音标:[fait] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 打架, 争吵, 斗志
v. 对抗, 打架
n. the act of fighting; any contest or struggle
n. an intense verbal dispute
n. a boxing or wrestling match
v. fight against or resist strongly
词型变化:现在分词 : fighting ; 过去式 : fought ; 过去分词 : fought ; 名词复数形式 : fights ; 第三人称单数 : fights



  1. After spiritual purification, he meets the demon in a thrilling fight.在精神净化后,他遇见邪魔并展开激烈的战斗。
  2. Armed with raincoat and flashlight, he joined in the fight against the flood.他穿上雨衣,带上手电,加入了抗洪的战斗。
  3. Did you hear that there was a fight down in the local on Wednesday?你听说了吗?上星期三在附近的酒馆里有人打架。
  4. All the fight seemed to go out of him.他似乎再无斗志。
  5. The news of defeat took all the fight out of us.失败的消息夺走了我们所有的斗志。
  1. The boxer has fought many opponents.该拳手已与许多对手交锋。
  2. We must band together to fight the common enemy.我们必须联合起来, 对抗我们共同的敌人。
  3. Melinda Gates says there is work now to bring a new drug to India and Bangladesh to fight what is known as black fever.梅林达盖茨说,目前的工作是把一种新的药物带到印度和孟加拉国称以对抗黑热。
  1. She fought like a tiger to get what she wanted.她竭力争取自己想要的东西。
  2. Let us unite to fight poverty and disease.让我们齐心协力来克服贫困和疾病。
  3. He tried to fight down his anxiety.他努力克制他的焦虑。
  4. He was always fighting with his neighbors about the noise.他常常为了噪音和邻居们争吵。


  1. Don't fight!You are mistaken.别打啦!你们误会了。
  2. They always fight like cat and dog though they still love each other very much.尽管他们彼此深爱着对方,但经常激烈地争吵。
  3. He worked neither for fame nor fortune and always fought at his ordinary post.他不为名、不为利,始终战斗在平凡的岗位上。
S+~+to- v
  1. I fought all night to save his life.为挽救他的生命我彻夜苦干。
  2. They were fighting to preserve their freedom.他们为维护自由而战。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. You can fight him, but cau you beat him?你可以打他,但是你能打过他吗?
  2. The Chinese people were fighting the Japanese invaders in many places in North China.中国人民在华北许多地方同日本侵略者作战。
  3. They fought a duel.他们俩进行了一场决斗。
  4. They fought the fire last night.昨晚他们扑灭了大火。
  5. She dedicated her life to fighting corruption.她毕生致力于与贪污腐化作斗争。
  6. Doctors have been fighting the disease for many years.医生们多年来一直在和这种疾病作斗争。
  7. They made a detailed plan to fight the drought.他们制订了一个详细的抗旱计划。
  8. Although they were cripples, they fought the way up the hill.尽管他们的腿脚有缺陷,但还是尽力爬上了山。
  9. They fought a decisive battle〔fight, war〕.他们打了决定性的一仗。
  10. We have fought scores of battles in order to win victory.为赢得胜利,我们进行了多次战斗。
  11. He fought his bravest (war).他打得最勇敢。
  12. 1
  13. Battle after battle was fought, finally the invaders were driven out of the country.打了一仗又一仗,入侵者终于被赶出了那个国家。
  14. Many fierce battles were fought outside of the city.城外发生过多次激战。
  15. The famous battle was fought here in 1948.那场著名战役是1948年在这里进行的。
其他v -ing as Attrib.
  1. The purpose of criticism is to increase the Party's fighting capacity.批评的目的是为了增强党的战斗力。
  1. In his anger he hit the man and a fight ensued.一气之下,他打了那个人,接着是一场搏斗。
  2. He precipitated himself into fight.他奋力投入搏斗。
  3. My brother was drawn into a fight outside the hotel.我弟弟被人拉到旅馆外面去打架。
  4. He could never pass a street fight without pitching in.他每逢碰到打群架都要参加。
  5. The boy justified himself by saying he did not begin the fight.这个男孩为自己辩护说他没有首先动手打人。
  6. The fight between the boys had become so fierce that the teacher had to come out to pour oil on troubled waters.两个男孩打得很厉害,老师只得出来调解。
  7. After a brave fight, he finally had to chuck in the towel.他奋战一番,最后不得不认输。
  8. The fight would probably never have begun if one of the boys had not been edged on by a couple of bystanders.要不是其中一个孩子受到几个旁观者的挑唆,这场架也许根本就打不起来。
  9. Our team put up a good fight, but were beaten in the end.我们的球队已尽了力,但最后还是输了。
  10. The fighter accepted money to keep himself back from winning the fight.这位职业拳击手接受了贿赂,因此在这场拳击比赛中他故意没有使自己获胜。
  11. You haven't been in a fight, have you?你没有打过仗,是吗?
  12. They are determined to persevere in the fight.他们决心坚持战斗。
  13. The fight for peace interests all nations.为和平而奋斗事关所有国家。
  14. He came through countless fights.他身经百战。
  15. I will not cease from mental fight, nor shall my sword sleep in my hand.我不会停止内心的争斗,我的剑也不会在手中睡大觉。
  16. The fight against drug abuse goes on.反对吸毒的斗争在继续。
  17. The news of the defeat took all the fight out of us.战败的消息使我们完全丧失了斗志。


fight about (v.+adv.)
    争夺; 争吵 quarrel over; compete for sthfight about

    He and his wife are always fighting about who will take the car.


