Mock Turtlenecks and Teamwork 高领衫和团队合作 On a trip to Japan in the early 1980s, 20世纪80年代初,在日本拜访时, Jobs asked Sony's chairman, Akio Morita, why everyone in his company's factories wore uniforms. 乔布斯曾问过

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The process could be intimidating, but Jobs had an eye for talent. 招聘的过程是严苛的,但是乔布斯能够慧眼识人。 When they were looking for people to design the graphical interface for Apple's new operating system, 当他们想找人

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Despite his autocratic nature -- he never worshipped at the altar of consensus 虽然乔布斯天性独裁专制,从不寄望于共识, Jobs worked hard to foster a culture of collaboration at Apple. 但他却着力在公司内部营造出一种合

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Once again Jobs had produced an iconic new product, this one a harbinger of a new millennium. 乔布斯又一次推出了标志性的新产品,也是一个新纪元的开端。 It fulfilled the promise of Think Different. 它履行了非同凡想的承

发表于:2019-02-09 / 阅读(175) / 评论(0) 分类 乔布斯传

But he still had his spirit and charisma. 另一方面,他仍然保持着自己的精神和领袖魅力。 There were plenty of field trips, visits by akido masters, and off-site retreats. 乔布斯组织了大量的实地考察以及外出集思会,

发表于:2019-02-15 / 阅读(106) / 评论(0) 分类 乔布斯传

At that point he called Jobs to make sure he understood. 当时,他打给乔布斯,想让他明白现在的状况。 The board had given final approval of his reorganization plan, which would proceed that week. 董事会已经最后通过了斯卡利

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The dark mood was evident in the ad that was developed in January 1985, 这种负面情绪在苹果公司1985年1月的广告中也有所体现, which was supposed to reprise the anti-IBM sentiment of the resonant 1984 ad. 这次的广告试图再次

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Here's to the Crazy Ones 致疯狂的人 Lee Clow, the creative director at Chiat/Day who had done the great 1984 ad for the launch of the Macintosh, 李克劳是Chiat/Day广告公司的创意总监,正是他为麦金塔电脑的上市打造了震撼

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When Drexler came to see the prototype, he had some criticisms: 德雷克斯勒看到接近完工的模拟商店之后,提出了一些批评: I thought the space was too chopped up and not clean enough. 空间太琐碎了,还不够干净。 The

发表于:2019-02-19 / 阅读(91) / 评论(0) 分类 乔布斯传

Jobs liked to tell the story -- and he did so to his team that day 乔布斯喜欢向人们讲述故事--那天,他对团队也讲了这些故事, about how everything that he had done correctly had required a moment when he hit the rewind button

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Jobs particularly focused on the staircases, which echoed the one he had built at NeXT. 乔布斯尤其关注楼梯的设计,苹果零售店的楼梯和他以前为NeXT办公楼设计的楼梯如出一辙。 When he visited a store as it was being

发表于:2019-02-19 / 阅读(107) / 评论(0) 分类 乔布斯传

Lisa 丽萨 Lisa Brennan, however, did not have a great childhood. 丽萨布伦南的童年就没有那么棒了。 When she was young, her father almost never came to see her. 她小时候,父亲几乎从不来看她。 I didn't want to be a fathe

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One day, to the surprise of his colleagues, he brought her by the office. 有一天,出乎同事们的意料,他把她带到了办公室。 As she turned cartwheels in the corridor, she squealed, Look at me! 她在走廊里侧手翻,还尖叫着,

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Jobs and Catmull decided that, in order to show off their hardware and software, 乔布斯和卡特穆尔决定,为了展示皮克斯的硬件和软件, Lasseter should produce another short animated film in 1986 for SIGGRAPH, the annual computer

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The Launch, October 1988 1988年10月,NeXT发布会 Jobs had perfected the art of turning product launches into theatrical productions, 乔布斯将产品发布变成戏剧作品的艺术已经登峰造极。 and for the world premiere of the NeXT

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At an executive session of the board in June, with Amelio out of the room, 在6月的一次董事会上,阿梅里奥不在场时, Woolard described to current directors how he calculated their odds. 伍拉德对当时的董事讲述了他对形势的

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By then the press had turned against Amelio. 另外,媒体也不再支持阿梅里奥。 Business Week ran a cover asking Is Apple Mincemeat?; 《商业周刊》的封面标题以问句开场:苹果一盘散沙? Red Herring ran an editorial hea

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So Apple needed a partner, one that could make a stable operating system, 所以苹果需要一个合作伙伴提供稳定的操作系统, preferably one that was UNIX-like and had an object-oriented application layer. 最好还是像Unix那样的操

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He wanted Amelio to help him return to Apple as the CEO. 他想让阿梅里奥帮助他回到苹果担任CEO。 There's only one person who can rally the Apple troops, Jobs said, only one person who can straighten out the company. 只有一个人可以

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By 1996 Apple's share of the market had fallen to 4% from a high of 16% in the late 1980s. 到1996年,苹果的市场份额已经从80年代末的高达16%下降到4%。 Michael Spindler, the German-born chief of Apple's European operations who had

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