Wozniak began to rankle at Jobs's style. 沃兹尼亚克开始反感乔布斯的处事风格。 Steve was too tough on people. I wanted our company to feel like a family where we all had fun and shared whatever we made. 史蒂夫对别人太苛刻了,

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Brennan spent a lot of her time that summer painting; she was talented, and she did a picture of a clown for Jobs that he kept on the wall. Jobs wrote poetry and played guitar. 那年夏天,布伦南用了很多时间画画。她非常有才华,画

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The farm had a main house, a large barn, and a garden shed, where Kottke and Holmes slept. 农场里有一座主楼,一座大仓库和一间花园小屋,科特基和霍姆斯就睡在花园小屋里。 Jobs took on the task of pruning the Gravens

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Lang and others wanted to let Jobs go, but Bushnell worked out a solution. 朗和其他人想赶走乔布斯,但布什内尔想出了一个解决方案。 The smell and behavior wasn't an issue with me, he said. Steve was prickly, but I kind of lik

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Atari 雅达利 In February 1974, after eighteen months of hanging around Reed, Jobs decided to move back to his parents' home in Los Altos and look for a job. 1974年2月,在里德学院晃荡了18个月之后,乔布斯决定搬回父母在洛斯阿

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His argument was that a great engineer would be remembered only if he teamed with a great marketer, 他的理由是,一个伟大的工程师,只有和一个伟大的营销人员合作,才有可能被世人所铭记, and this required him to c

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This was not an outlook that Bill Gates embraced. 但比尔盖茨不是这么想的。 After he and Paul Allen had completed their BASIC interpreter for the Altair, 他和保罗艾伦完成了阿尔泰电脑的BASIC语言编译器后, Gates was app

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Breakout 打砖块 One day in early 1975 Al Alcorn was sitting in his office at Atari when Ron Wayne burst in. 1975年初的一天,阿尔奥尔康正坐在雅达利公司的办公室里,罗恩韦恩冲了进来。 Hey, Stevie is back! he shouted.

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Jobs later said that Janov's teachings did not prove very useful. 乔布斯后来说,事实证明亚诺夫的方法并没有什么效果。 He offered a ready-made, buttoned-down answer which turned out to be far too oversimplistic. 他提供的只是

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To Jobs, this seemed preferable to talk therapy because it involved intuitive feeling and emotional action rather than just rational analyzing. 在乔布斯看来,这一疗法比谈话疗法要好,因为这其中包含了直观的感受和情感上

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In September Chuck Peddle of the Commodore computer company came by the Jobs house to get a demo. 9月,康懋达电脑公司的查克佩德尔来到乔布斯家中观看他的演示。 We'd opened Steve's garage to the sunlight, and he came in wear

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So Jobs and Wozniak were invited to have a meeting with, as his impish business cards read, Regis McKenna, himself. 于是乔布斯和沃兹尼亚克获邀去拜访 麦肯纳,本人--他的名片上就是这么写的。 This time it was the normall

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After a dozen assembled boards had been approved by Wozniak, 12块组装好的主板经过沃兹尼亚克检验合格后, Jobs drove them over to the Byte Shop. 被乔布斯送到了Byte Shop。 Terrell was a bit taken aback. 特雷尔有点儿吃惊

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A New Baby 一个新孩子 The Apple II took the company from Jobs's garage to the pinnacle of a new industry. Apple II的问世把苹果公司从乔布斯家的车库推向了一个新兴产业的顶峰。 Its sales rose dramatically, from 2,500 uni

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We are inventing the future, Jobs told him at the end of a three-hour pitch. 我们正在创造未来,乔布斯在长达3个小时的劝说接近尾声时表示, Think about surfing on the front edge of a wave. It's really exhilarating. 想象一下

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Brennan had no doubt that Jobs was the father. 布伦南确定孩子就是乔布斯的。 She had not been involved with Greg or any other men at the time. 那段时期她没有跟格雷格或其他男人有过交集。 Was he lying to himself, or di

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With Apple's success came fame for its poster boy. 苹果公司的成功给乔布斯带来了名声。 Inc. became the first magazine to put him on its cover, in October 1981. 1981年10月,《企业》成为了第一家将乔布斯搬上封面的杂志

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A Bauhaus Aesthetic 包豪斯式的美学标准 Unlike most kids who grew up in Eichler homes, Jobs knew what they were and why they were so wonderful. 和大多数在埃奇勒建造的房子中长大的孩子不同,乔布了解这些房子,也知道

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The Mac team knew that. Mac团队也深知这一点。 Every year, beginning in 1981, it gave out an award to the person who did the best job of standing up to him. 从1981年开始,他们每年都会将一个奖项颁发给最能勇敢面对乔布斯

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Unfortunately for Apple, 对于苹果公司来说不幸的是, Jobs also took aim at another perceived competitor to his Macintosh: the company's own Lisa. 乔布斯还将矛头对准了麦金塔的另一个竞争对手:苹果公司自家生产的丽

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