fight against (v.+prep.)
    与…作斗争〔争吵〕; 反对… oppose sb/a nation in a battle or quarrel; oppose sthfight against sb/sth/v-ing

    Try to stop the children form fighting against each other.


    We fought against odds.


    Britain fought against the US in the War of Independence.


    The habitants tried to fight against being moved to another city, but it was no use.


fight back (v.+adv.)
    恢复 struggle to return (to a former condition)fight back

    They fought back heroically.


    Don't let them bully you, fight back!


    As I fought back, he drew his sword and thrust it at me.


    fight sb ⇔ back

    The aggressors were fiercely fought back.


    fight sth ⇔ back

    Little Hans couldn't fight back his desire for the chocolate cake and ate a small piece before it was served.


    When you begin to give up smoking, you have to fight back your craving for cigarettes.


    Her tears were fought back on such an occasion.


    fight back to sth

    Everything seemed to be against me,But I fought back to my old position of strength.


    fight one's way back to sth

    After several reverses, they fought their way back to their old seats on the Board.


fight down (v.+adv.)
    控〔抑〕制,克服 struggle to control sthfight sth ⇔ down

    The firemen fought the flames down at last.


    It's difficult to fight down a desire to sleep.


    She fought down her excitement and went on with her work.


    You have made a great mistake and you will have to fight it down.


fight for (v.+prep.)
    为…而战斗〔竞争〕 fight to defend; compete with sb/sth to get sth/sbfight for sb/sth

    They fought for their country.


    He called on workers to fight for their rights.


    Abraham Lincoln called on his people to fight for freedom for all—Negroes and Whites.


    Every year I have to fight for an increase in pay.


fight off (v.+adv.)
    竭力摆脱〔驱走、阻止、回避…〕 keep sth away with an effort; struggle to prevent (sth unwanted); avoid (sb unwanted)
fight on1 (v.+adv.)
    继续战斗 continue fightingfight on

    We must fight on until the end.


fight on2 (v.+prep.)
    在(某方面)反对(某人) oppose sb about a matterfight sb on sth

    I'll fight you on that question.


fight out (v.+adv.)
    努力离开… struggle to leave
fight it out (v.+pron.+adv.)
    争论,争辩; 竞争 fight or argue until one of them wins
fight over (v.+prep.)
    争夺; 争吵 quarrel over; compete for sthfight over sb/sth

    It's quite an honour to have two men fighting over me.


    The birds in the garden are fighting over a piece of bread.


fight shy of (v.+adj.+prep.)
    害怕… fear about sb/sth
fight through1 (v.+adv.)
    努力得到赞同 struggle to gain approval of sthfight through

    The two opposing armies fought through to the end.


    fight sth ⇔ through

    We must fight this battle through to victory.


    fight sth ⇔ through

    The committee member had difficulty in fighting his suggestion through.


fight through2 (v.+prep.)
    力排众议 (cause to) pass with a struggle through sthfight through sb

    I could only get out by fighting through the crowd.


    fight one's way through sth

    The traveller had to fight his way through the tropical forest with an axe.


    We fought our way through the crowds to try to catch a glimpse of the parade.


    fight sth through sth

    Opposing members of the committee fought the suggested changes through every stage.


    fight through sth

    You'll have to fight through a lot of opposition to get the rules changed.


    fight sth through sth

    The committee member successfully fought his suggested changes through the necessary stages.


fight together (v.+adv.)
    相互争斗 fight together against sb, as enemies
fight with (v.+prep.)
    联盟作战 fight with help offight with sth

    Now, we fight with guns.


    They fought with bows and arrows.


    fight sb/sth with sth

    The man fought his attacker with a stick.


    We can fight evil with good.


    fight with sb

    Try to stop the children from fighting with each other.


    Have you been fighting with your brother again?


