a. 被呼叫的
v assign a specified (usually proper) proper name to
v ascribe a quality to or give a name of a common noun that reflects a quality
v get or try to get into communication (with someone) by telephone
v utter a sudden loud cry
v order, request, or command to come
v pay a brief visit
v call a meeting; invite or command to meet
v read aloud to check for omissions or absentees
v send a message or attempt to reach someone by radio, phone, etc.; make a signal to in order to transmit a message
v utter a characteristic note or cry
v stop or postpone because of adverse conditions, such as bad weather
v greet, as with a prescribed form, title, or name
v make a stop in a harbour
v demand payment of (a loan)
v make a demand, as for a card or a suit or a show of hands
v give the calls (to the dancers) for a square dance
v indicate a decision in regard to
v make a prediction about; tell in advance
v require the presentation of for redemption before maturation
v challenge (somebody) to make good on a statement; charge with or censure for an offense
v declare in the capacity of an umpire or referee
v lure by imitating the characteristic call of an animal
v order or request or give a command for
v order, summon, or request for a specific duty or activity, work, role
v utter in a loud voice or announce
v challenge the sincerity or truthfulness of
v consider or regard as being
v rouse somebody from sleep with a call




  1. The shouting boy did not hear his mother call him.大声叫嚷的孩子听不到妈妈的叫唤。
  2. I'll call you if you give me a name card.给我一张名片吧,我会打电话给你。
  3. Most people call me Bob. How do I address you?大家叫我鲍勃,我怎么称呼你?
  1. Shortly after we arrived at that hotel, we made a call back home.我们到达旅馆不久,就马上打电话回家。
  2. Tomorrow I'll pay a call on him.明天我将要去拜访他。
  3. The President made a call for national unity.总统号召全国人民团结起来。
  4. The call of this bird is very loud.这只鸟的叫声很响亮。
  5. Welcome every call as an opportunity, not an interruption.把每次来电看作一次机会,而非打扰。
  6. But God has shown me that I should not call any man impure or unclean.但神已经指示我,无论什么人,都不可看作俗而不洁净的。
  1. She called to her father for help.她向她父亲喊叫求救。
  2. I'll certainly call on you if I come again.再来的话,一定去拜访你。


