At the beginning of November 1985, just five weeks after Apple filed suit against him, 1985年11月初,苹果对乔布斯提起诉讼5周后, Jobs wrote to Eisenstat and asked for a dispensation. 乔布斯就写信给艾森斯塔特,要求取消诉
The company had not only a new logo, but a new name. 公司现在不仅有了新的标识,还有了个新名字。 No longer was it Next. It was NeXT. 它不再叫Next,而变成了NeXT。 Others might not have understood the need to obsess over a
In its design, color arrangement, and orientation, the logo is a study in contrasts, his booklet proclaimed. 从设计、色彩搭配和定位来看,这个标识就是对比的杰作,他的小册子中写道, Tipped at a jaunty angle, it brims
The Customer Experience 顾客体验 Jobs hated to cede control of anything, especially when it might affect the customer experience. But he faced a problem. 乔布斯不喜欢失去对任何事情的控制,尤其是关系到顾客体验的事情。但
When Johnson came back in January 2000 to be interviewed again, Jobs suggested that they take a walk. 2000年1月,约翰逊来参加第二轮面试,乔布斯建议他们一起出去走走。 They went to the sprawling 140-store Stanford Shopping
Johnson said that the size of a store signaled the importance of the brand. 约翰逊认为商铺的面积能够体现品牌的重要性。 Is Apple as big of a brand as the Gap? he asked. 他问道:苹果有GAP那么大牌吗? Jobs said it was m
The Prototype 苹果样板店 When Jobs finally presented the idea, the board was not thrilled. 当乔布斯说出他开苹果零售店的设想时,董事会成员并未露出喜悦之情。 Gateway Computers was going down in flames after opening
Jobs did have one supporter on the board. 在董事会里面,倒是有一个人一直都支持乔布斯。 In 1999 he had recruited the Bronx-born retailing prince Millard Mickey Drexler, 在1999年,乔布斯招来了布朗克斯区出生的零售界
The big bakeoff between NeXT and Be was held at the Garden Court Hotel in Palo Alto on December 10, NeXT和Be的终极对决于12月10日在帕洛奥图的花园庭院酒店举行, in front of Amelio, Hancock, and six other Apple executives. 评委包
Hovering Backstage 在幕后彷徨 It's rare that you see an artist in his thirties or forties able to really contribute something amazing, 你很少能见到一个艺术家在三四十岁时还能有令人惊叹的作品。 Jobs declared as he was a
Once again Jobs had produced an iconic new product, this one a harbinger of a new millennium. 乔布斯又一次推出了标志性的新产品,也是一个新纪元的开端。 It fulfilled the promise of Think Different. 它履行了非同凡想的承
Sculley was thrilled by the possibility. 斯卡利对这种可能性感到高兴。 It would solve most of his management issues,这将解决两人之间的大部分管理问题。 moving Jobs back to what he did best and getting rid of his disruptiv
The board became increasingly alarmed at the turmoil,董事会对于两人关系的动荡越发警觉。 and in early 1985 Arthur Rock and some other disgruntled directors delivered a stern lecture to both. 1985年初,亚瑟罗克及其他一些心怀
Wozniak wanted to make the parting amicable. It was his style. 沃兹尼亚克想让自己和苹果公司之间友好地分手,这是他的风格。 So he agreed to stay on as a part-time Apple employee at a $20,000 salary and represent the company
But the biggest news that month was the departure from Apple, yet again, of its cofounder, Steve Wozniak. 不过,当月最轰动的新闻还是苹果公司创始人之一史蒂夫沃兹尼亚克的离开。 Wozniak was then quietly working as a mid
By early 1985 Burrell Smith was also ready to leave. 1985年初,伯勒尔史密斯也准备离开苹果。 He had worried that it would be hard to quit if Jobs tried to talk him out of it;但他又担心,如果乔布斯试图说服他留下,那么
Exodus 出埃及记 Andy Hertzfeld had taken a leave of absence after the Macintosh came out in 1984. 1984年麦金塔发布后,安迪赫茨菲尔德休了一段时间假。 He needed to recharge his batteries and get away from his supervisor, 他需
Falling 一落千丈 After the burst of excitement that accompanied the release of Macintosh, 麦金塔电脑刚发布时引发了一阵热潮, its sales began to taper off in the second half of 1984. 但到1984年下半年,其销量就开始急剧
Jobs was furious. He knew there was little he could do about it 乔布斯对此很愤怒。他知道自己无计可施 Microsoft's deal with Apple not to do competing graphical software was running out 微软有权这么做,因为微软答应不做图
His wife, Joanna Hoffman, saw the same thing when she accompanied Jobs to Europe a few months after the Macintosh was launched. 在麦金塔电脑发布几个月后,罗斯曼的妻子乔安娜霍夫曼陪同乔布斯前往欧洲,她见识到了同样
- 乔布斯传 第493期:连点成线(4)
- 乔布斯传 第491期:连点成线(2)
- 乔布斯传 第492期:连点成线(3)
- 乔布斯传 第321期:丽萨住了进来(3)
- 乔布斯传 第314期:安家(3)
- 乔布斯传 第315期:安家(4)
- 乔布斯传 第316期:安家(5)
- 乔布斯传 第317期:安家(6)
- 乔布斯传 第318期:安家(7)
- 乔布斯传 第319期:丽萨住了进来(1)
- 乔布斯传 第322期:丽萨住了进来(4)
- 乔布斯传 第323期:丽萨住了进来(5)
- 乔布斯传 第324期:丽萨住了进来(6)
- 乔布斯传 第325期:丽萨住了进来(7)
- 乔布斯传 第326期:孩子们(1)
- 乔布斯传 第328期:杰弗里·卡曾伯格(1)
- 乔布斯传 第327期:孩子们(2)
- 乔布斯传 第336期:停下来!(3)
- 乔布斯传 第329期:杰弗里·卡曾伯格(2)
- 乔布斯传 第330期:杰弗里·卡曾伯格(3)
- 乔布斯传 第493期:连点成线(4)
- 乔布斯传 第491期:连点成线(2)
- 乔布斯传 第492期:连点成线(3)
- 乔布斯传 第321期:丽萨住了进来(3)
- 乔布斯传 第314期:安家(3)
- 乔布斯传 第315期:安家(4)
- 乔布斯传 第316期:安家(5)
- 乔布斯传 第317期:安家(6)
- 乔布斯传 第318期:安家(7)
- 乔布斯传 第319期:丽萨住了进来(1)
- 乔布斯传 第322期:丽萨住了进来(4)
- 乔布斯传 第323期:丽萨住了进来(5)
- 乔布斯传 第324期:丽萨住了进来(6)
- 乔布斯传 第325期:丽萨住了进来(7)
- 乔布斯传 第326期:孩子们(1)
- 乔布斯传 第328期:杰弗里·卡曾伯格(1)
- 乔布斯传 第327期:孩子们(2)
- 乔布斯传 第336期:停下来!(3)
- 乔布斯传 第329期:杰弗里·卡曾伯格(2)
- 乔布斯传 第330期:杰弗里·卡曾伯格(3)