音标:['ɑ:gjumәnt] ; 柯林斯词典等级:4 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 争论, 论证, 论据, 自变量
[计] 参数
n. a fact or assertion offered as evidence that something is true
n. a discussion in which reasons are advanced for and against some proposition or proposal
n. a summary of the subject or plot of a literary work or play or movie
n. (computer science) a reference or value that is passed to a function, procedure, subroutine, command, or program
词型变化:名词复数形式 : arguments



  1. She handled a difficult argument skilfully.她巧妙地应付了一场艰难的辩论。
  2. This argument, however, does not hold water.但是,这种观点是站不住脚的。
  3. This point is vital to my argument.这一点对我的论据极为重要。
  4. We accepted the agreement without argument.我们毫无异议地接受了这一协议。
  5. The argument among the two parties was blown up by the press.双方的争论被新闻界夸大了。
  6. It is not a logically compelling argument.它在逻辑上并不是令人信服的理由。
  7. The argument of the function was misrepresented.这个函数的自变量出现表达错误。
  8. Consider a method that takes a String as its argument.下面让我们考虑将一个字串作为自变量使用的方法。


  1. His strong arguments persuaded me to accept his conclusions.他的强有力的论据说服了我,使我接受了他的结论。
  2. Her argument was that it would be cheaper to buy a new radio than to get the old one repaired.她认为买台新收音机要比修理旧的便宜。
  3. He made a persuasive argument.他发表了很有说服力的论点。
  4. Do you accept this argument?你接受这个论点吗?
  5. It take two to start argument.一个巴掌拍不响。
  6. They keep getting into heated political arguments.他们不断地进行激烈的政治辩论。
  7. I don't think that's a very strong argument.我认为这不是一个坚实有力的论点。
  8. He wanted to settle a dispute by argument.他想通过说理解决争端。
  9. There is not much meat in this argument.这番议论没什么内容。
  10. They were engaged in this argument for hours.他们在这个论点上花了好几个小时。
  11. This belief is open to argument.这种看法还可以争论。
  12. She accepted the decision without argument.他没有异议地接受了这个决定。
~+ prep. -phrase
  1. We got into an argument about money.我们为钱争吵起来。
  2. The children had an argument about what game to play.孩子们为该玩什么游戏发生了争吵。
  3. They were having an argument about whose turn it was to do the cooking.他们为该轮到谁做饭而争吵不休。
  4. He and David had been drawn into a ferocious argument about their jointly owned car.他和戴维为了他们共同拥有的汽车发生了激烈的争吵。
  5. There are many arguments against smoking.反对吸烟的理由很多。
  6. There are strong arguments against these measures.有强有力的理由反对这些措施。
  7. There are strong arguments for and against mercy killing punishment.对于安乐死,赞成与反对的双方都有强有力的论据。
  8. Now that we've heard all the arguments for and against the proposal, shall we vote on it?我们既已听到了对于这项提案的所有赞成和反对的论点,是否就此进行投票表决?
  9. The committee listened to all the arguments for and against the proposal.委员会听取了所有的赞成与反对这项建议的理由。
  10. What are your arguments for wanting to study abroad?你想出国念书的理由是什么?
  11. These are arguments in favour of this hypothesis.这些就是赞同这个假说的论点。
  12. His arguments in favour of a new school are very persuasive.他赞成办一座新学校的理由很有说服力。
  13. The central argument of the book is that some of the plays supposedly written by Shakespeare were actually written by someone else.这本书的中心论点是:有些被认为是出自莎士比亚之手的剧本,实际上是由其他人写的。
  14. The argument over self-rule is long.这场关于自治的争论历时长久。
  15. There is no need for arguments over it.关于这个问题没有争论的必要。
  16. I said no and we got into a big argument over it.我拒绝了,于是我们为此大吵了一番。
  17. She had an argument with her boyfriend.她同男友发生了争执。
  18. He got into an argument with Jeff in the pub last night.昨晚他在酒馆里跟杰夫吵了一场。
  1. Perhaps more common is the argument that disarmament agreements cannot work.或许更常听到的论点是裁军协议行不通。
  2. Her husband was not convinced by her argument that they needed a bigger house.她认为需要一幢更大的房子,但她丈夫并没有被她的观点所说服。


