标签:社交英语 相关文章
Unit 5 How's business? 生意做得怎么样? 本问句是商界的常用语,用来询问别人生意的经营状况。注意business除表示生意外,尚可表示出差,如 be on business in + 地点:系赴某地出差。 A: Good afternoon,
unit 11 Have a good time. 祝您玩得愉快。 这句祝福用语是由(I hope you may) have a good time. 化简而来,也相当于I wish you a good time. 。通常我们祝某人旅途愉快,可说Have a nice trip. 若友人欲搭乘飞机远行,
Unit 7 Welcome home. 欢迎回到家来。 朋友或亲人风尘仆仆由他乡归来时,我们常用说这句话,以表达我们热情的欢迎,如果能再来个拥抱,那真是再好不过了。 A: Welcome home, Peter! 甲:欢迎回到家来
Unit 6 Time sure flies, doesn't it? 时光飞逝,不是吗? 这是朋友见面聊天时,最常听到的一句话,用来形容时间过得真快,有点岁月不饶人的意味。 A: It's quite cold this early morning, isn't it? 甲:今天清晨
Shyness, or Something More? 不只是害臊? by Kevin Lustig Social phobia can make being with others a nightmare. 社交恐惧症让身处人群成为一种恶梦。 You enter a crowded classroom. People seem to be staring at you. You hear laughte
Unit 29 Can you stay for dinner? 你能留下来吃晚餐吗? 本句的基本句型为Can you stay for...?,表示邀请对方留下来参加某项活动。 例:Can you stay for the tea party?(你能留下来参加茶会吗?)及Can you stay for th
Unit 32 Would you like another helping?要不要再来一份? 本句亦常用于餐桌上的对话中,系主人询问客人要不要再来一份,helping 在此非帮助之意,而是表示食物的一份。 一旦被问及,若佳肴难拒,则可
两人初次见面时,要说It is nice to meet you. (幸会。)以示礼貌。 但彼此熟悉开始闲聊之后,道别时则应说It was nice meeting you. 换言之,It is nice to meet you.是见面招呼用语,而It was nice meeting you.则是
Unit 24 Excuse me. 对不起。 Excuse me. 通常有打扰对方或引起对方注意的含义,最常使用的场合为借路(过)或问路(事)。 它与I'm sorry. 虽同表示对不起。,但在用法上仍有所差异,Excuse me. 并不代表自
Unit 34 Would you care for a drink?要喝点饮料吗? 本句基本句型为Would you care for +名词?等于Would you like +名词?,均表示询问对方你要不要?句中的 care for 表示喜欢,在乎。 例:I really care for you.(我真的在
(It's) nice to meet you. 很高兴认识您。幸会 A: Ms. Wang, this is Mr. Cooper, president of Ivy Publishing. 甲:王小姐,这位是古柏先生,是常春藤出版公司的总裁。 B: It's nice to meet you, Mr. Cooper. 乙:幸会,古柏
与友人道别时,为了延续彼此间的友谊,常使用本句。注意句型keep in touch with +人表示与某人保持联络,可替为keep in contact with +人,此contact亦表示接触之意。至于表示与某人失去联络,则使用
当家人有事出门时,为了提醒对方是否带齐一切所需物品,则常使用本句,也是一种关心的用语。 A: Do you have everything? 甲:一切都带齐了吗? B: Let's see...my ID card, my passport, and my suitcase. I'm pre
Dialogue: Xiao Gao and Jing Jing are at Jing Jings friends party, but Xiao Gao doesnt know anyone besides Jing Jing 小高和京晶一起参加京晶朋友的派对,但是小高并不认识除京晶以外的其他人 JJ:Okay, Xiao Gao, go work the
Dialogue: JJ:Okay, Xiao Gao, go work the crowd. XG:No way! I dont know anyone here! Im way too shy. JJ:How about I give you some mingling tips? XG:Okay, I could definitely use some help. JJ:First, you should turn that frown upside down. Are you liste
Got on the Wagon 戒酒 If I didn't get help I may have lost my daughters forever. That was the reason I sought treatment. I first began drinking at parties, dinners and other social gatherings . Then I began drinking on my own at home and work. 如果
在你遇到朋友、同事和新认识的朋友并和他们打招呼时,某些话题可不能随便提起。下面的情况可能在社交场合引起侮辱和尴尬,对照看看,以免犯错误哦! (1)You've put on weight 避免指出某人很胖
实用社交礼仪:英语中各种眼神的意义 眼睛会说话。你知道这些眼神的含义吗? gaze - means to direct your eyes towards something for a long time. 注视;凝视 stare - suggests to fix your eyes on somebody or something
Graph Search的理念在于,以谷歌搜索引擎发掘互联网信息的方式,发掘Facebook网站社交图谱的含义。Graph Search扩展了Facebook的核心使命:不仅帮助用户与已知的他人建立联系,还能成为一款发现工