  1. Who's calling, please?请问您是哪位?
  2. She called and called but no one came to her assistance.她叫了又叫,但没有人来帮忙。
  3. I've been calling for five minutes.我已叫了五分钟了。
  4. A gentle voice's calling.一个柔和的声音在呼唤。
  5. Not far away in the woods, a bird called.在不远的林子里有一只鸟在叫。
  6. This is London calling.这里是伦敦在播音。
  7. I hope you'll call again.希望你以后再来。
  8. The milkman calls every morning.送牛奶的人每天早上都来。
  9. She promised to call at noon.她答应中午来电话。
S+~+to- v
  1. The office called to find out where you were.办公室打电话来了解你在什么地方。
  2. I will call to ask your permission tomorrow evening.明天晚上我来征求你的同意。
  3. A man called to read the gas meter.一个人曾来查看煤气表。
  4. I called to see Mr. Green.我拜访了格林先生。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. Please call me if I don't wake up in time.到时我不醒,请叫醒我。
  2. Now I'll call the roll.现在我开始点名。
  3. The aircraft was calling the control station at the airport.那架飞机正在用无线电信号向机场的控制台呼叫。
  4. I called him to the door.我把他叫到门口。
  5. The teacher called me into his office.老师把我叫进他的办公室。
  6. She helped him to bed and called a doctor immediately.她把他扶上床躺下,立即请来了大夫。
  7. They decided to call a general strike in the following month.他们决定下个月举行总罢工。
  8. John boasted he could climb to the roof without a ladder and so Jim called his bluff and said,“Well, let's see you do it!”约翰吹嘘他不用梯子就能爬上房顶,吉姆逗他说,“好,你爬给我看看。”
  9. 1
  10. The British Ambassador was called home.英国大使奉召回国。
S+~+ n./pron. +to- v
  1. Cage called his name to see if he was at home.凯奇呼唤他的名字,看看他是否在家。
用作双宾动词S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.
  1. Would you call me a taxi?请给我叫一辆出租汽车好吗?
S+~+ n./pron. +for pron./n.
  1. They called a doctor for Tom.他们给汤姆请了个医生来。
用作宾补动词S+~+ pron./n. +(to be) n./adj.
  1. She had a daughter last year.They call this one Catherine.去年她生了个女孩,他们叫她凯瑟琳。
  2. Call me what you like.随你叫我什么好了。
  3. What do you call them in English?在英语中你怎么称呼他们?
  4. He called himself a captain.他自称是上尉。
  5. How could you call yourself my friend?你怎么能硬说你是我的朋友呢?
  6. That's what people call friendship.这就是人们所说的友谊。
  7. We call it rose.我们叫它玫瑰。
  8. This was calling black white.这是在颠倒黑白。
  9. I don't call Russian a hard language.我认为俄语并不是一门难学的语言。
  10. We call that an honour to our class.我们认为那是我们班的光荣。
  11. I call that a shame.我认为那是一种耻辱。
  12. I wouldn't call that (to be) fair.我不认为这是公平的。
  13. I call that dishonest.我认为那是不诚实的。
  14. We call her behaviour mean and selfish.我们认为她的行为既无情又自私。
  15. An Englishman calls himself young at fifty.英国人五十岁还说自己年轻。
  16. 1
  17. He is called Jacelin.他叫杰斯林。
  18. William Ⅰ of England was commonly called William the Conqueror.英国的威廉一世通常称为征服者威廉。
  19. My favourite movie is called Gone With The Wind .我最喜欢的电影是《乱世佳人》。
  20. Nothing can be called unknowable.没有什么事物可认为是不可知的。
S+~+it+ n. + v -ing
  1. I don't call it living being a blind man.我认为这不是盲人的生活。
S+~+it+ adj. +to- v
  1. They called it silly to do so.他们认为这样做很傻。
S+~+ n./pron. +to- v
  1. The editor called me to tell him the news.编辑叫我把那个消息告诉他。
  2. The sirens are calling the men to assemble.警报声在召集士兵集合。
其他v -ed as Attrib.
  1. This morning I received a telephone from a man called Charlie Green.今天上午我接到一个叫查理·格林的人打来的电话。
  2. He was reading a book called The Red Star Over China .他在读一本叫《西行漫记》的书。
  3. There's a girl in the village called Xiao Fang.村里有个姑娘叫小芳。
  1. I heard a call for help.我听到呼救声。
  2. A clarion call broke the morning stillness.嘹亮的号角声打破了清晨的宁静。
  3. The call of this bird is very loud.这只鸟的叫声很响。
  4. The groom made a call to his horse to move to one side.马夫叫他的马走近一点。
  5. This is the last call for the 11:00 express train to London.这是11点开往伦敦的特快列车的最后一次呼叫。
  6. We paid a courtesy call on the headmaster.我们对校长作了一次礼节性的拜访。
  7. I must return her call soon.我该马上对她进行回访。
  8. Haas made a call on Ade yesterday.哈斯昨天拜访了艾德。
  9. Remember, you owe me a call now.记住,你应该到我这儿来做一次客。
  10. The salesman made house-to-house calls for orders.这位推销员挨家挨户访问,征求订货。
  11. The ship omitted a call.这艘船少停靠一站。
  12. A phone call brought him hurrying to Leeds.一个电话使他匆匆赶回里兹。
  13. I was just going out when a call came through on the phone from Tom.我正要出去时,汤姆打电话来了。
  14. Would you try that call again, please? I've been connected to the wrong person.请你重新接一次电话好不好?刚才接错人了。
  15. He accepted the call to the chairman of the trade union.他应邀担任工会主席。
  16. The engineer declined a call to another research institute.这位工程师谢绝了另一个研究所的邀请。
  17. The doctor attended a professional call.医生应患者的请求去出诊。
  18. The Internationale is a clarion call to the labouring people of the world.《国际歌》是唤起全世界劳动人民的响亮号角。
  19. A call for 100 bottles of blood was answered promptly.征求100瓶血液的呼吁很快得到了响应。
  20. College graduates should answer the Party's call to go down to the grass-roots units.大学毕业生应响应党的号召到基层单位去。
  21. In the war many people answered the call of the country.战时,很多人响应国家的号召。
  22. I did it at the call of duty.我凭责任心去做它。
  23. Imes felt the call of the sea.艾姆斯想去当海员。
  24. She has many calls on her money.许多人向她讨债。
  25. The check should be paid at call.支票必须是随时可以兑取的。
  26. There is no call for you to worry.你没有理由担心。
  27. You had no call to do that.你不必做那事。
  28. Was the last call four clubs?刚才叫的牌是梅花4吗?
  29. As the call, so the call.你如何对待别人,别人就如何对待你。


call about (v.+prep.)
    找…谈某事 ask (sb) to talk about sthcall about sth

    Excuse me, madam,I've been asked by Head Officer to call about your outstanding debt on the cooker.


call after (v.+prep.)
    以…命名 name aftercall after sb/sth

    I called after you, but you didn't hear.


