His province was called Ch'in, from which his family took its name, and it is likely that the whole country now known as China was named after him. 他所统治的国家叫秦国,他的家族也这样取名,大概中国整个国家今天还都是按

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Shih Huang-ti built it to protect China's many hardworking and peaceable peasants and townspeople from the wild tribes of the steppes, 秦始皇修建它是为了保护中国众多勤劳、爱好和平的农民和民众,使其免遭草原上野蛮部

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Now they were carefully collected and valued twice as highly as before. 现在人们将它们收集起来并加倍珍惜它们。 And to become a government official, you had to know them all. 想成为一名中国政府官员,你必须熟读这些古

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It took all the money they had, but with their brand new fleet they defeated the Carthaginians, who were soon forced to cede Sicily to the Romans. 他们花费了他们的全部金钱造了这些船,但他们用这支崭新组建的船队战胜了迦

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Carthage was the richest and mightiest city for miles around and the Romans referred to its Phoenician inhabitants as Punics. 迦太基是远近一带最富有、最强大的城市,罗马将它的腓尼基居民称为布匿人。 Its ships went far

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But at a cost: he lost so many of his men that he is said to have cried out, One more such victory and we are lost! 但是代价很大:他的士兵战死的有如此之多以至据说他曾说:第二个这样的胜利我再也承受不了了! Whi

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After the time of Alexander the Great, however, small wars against small towns ceased to satisfy them and they set about conquering the entire peninsula. 在亚历山大大帝以后的时期,他们不再满足于对小城邦进行小规模战争,他

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To restore respect and dignity to the role of emperor, 为了使皇权重新获得威望和受人敬畏, he introduced new rituals and court ceremony, and magnificent, richly embroidered robes for his courtiers and officials. 他实行了一套严格

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第一章 从前 All stories begin with Once upon a time. 所有的故事都以从前 开头。 And that's just what this story is all about: what happened, once upon a time. 那恰好是这个故事所要讲的:从前发生了什么? Once you we

发表于:2019-01-01 / 阅读(65) / 评论(0) 分类 世界小史

Have you ever tried standing between two mirrors? You should. 你可曾试着站立在两面镜子之间?你不妨试一试。 You will see a great long line of shiny mirrors, each one smaller than the one before, 你会看见发亮的镜子的一条

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It's like a bottomless well. Does all this looking down make you dizzy? 它就像一个无底的深井。从上往下看,你会头晕目眩吗? It does me. So let's light a scrap of paper, and drop it down into that well. 我会的。那么让我们

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And before that? Before that, not even the sun, our good old sun, was there. 那么在那以前呢?在那以前,甚至太阳,我们可爱又古老的太阳也不存在。 Only weird and amazing giant stars and smaller heavenly bodies, whirling

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Chapter 2 The Greatest Inventors of All Time 第二章 前所未有的最伟大的发明家 Near Heidelberg, in Germany, somebody was once digging a pit when they came across a bone, deep down under the ground. 有一次有人在德国海德堡附近挖

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On another occasion, but still in Germany in the Neander valley a human skull was found. 在另一个地方,但仍在德国,在尼安德尔山谷,人们发现了一块人的头盖骨。 And this was also immensely interesting because nobody ali

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But now you are going to say:Stop! That's not what we agreed. 但现在你一定会说,停!那不是我们当初同意的。 When did these people live, what were they like, and how did they live? 这些人生活在什么时候,他们长什么样

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These were our ancestors who may have already been using stones as tools more than 150,000 years ago. 这是我们的祖先,他们也许在15万年前就已经开始用石头当工具了。 They were very different from the Neanderthal people who a

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Yet with all of these things there must have been a first time. 可是这一切必定有过第一次出现的时候。 Someone must have made the discovery. 这必定是某个人发明的。 Isn't it an amazing thought that, one day, a prehistoric ma

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Of course animals also make noises they can cry out when they feel pain and make warning calls when danger threatens, 当然动物在感到疼痛时也会叫喊,在有危险时发出报警呼喊声, but they don't have names for things as human b

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Rather like when we say 'Talk of the devil!' when someone we've been talking about turns up unexpectedly. 就像我们说:说曹操, 曹操到。的时候,当我们正在谈论的人意外出现。 After all, these animals were their prey, and wi

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But people didn't yet know how to build houses. 但是人们当时还不知道如何建造房屋。 Not a pleasant thought, since at that time it was often intensely cold at certain periods far colder than today. 一想到这点令人很不愉快,因

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