Constantine no longer ruled the empire from Rome. 君士坦丁不再坐镇罗马进行统治。 In those days the chief threat came from the east, the Persians having once again become powerful. 当时帝国在东方受到最大的威胁,受到波斯

发表于:2019-01-01 / 阅读(87) / 评论(0) 分类 世界小史

Have you ever watched a storm approaching on a hot summer's day? 你在炎热的夏天见过一场雷雨来临的情景吗? It's especially spectacular in the mountains. 这在山区尤其壮观。 At first there's nothing to see, but you feel a so

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The wind buffets you from every angle. 风从四面八方刮来。 And when the storm finally moves away,leaving in its place a clear, still, starlit night, 当随后雷雨逐渐消散,寂静、明澈的星夜终于来临时, you can hardly remem

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Now, try to imagine 1,000 million years! 现在试着想象10亿年(有多长)! At that time there were no large animals, just creatures like snails and worms. 当时还没有巨型动物,只有蜗牛和虫这样的生物。 And before then t

发表于:2018-12-07 / 阅读(75) / 评论(0) 分类 世界小史

And how do we know that? We sometimes find their bones, deep in the ground. 我们怎么知道的?我们有时在地下深处找到它们的骨骼。 When I was a schoolboy in Vienna I used to visit the Natural History Museum, 当我在维也纳上小

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But we only catch glimpses, because our light is now falling faster and faster: 1,000 years, 5,000 years, 10,000 years. 但是我们只在一瞬间看见了这情景,因为我们的火光越坠越快,越坠越快,1千年,5千年,1万年。

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This period is known as the time of the Migrations. 成千上万的人是否被打死,这并不重要,而成千上万的人却随后跟上。这个时期叫民族大迁徙时期。 It was the storm that swept up the Roman empire and whirled it in

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When the emperor refused, Attila set out to punish him with his mighty army, and take by force what had been denied him. 当皇帝拒绝时,阿提拉便率领他的大军出发,去惩罚这位皇帝并夺取他拒不给予的东西。 The two sid

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This time it was the Huns. People like these had never been seen before in the West: small, yellow men with narrow, slit eyes and terrifying scars on their faces. 那便是匈奴人。这样的部落人们在西方还从未见过,矮小、黄皮肤的

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They marched as far as Athens, which they sacked. They also marched on Constantinople. 西哥特人向雅典进军并掠夺它,他们兵临君士坦丁堡城下, Finally, under the leadership of their king, Alaric, they turned towards Italy where

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His hordes burnt and destroyed everything in their path. 因为他的部落烧毁、蹂躏一切。 And yet in spite of all the gold and silver and treasures the Huns looted, 但是尽管匈奴人掠夺了那么多的金银财宝, and in spite of a

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Only two years later, in 453, Attila married a German princess and died on the same night. 此后不久阿提拉便死了,死于453年,死在他与一位日耳曼公主成婚的那一天。 Had the Pope not saved the Roman Empire of the West on t

发表于:2018-12-07 / 阅读(107) / 评论(0) 分类 世界小史

This marked the end of the Roman Empire of the West and its Latin culture, 这是西罗马的讲拉丁语的帝国的结束, together with the long period that goes all the way back to prehistoric times, which we call antiquity. 所以人们也把这

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Theodoric captured Odoacer, but he promised to spare his life. 狄奥多里克俘获了日耳曼统帅奥多亚塞。 Instead, he invited him to a banquet and stabbed him to death. 狄奥多里克虽然允诺免他一死,但是后来却在一个宴会

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