    They called after the departing truck.


    call sb after sb

    The father called the baby John after his grandfather.


call at (v.+prep.)
    停留 stop
call away (v.+adv.)
    转移(某人的注意力等) attract sb's attention, interests, etc.
call back (v.+adv.)
    记起(某事) remember (sth)call back

    The man called from the other side of the river, and his friend called back.


    call sb ⇔ back

    The manager was about to leave when his secretary called him back.


    His mother called him back from the school.


    They called him back from America.


    call back

    He isn't here right now.Please call back later.


    Thanks for the news, and I'll call back in half an hour.


    call sb ⇔ back

    Would you ask her to call me back?


    call back

    The salesman will call back at any house he missed.


    call sth ⇔ back

    This medicine should call your strength back.


    call sth ⇔ back

    I cannot call his face back.


call by (v.+adv.)
    〈非正〉顺路来一下(到某处) visit when passing a placecall by

    If you don't mind,I'll call by at 5 and pick up my books.


    Don't go out. Aunt Rose's calling by this evening.


call down (v.+adv.)
    责骂〔申斥〕(某人) scold (sb)call down

    From a window on the third floor, a man called down,“Let that girl alone!”


    call sth ⇔ down

    If you do that, you'll be calling the indignation of the masses down upon yourself.


    Every time I don't go to church on Sunday I have a guilty feeling that I'm going to call down the wrath of God.


    call sb ⇔ down

    The director called Jim down for being late again.


    Mother called Bob down for walking into the kitchen with muddy boots.


    He called me down on my absence at that important meeting.


    He was called down by his father for being lazy.


call for (v.+prep.)
    值得 be worthy of
call forth (v.+adv.)
    〈正〉引起,使产生 cause (sth) to be seen or usedcall forth sth

    The proposal called forth a good deal of criticism.


    Their proposal called forth a heated discussion among us.


    You will have to call forth all your energy for this work.


    Oppression always calls forth the power of resistance.


    April showers call forth May flowers.


call in (v.+adv.)
    收回,命令交出 direct to be given incall in

    Call in this evening if possible.


    Call in, or ring us up.


    call sb in

    Please call Kehr in.


    call sb ⇔ in

    They decided to call in a doctor, because the child was no better.


    He insisted that we should call in a specialist at this point.


    A lawyer is often called in to write a will.


    call in

    The director has just called in to say that she'll be late.


    call sth ⇔ in

    All the reporters rushed to the telephone to call in their stories when the game was over.


    call sth ⇔ in

    The librarian has called in all the books.


    The makers have called in some cars with dangerous faults.


    The bank has threatened to call in all money lent more than twenty years ago.


    On the outbreak of war the Government called in all gold coinage and replaced it by notes.


    Owing to the discovery of a number of forgeries, all existing licences are to be called in and exchanged for new ones.


call off (v.+adv.)
    点名,逐一念出 speak a list of (names, words, etc.)
call on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
    起用,使用 use (sb/sth)call on〔upon〕 sb

    I called on Mr. Green this morning.


    We called on him for his opinion.


    An old friend of his called upon him yesterday afternoon.


    call on〔upon〕 sb to-v

    I felt quite nervous when the teacher called on me to answer the question.


    The President called on the people to work hard to make the country rich and strong.


    call on〔upon〕 sb to-v

    I called on him to keep his promise.


    He called on Mr. White to speak at the gathering.


    call on〔upon〕 sb/sth

    The cricket team was so short of players that they had to call on the second team.


    In order to defeat his tennis opponent,Jim had to call on all his skills.


call out (v.+adv.)
    唤起,引起 cause (sth) to be seen〔used〕call out

    If you know the answer, put your hand up, don't call out.


    She called out for help but nobody came.


    The sudden blow to her leg made her call out in pain.


    call sth ⇔ out

    Jane called out her friend's name when she saw her get on a bus.


    Each one of you should stand up when your name is called out.


    call sb ⇔ out

    The fire brigade was called out twice last night.


    The doctor is not at home; he has been called out on an urgent case.


    call sb ⇔ out

    The union called out the workers when negotiations with the factory owners failed to bring satisfactory results.


    call sb ⇔ out

    The teacher called out his students.


    call sth ⇔ out

    Trouble can call out a person's best qualities.


    The speaker's emotional appeal called out a quick response from the audience.


call over (v.+adv.)
    把…叫过来 ask sb to come near
call together (v.+adv.)
    使集合,聚集起来 cause (sb/sth) to gathercall sb/sth together

    Call all the members together and we'll take a vote.