用作名词 (n.)
  • accept an argument接受论点
  • admit of no argument没有辩论的余地
  • advance an argument提出论点
  • bear out an argument证明论点
  • break off an argument结束辩论
  • build an argument on facts以事实为根据立论
  • build up an argument立论
  • clinch an argument使辩论获得彻底解决
  • confute an argument驳斥某一论点
  • draw one's argument from从…中引证论据
  • drive home an argument把论点讲透彻
  • explain an argument解释论点
  • fall into an argument进行辩论
  • get into an argument进行辩论
  • grasp sb's argument领会某人的论点
  • have an argument进行争论
  • hear arguments against听取反对…的理由
  • hear arguments for听取赞成…的理由
  • illustrate an argument用实例说明论点
  • keep out of sb's argument不介入某人的争论
  • lose the argument辩论输了
  • offer an argument提出论点
  • present an argument提出论点
  • press an argument on sb强迫某人接受某种论点
  • prove an argument证明论点
  • provide an argument提出论据
  • put forward an argument提出论据
  • ram an argument home反复说明论点以便使对方接受
  • rebut an argument驳回论点
  • refute an argument驳斥论点
  • save an argument避免争论
  • settle an argument解决争端
  • start an argument挑起争论
  • support an argument支持论点
  • terminate an argument结束争论
  • win the argument辩论赢了
  • airtight argument无懈可击的论据
  • all arguments所有论点
  • angry argument愤怒的争论
  • artificial argument巧辩,诡辩
  • balanced argument折中的论点,稳妥的论点
  • basic argument基本论点
  • bitter argument剧烈的争论
  • central argument中心论点
  • cogent argument有说服力的论据
  • compelling argument有说服力的论据
  • conclusive argument结论性意见
  • confused argument含混不清的论点
  • contrary argument相反的论点
  • convincing argument令人信服的论点
  • counter argument对立的论点
  • dubious argument可疑的论点
  • elaborate argument严密的论点
  • endless argument无休止的争论
  • erroneous argument错误的论点
  • fallacious argument谬论
  • false argument错误的论证
  • faulty argument不完善的论据
  • flawless argument完美无缺的论点
  • flimsy argument站不住脚的论点
  • fruitless argument无结果的辩论
  • groundless argument毫无根据的论点
  • heated argument热烈的争论
  • invulnerable argument无可反驳的论点
  • irrefutable argument无可辩驳的论据,驳不倒的论点
  • knock-down argument能驳倒对方的论据
  • logical argument合乎逻辑的论证
  • loose argument杂乱无章的论据
  • loud argument大声的争论
  • never-ending argument无休止的争论
  • persuasive argument有说服力的论据
  • pointless argument无意义的争论
  • potent argument令人心服的论据
  • principled argument原则上的争论
  • rational argument合乎情理的论点
  • same argument相同的论点
  • shallow argument肤浅的论点
  • similar argument相似的论点
  • solid argument理由充分的论点
  • sound argument正确的论证
  • specious argument似是而非的论点
  • spurious argument不合逻辑的论点
  • strong argument有力的论据
  • subtle argument难以捉摸的论点
  • supporting argument起证实作用的论据
  • telling argument有力的论据
  • tenuous argument没有说服力的论据,无力的论据
  • trenchant argument有力的论据
  • unassailable argument无懈可击的论点
  • unending argument不停的争论
  • valid argument有效的论据
  • violent argument剧烈的争论
  • weak argument没有说服力的论据,无力的论据
  • weighty argument有力的论据
  • woolly argument紊乱的论据
  • wordy and weedy argument冗长而杂乱的论据
  • stock argument陈词滥调
  • beyond argument无可争辩
  • attack by arguments以议论攻击
  • matter for argument争论的问题
  • fallacy in the argument论据中的谬误
  • on a prior argument根据先前的论点
  • without argument无异议地
  • argument about sth关于某事的争论
  • argument against反对…的论点
  • argument between …之间的争论
  • argument between husband and wife夫妻间的争吵
  • argument for赞成…的论点
  • arguments for the proposal支持这一提议的论据
  • argument in favour of赞成…的论点
  • arguments on sth关于某事的论点
  • argument over sth关于某事的争论
  • argument with sb同某人的争吵


  • But that the Beast that was, and is not, is not the Devil, we shall now evince by other arguments.

    出自:Henry More
  • Well provided with golden arguments.

    出自:C. M. Yonge
  • To hold snow on the roof is always a good, wise provision and a good argument for a flat roof.

    出自:F. L. Wright


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Agathis dammara
animal mechanics
argyrophil cell
arteria pudenda interna
Casselberry's position
certificate of delivery and re-delivery
chrysosis of lung
circular radiobeacon
common base circuit
decal process printing ink
Dissen am Teutoburger Wald
doggy woggies
driven shaft nut
environmental oceanogrphy
FORTRAN control character
group additive utility function
gunning concrete
Gymnaster piccolii
hair disc
half selected core
Hallyeo Marine National Park
hammer control buffer
high birefringence optical fiber
horizontally dump truck
hydraulic nut
illuminated traffic indicator
in ages
inaccuracy of dimensions
inspect statement
just identified
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movement elicitation
multiple reclosing breaker
negative chemotaxes
neptunia gracilis
oleinic acid
oxyhalide ion
paraaminosalicylic acid
Parachampionella rankanensis
parallel test
pressure per stone
professional associations
retardation phenomenon
right cell
rotary vacuum filtration
s. caps.
semi closed cycle
semiautomatic working
shark ray
Slmàrd, Lac.
subgrade moisture content
tentonic characteristics
the summit of
tractor-drawn centrifugal spreader
truck-mounted generator
wager policy
weak butter
Wendlandia pubigera
WiFi mesh
wire turn-buckle