弓
用作名词 (n.)
  • give a kick at对…踢一下
  • give sb a kick踢某人一脚
  • receive a kick from a horse被马踢一脚
  • get a kick out of sth从某一件事中得到乐趣
  • get the kick被解雇
  • have no kick left in没劲了
  • big kick极大乐趣
  • free kick任意球
  • smart kick恶狠狠的一脚
  • kick in踢在…处
  • kick in the teeth突然的挫折


  • A touch on..his calf, a very slight kick, it felt like a foot.

    出自:M. Gee
  • Knowles took the kick..with the ball careering on to the bar.

    出自:Evening Telegraph (Grimsby)
  • In the vicinity of females, the male 'kicks'sa loose twitch of the leg.

    出自:P. Matthiessen
  • She..kicked and thrashed while they dragged her along the sidewalk.

    出自:R. Ingalls

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acoustic recognition input
Adenocaulon himalaicum
Al-Si alloy
alternative futures
altitude air valve
amerigo vespuccis
aquametry apparatus
auxiliary capacitor
baby dick
be like sisters
Benedict's solution/Benedict's reagent
builder's cleavage
business departments
carbonaceous fuel
centrifugal-force tachometer
chicken pot pie
closed clause
conioscinella intrita
convection mass transfer
drafting standard
drummondia clavellata hook.
electric steel sheets and strips
engine starting system
equatorial cleavage
equipotential region
external superheater
flexible service
flip a switch
full screen
Ganglia spinalia
gangs up on
genus hygrotramas
Hutchinson-Gilford disease
in for perpetuity
in-plant test
Isaac Singer
james abbott mcneill whistlers
low-frequency power amplifier
lower confidence limit
maser preamplifier
May wines
Mealy machines
obligation fund
pledge card
portable hoisting jacks
protection addressing
put out of service
railway ticket
reserved page
risk free rate
shallow footing
skew roller table
sloping control panel
stain etch
subgenital plate
thermodynamic branch
thin-sheet metal
trichromatic colorimeter
Waldstein, Albrecht von
Windows Task Manager
wire sonde
workhead transformator
yielding arch