    When I am unwell I find it difficult to call my thoughts together.


call up (v.+adv.)
    用妖术或符咒引起(鬼魂)出现 cause (a spirit) to rise by the use of an incantation or spellcall up

    From the bottom of the stairs Mary called up,“Have you seen my glasses?”


    call up to-v

    The radio station had an open line on which listeners could call up to discuss various issues.


    call sb/sth ⇔ up

    Please call me up at any time.


    I tried to call you up last night, but no one answered the phone.


    She called up a friend just for a chat.


    When he got back to the city, he called up the office.


    call sb ⇔ up

    The doctor was called up three times during the night to attend urgent cases.


    call sth ⇔ up

    Your letter calls up those pleasant days when we worked together.


    The smell of these flowers called up my years in the countryside.


    That face called up in his mind the image of his dead wife.


    call sb ⇔ up

    He was called up right at the beginning of the war.


    His elder brother was called up for military service.


    During the war, all young men were called up to fight in the army, the navy or the air force.


    call sb ⇔ up

    The court called up three witnesses.


    All the witnesses were called up when the trial began.


    call sth ⇔ up

    The magician offered to call up the spirit of any great person of the past that we liked to name.


    If the spirit of Caesar could be called up by some spell,I wonder what it would think of the present-day world.


what is called
    所谓的 what is known as
a close call
    〈口〉幸免,死里逃生 escaping by sheer luck; having a narrow escape
at sb's call
    听从(某人)召唤; 听命于人 taking orders from; at sb's command
get no call
    〈非正〉无权,无资格 have no right
within call
    顺从 submit to; yield to


