There they subdued the inhabitants, and set them to work in the fields. 他们在那里征服了从前的居民,并让他们在田地劳作。 They themselves founded a city where they lived, and called it Sparta. 他们自己建造了一个名叫斯

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Something very strange happened between 550 and 500 BC. I don't really understand it myself, but perhaps that's what makes it so interesting. 在公元前550年与公元前500年间发生了某种奇怪的事情。本来我也不明白这是怎么发生

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Yet, under Cyrus's leadership, they succeeded, through courage and guile. 然而波斯人在居鲁士的统率下因其机谋和勇敢精神却终于成功了。 And so Cyrus became lord of that great realm. 于是居鲁士便成为统治整个国家的

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It came after the death of Cambyses, during the reign of a great king named Darius. 这是在冈比西斯死之后,在一位名叫大流士的伟大君主的统治期间。 He governed the vast Persian empire which now stretched from Egypt to the f

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They had no wish to be ruled by a Persian king, nor would they pay him tribute.So they rebelled, and threw out the Persian governors. 他们既不愿意被波斯国王统治也不愿意向他纳贡,所以他们起来造反并把波斯官员赶走。

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Added to which, the Athenians all knew what was at stake: their freedom and their lives, and those of their wives and children. 再加上全部的雅典人都知道,这关系到什么:关系到他们的自由和他们的生命,关系到他们妻子

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This was the famous Marathon Run after which we call our race. 这便是著名的马拉松长跑的由来。 Famous, because the messenger ran so far and so fast that all he could do was deliver his message before he fell down dead. 马拉松长跑之所

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He died soon after, leaving his son and successor, Xerxes, to take revenge on Greece once and for all. 不久他便死去,把向希腊彻底复仇的任务一下子交给了他的继承人薛西斯。 Xerxes, a hard, ambitious man, needed no urging

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Having finally succeeded in persuading the allies not to leave, 最终成功劝服同盟者不离开, he secretly sent a messenger to Xerxes saying: Make haste and attack, or the Athenians allies will escape you! 他便悄悄派一使者去向薛西斯

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After this the Persians never again dared attack the Greeks. 从此波斯人没有再敢涉足希腊。 And this is very interesting, because it wasn't as if the Persians were weaker or more stupid than the Greeks far from it. 这意味深长,倒不是

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I said earlier that Greece, when set against the Persian empire, was no more than a small peninsula, 我已经谈到,顶住了波斯帝国强大压力的希腊是一个小小的半岛, dotted here and there with little cities of busy merchants, 有

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But one thing united the Greeks: their religion and their sport. 但只有一件事情把希腊联合在一起了:他们的信仰和体育运动。 And I say 'one thing' because, strangely enough, sport and religion weren't two separate things they

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These laws were so strict that people still speak of Draconian severity. 这些法律十分严厉以致人们今天还在谈论德拉古的严厉。 But the people of Athens, who had roamed the seas in their ships, and had heard and seen so many diff

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For a while individual noblemen curried favor with the people to win their votes, and then seized power. 在一段时间里一些贵族附和民众获得他们的选票,然后夺取了统治权。 Rulers like these were called tyrants. 这样的统治

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And so he gradually worked his way up until, by 444 BC a number as beautiful as the time it represents, 就这样他逐渐获得了最高统治权并自公元前444年起这个数字像它所表明的时代一样美, he was, in effect, the city's sol

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The Ionians in the colonial outposts may have been ahead of them here, 在殖民地的伊安尼尔人已经比他们先走了一步, for they had already reflected on what the world was actually made of, and what might be the cause of all events and

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When you look at the works of Greek artists, and see how fresh and simple and beautiful they are, 看希腊艺术家的作品时,你会发现它们是多么清新、简单和美好, it is as if their creators were seeing the world for the first t

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All we have are little paintings on pottery on vases and urns. 我们只见到陶制器皿上、花瓶上和坛子上的小型画像。 Their loveliness tells us what we have lost. 这些画像如此之美以至我们能够想象得出来我们丧失了

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Both wisdom of thought and beauty of form were to be united by the Athenians in a third art: the art of poetry. 在第三种艺术中,即在诗艺中,雅典人把思想的睿智和形式的美统一起来。 And here, too, they invented something

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And now let us go to the opposite end of the world. 现在让我们来到世界的另一端, To India and then to China, so that we can find out what was going on in these vast lands at the time of the Persian wars. 来到印度,然后去中国,这

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