    They had to fight with a force twice their number.


    fight with sb

    In World War Two, the Americans fought with the Britain and French against the Germans.


pick a fight with
    和…吵〔打〕架; 向某人挑衅 bring about a quarrel intentionally; provoke an incident


用作动词 (v.)
  • fight a battle打仗
  • fight disease与疾病作斗争
  • fight the enemy打击敌人
  • fight the fire救火
  • fight bravely勇敢地战斗
  • fight briefly短暂地斗争
  • fight closely亲密地作战
  • fight desperately拼死搏斗
  • fight fearlessly无畏地斗争
  • fight fiercely强烈地抗击
  • fight gallantly勇敢地战斗
  • fight hard拼死搏斗
  • fight heroically英勇地战斗
  • fight hopelessly无希望地斗争
  • fight incessantly持续不断地斗争
  • fight manfully勇敢地战斗
  • fight memorably值得纪念地战斗
  • fight passively被动地斗争
  • fight perpetually永久地斗争
  • fight rebelliously叛逆性地斗争
  • fight relentlessly残酷地斗争
  • fight reluctantly不情愿地斗争
  • fight resolutely顽强地战斗
  • fight silently无声地斗争
  • fight simultaneously暂时斗争
  • fight skeptically心存怀疑地斗争
  • fight stubbornly顽强地战斗
  • fight successfully成功地战斗
  • fight terrifically恐怖地斗争
  • fight thrillingly激动地斗争
  • fight unfairly不公平地争斗
  • fight valiantly勇敢地战斗
  • fight viciously恶意地争斗
  • fight back抵抗,抑制,打回去
  • fight back one's tears强忍住眼泪
  • fight the enemy back把敌人打回去
  • fight down克服,抑制,征服
  • fight down one's anger抑制愤怒
  • fight off治好,击退,排斥,竭力避免
  • fight off a cold治好伤风
  • fight off the effects of消除…的影响
  • fight out拼命抵抗,竭力克服,通过斗争来解决
  • fight it out决一雌雄,争辩个明白
  • fight one's way out打出一条路
  • fight together打成一团
  • fight up奋力打,勇敢战斗
  • fight about为…而争吵
  • fight against与…战,抵抗
  • fight against death与死亡搏斗
  • fight against difficulties与困难斗争
  • fight among themselves自相战斗
  • fight for为…而斗争,争(干某事)
  • fight for existence为生存而挣扎
  • fight for fame为名誉而战
  • fight for glory为荣誉而战
  • fight for higher wages and better conditions of labour为高薪与更好的工作环境而抗争
  • fight for one's life为生活而奔波
  • fight for the liberty and peace为自由与和平而战
  • fight like a lion像狮子一样勇猛战斗
  • fight over争夺,为…争吵
  • fight to a finish奋战到底
  • fight to the end奋战到底
  • fight to the finish for为…打到底,为…决一死战
  • fight to the very last战斗到底
  • fight with与…战斗,抵抗
  • fight with death同死神搏斗
用作名词 (n.)
  • carry a fight through将战斗进行到底
  • get into a fight with与…打架
  • give a fight打一仗
  • lose the fight战败
  • make a fight打一仗
  • put up a good fight奋勇战斗
  • show fight显示斗志
  • take the fight out of瓦解…的斗志
  • win one's fight打胜仗
  • bitter fight苦战
  • bloody fight血战
  • decisive fight决战
  • defensive fight防御战
  • dry fight不流血的斗争
  • equal fight实力相当的拳击赛
  • fierce fight激战
  • good fight漂亮仗
  • hand-to-hand fight肉搏战
  • hard fight硬仗
  • losing fight失败的战斗,败仗
  • real fight真正的斗争
  • running fight追击战
  • severe fight激战
  • sharp fight尖锐的斗争
  • stand-up fight光明正大的斗争
  • straight fight一对一的竞选
  • bayonet fight白刃战
  • gun fight炮战
  • land fight陆战
  • prize fight职业拳击赛
  • sea fight海战
  • street fights巷战
  • fight on the subject关于这个问题的争论


  • The conflicts and fights at sea, in the first Punick warre.

    出自:P. Holland
  • He..is ready to fight up to his knees in blood for her Majesty.

    出自:J. Wolcot
  • She fought like a maniac.

    出自:I. Murdoch
  • When they fought..it was with fists and bottles and furniture.

    出自:C. Isherwood

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a flop
A still tongue makes a wise head.
account distibution memorandum
aerodynamics accelerator
Annales school
Anneslea lanceolata
automatic tool retracting unit
average rate of increase
bellows sealed valve
bitt bollard
blast gate
broad restrictions
capillary vein
Cepphus columba
cheap high
cherry Bakewells
China Merchants Steamship Company
circuit changing switch
cobalt chromium tungsten alloy
compensating tube
criminal attempt
data dredging
depreciation cost
draught before damage
employed labo(u)r force
exciting choke
far-infrared spectrophotometer
flagellaria indica l.
flicker blade
Fuente Palmera
glass negative
interest on interbranches accounts
interframe time fill
keel drag
laser wave length
little in from outside (lifo)
llgamenta arcuatum pubis
meteorologic transmission
microbial immunology
natrium benzoicum
neural anastomosis
normal color photograph
owl monkeys
painful lessons
percent of water absorption
perennial grasses
platform roofing
quenched martensite
rod coupler
rubber-like state
second purple light
signs and wonders
Sir Charles Wheatstone
stone-washed finish
submarine cable equalizer
tea drunkard
temporal niche
triple buff
unripe girl
Wisconsinan stage