用作动词 (v.)
  • call a doctor请医生
  • call a halt叫停
  • call a list读名单
  • call a meeting召开会议
  • call a taxi叫一辆出租车
  • call a strike发动罢工
  • call a witness传呼证人
  • call attention引起注意
  • call case审议案子
  • call it a day结束一天的工作,停止
  • call it five bob就算五先令好了
  • call one's way前进
  • call sb's bluff接受挑战〔请求〕
  • call sb's name呼唤某人的姓名
  • call that a shame认为那是一种羞辱
  • call the roll点名
  • call the shots预定比赛结果
  • call the time指挥事件的进行
  • call the tune定调子,操纵
  • call the turn发号施令,操纵
  • call anciently在古代称
  • call colloquially俗称
  • call commonly通常称
  • call corruptly误称
  • call derisively嘲笑地称呼
  • call euphemistically委婉地称呼
  • call familiarly熟悉地称呼
  • call fancifully奇怪地称呼
  • call fitly恰如其分地称呼
  • call frequently经常地要求
  • call immediately立即叫来
  • call imperatively迫切地要求
  • call improperly不妥地要求
  • call loudly大声地叫喊
  • call lovely亲热地称呼
  • call personally个人地要求
  • call popularly普遍地称呼
  • call rightly名正言顺地称为
  • call safely妥当地称为
  • call slightly轻蔑地称呼
  • call suddenly突然地称呼
  • call aside叫走(到一边),把…转移开
  • call away叫走,转变思想
  • call back叫回来,收回,回电话
  • call down祈求,引起,招惹,批评
  • call forth唤起,鼓起(勇气等),发挥(能力)
  • call forward请〔命令〕站到前面来
  • call in来访,邀请
  • call in a doctor请医生
  • call in an expert请专家
  • call in money lent收回借出的钱
  • call in the police叫警察
  • call off取消
  • call off a football match取消足球赛
  • call off a meeting取消会议
  • call out大声叫
  • call round at the John's到约翰家去玩
  • call together召集,邀集
  • call up(给…)打电话,提醒,使想起
  • call up good memories of唤起对…的美好回忆
  • call up one's courage唤起勇气,鼓起勇气
  • call up one's spirit唤起某人的精神
  • call up pictures of使人联想到
  • call up reservists召集后备军人
  • call about为…打电话
  • call after以…而命名
  • call at a port停靠港口
  • call at a station停靠车站
  • call at London(船)在伦敦靠岸
  • call at sb's hotel到某人旅馆访问
  • call at sb's office到某人办公处访问
  • call sb before叫到…的前面
  • call sb by the name叫某人
  • call things by one's names摆明事实,明白地说
  • call for a person要找某人
  • call for comment需要说明
  • call for help呼喊求救
  • call in doubt质问,对…怀疑
  • call in question认为(某事)有问题,怀疑
  • call into being创造,产生,使成立
  • call into play使活动
  • call sb into some place把某人叫进…
  • call on〔upon〕 sb号召某人,拜访某人
  • call to account要求作出解释,责备,与…结账
  • call to arms命令武装
  • call sth to order要…保持安静
  • call to sb大声叫喊某人
  • call heaven to witness对天发誓
  • call sb to witness要某人作证
  • call out with pain痛得大叫
用作名词 (n.)
  • accept a call应邀
  • answer the call接电话,响应号召
  • attend a professional call应邀出诊
  • await the call等待号召
  • blare the call吹响号角
  • decline a call谢绝邀请
  • feel the call想做某事
  • get a call接到电话
  • have a call接到电话
  • hear sb's call听到某人的声音
  • issue a call发出号召,发布号令
  • make a call访问
  • make a call at停靠
  • omit a call少停靠一站
  • pay a call访问
  • receive a call接到电话,接待
  • respond to the call响应号召
  • return sb's call回访某人
  • take a call谢幕
  • wait for sb's call等某人的电话
  • brief call短暂的访问
  • ceremonial call礼节性访问
  • close call幸免,死里逃生
  • congratulatory call祝贺性访问
  • formal call正式访问
  • fruitless call毫无结果的访问
  • local call本埠电话
  • short call短暂的访问
  • emergency call紧急信号〔召唤〕
  • urgent call紧急召唤
  • frequent calls经常性的访问
  • further calls更多的访问
  • social calls社交访问
  • the last call最后一次访问
  • the wordless call无声的呼唤
  • business call商务性访问
  • courtesy call礼节性访问
  • curtain call谢幕
  • distress call遇难信号
  • duty call礼节上的访问
  • farewell call告别
  • long-distance call长途电话
  • maiden call首次访问
  • messenger call传呼
  • phone call电话
  • state call国事访问
  • strike call罢工令
  • toll call长途电话
  • afternoon call午后的访问
  • alarm call警报
  • clarion call响亮的号角声
  • conference call电话会议
  • draft calls征兵人数
  • service calls集合号,上班号
  • the bugle call号声
  • trumpet call号声,紧急的召唤
  • trunk calls长途电话
  • after call见票后付款
  • at call随时听〔待〕命
  • at sb's call听命于某人
  • a place of call所到地,船只停靠地
  • a round of calls拜访很多人
  • house of call客栈,酒馆
  • port of call停靠港
  • on call随时可用,随时待命
  • on wireless calls无线电呼叫
  • within call喊声所及,在附近
  • a call before the curtain要求谢幕
  • a call for对…的需要
  • a call for help呼救
  • a call for rescue呼救
  • a call of nature要大〔小〕便的感觉
  • a call of the wild大自然的召唤,野性的呼唤
  • the call of a bird鸟叫声
  • calls on one's money向某人讨债
  • the call to arms入伍〔战斗〕的命令
  • the call to battle战斗号召
  • the call to the bar律师资格的取得


  • They gave but a call, and in came their Master.

  • Sometimes you would call out for Cicely Hacket.

    出自:Taming of Shrew,Shakespeare
  • He calling earnestly after me.

    出自:T. Ellwood
  • He called softly.

    出自:S. T. Warner
  • To the billow the fountain calls.

absolute rate theory
acanthophora aokii
aggregate planning
airstop tube
Aloysius, Mt.
associative law of lattice
aurhorized bond
azure dye
bearer share
blast ditching
brought up
Calliphora vomitoria
centralized dictation system
coal gas
coefficient of thermal conductivity of grain
constant surface heat rate
continuous blowdown
cryptogonus postimedialis
Delphinium ceratophoroides
demania reynaudi
deterministic switching
dimpled grain
dispatching management institution
epoxy bituminous lacquer
exposure of tibial nerve
extragenic mutation
factor of safety (f/s)
flood control dam
income section
interest on sum in arrears
intrinsic long wavelength edge
L. R. A.
lamp foot
linearity temperature range
lingual branches
magneto-optic polarizer
maximum wave period
methohexitone sodium
methyl abietate
mine planter
morphine intoxication
Morte Bay
Mytilus californianus
National Dairy Research Institude
non-core drilling
North Britain
oil cake breaker
Old Trafford
portland blast-furnace cement
post project evaluation
primary deviation
primary mouth
public bonds
raise the war whoop
retraction stress
satellite minicomputer
scouring loss
sea water immersion test
second painting
sham officer
SNi mechanism
stainless steel watch
static biology
truck mounted crane
wait loop
water and nutrient solution of plants
wild grain