音标:[riŋ] ; 柯林斯词典等级:3 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 环, 环形物, 拳击场, 戒指, 角逐, 小集团, 铃声, 钟声, 声调
vt. 包围, 套住, 按铃, 敲钟
vi. 成环形, 响, 鸣, 按铃, 敲钟, 回响
n. a characteristic sound
n. a toroidal shape
n. the sound of a bell ringing
n. a platform usually marked off by ropes in which contestants box or wrestle
词型变化:过去式 : rang ; 名词复数形式 : rings ; 现在分词 : ringing ; 过去分词 : rung ; 第三人称单数 : rings



  1. She wears a wedding ring to show that she's married.她戴着结婚戒指,表示她已结婚。
  2. Roger made the rope fast to the metal ring.罗杰把绳子牢牢地拴在金属环上。
  3. Adenine has a purine ring structure.腺嘌呤具有嘌呤环的结构。
  4. The children sat in a ring round the teacher.孩子们围着老师坐成一圈。
  5. In the finals of the boxing championship he knocked out his opponent, who was carried out of the ring.在拳击锦标赛决赛中,他把对手击昏在地,后者被人抬出了拳击台。
  6. The horses trotted around the circus ring.马绕着马戏场小跑。
  7. The officer was suspected of involvement in an international drug ring.那个警察被怀疑卷入一个国际贩毒集团。
  1. There was a ring at the door.门铃响了。
  2. We ring in the mew year with the church bells.我们用教堂的钟声迎来了新年。
  3. The first bell started to ring,and then the others chimed in.第一个钟声响起,其他钟接着奏出和谐的乐声。
  4. Please give me a ring after class.下课后,请给我打个电话。
  5. His voice carries the ring of authority.他的声音中带有权威的口气。
  1. Ring the correct answer with your pencil.用铅笔圈出正确的答案。
  2. A high fence ringed the prison camp.有一道高高的铁丝网围着战俘营。
  3. The village is pocketed in a ring of hills.这座村庄四周山峦环绕。
  4. Zinc and copper handle with copper head,rubber ring.锌合金,铜手柄,铜镀铬环绕橡塑叩诊头。
  1. Ask her to ring me up if you should see her.你万一见到她,请让她给我打电话。
  2. If you need anything, just ring for the attendant.如果您要什么,就按铃叫服务员。
  3. My husband's last words are still ringing in my ears.丈夫的临终遗言还在我耳边回响。
  4. The playground rang with children's shouts.游戏场上到处都是儿童的喊叫声。
  5. The music was so loud it made my ears ring.音乐的声音太大了,把我耳朵震得直响。
  6. In case of fire ring the bell.万一起火,请按铃。
  7. The policeman felt that my story didn't ring true.警察认为我讲的话听起来不可信。


  1. He has a gold ring on his finger.他手指上戴着一枚金戒指。
  2. The thief stole many gold rings from the grave.小偷从墓穴中偷走了许多金戒指。
  3. Jenney's husband gave her a ring as a token of their first meeting.珍妮的丈夫送她一枚戒指纪念他们的初次见面。
  4. They selected a diamond engagement ring.他们挑选了一枚钻石订婚戒指。
  5. She wears a pair of pretty ear rings.她戴着一付漂亮的耳环。
  6. The little girl was supported in the water by an inflatable rubber ring.小女孩靠一个充了气的橡皮圈浮在水上。
  7. Rings are put round birds' legs to identify them.鸟腿上系了环以便识别。
  8. There was a ring of troops round the building.这座建筑物四周围着一圈士兵。
  9. The men were standing in a ring.那些人站成一个圆圈。
  10. You must have been having too many late nights—you've got rings round your eyes.你必定熬了好多夜了——看你的眼睛周围都有黑圈了。
  11. He puffed at his pipe and blew smoke rings into the air.他抽了一口烟斗,往空中吐了几个烟圈。
  12. The auctioneers organized a secret ring to control the sales.拍卖商们组织起一个秘密团伙来操纵货物的拍卖。
  13. The challenger climbed into the ring.冠军挑战者垮过绳圈进入拳击台。
  14. He retired from the ring at 34.他在34岁时放弃了拳击生涯。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. Ring the correct answer with your pencil.用铅笔圈出正确的答案。
  2. Police ringed the building.警察围起了这座大楼。
  3. A high fence ringed the prison camp.有一道很高的铁丝网围着战俘营。
  4. A smile ringed the corners of her eyes.她眉开眼笑。
  5. 1
  6. The airfield is ringed with armoured cars.机场被装甲车包围了。
  7. His eyes were ringed with fatigue.他累得眼圈发黑。
  1. Give two rings of the bell, please.请敲两下钟。
  2. There was a ring at the door.有人按门铃。
  3. I heard a loud ring at the door.我听见一阵响亮的门铃声。
  4. The coin has the true ring.这个硬币听响声可断定它是真的。
  5. There is hanging a bunch of rings in the middle of the room.房子中间挂了一串铃铛。
  6. I'll give you a ring this evening.今晚我给你打电话。
  7. Her laughter has a false ring.她的笑声中有种虚伪的味道。
  8. There was a ring of sincerity in his promise.他的许诺中有一种真诚的语气。
  9. His story has the ring of the truth about it.他的故事听起来像真实的。
  10. This poem has a ring of Homer.这首诗有荷马的风格。
  1. At this moment the bell rang.这时铃响了。
  2. Soon the getting-up bell rang.一会儿,起床铃响了。
  3. Start to work when the bell rings.铃响就开始工作。
  4. How long has the alarm clock been ringing?那闹钟响了多长时间了?
  5. The church bells are ringing.教堂的钟声在响着。
  6. Did you ring, sir?是您按铃吗,先生?
  7. The cyclist didn't ring.那个骑自行车的没有按铃。
  8. I dialled Nick's number and heard it ringing.我拨了尼克的电话号码,听到电话响了。
  9. I'm expecting my mother to ring.我希望妈妈来电话。
  10. My ears are still ringing.我仍然耳鸣。
S+~+to- v
  1. I'll ring to see if he's there.我会打个电话,看他在不在那里。
用作系动词S+~+ adj.
  1. The bell rang clear.铃声清脆。
  2. His words rang true.他说的听起来是真的。
  3. Even though he's a criminal, his story rings true.纵然他是个罪犯,他说的话似乎是真的。
  4. He declared that he was telling the truth, but his words rang hollow.他自称说的都是真话,但听起来不像真的。
  5. That statement rings false and I don't believe a word of it.那个声明听起来是虚伪的,我一个字也不相信。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. The bells rang a joyous peal.铃儿发出欢乐的叮当声。
  2. The cyclist rang his bell loudly.骑车的人使劲儿按车铃。
  3. The man on duty rang an alarm.值班员发出警报。
  4. The church bell rings the hours, but not quarters.教堂的钟是每小时报时一次,而不是每刻钟都报时。
  5. I will ring you tomorrow.我明天会给你打电话。
  6. Will you ring his office, please?请你给他的办公室打个电话好吗?
  7. I don't know the person you mention, though the name seems to ring a bell.你提到这个人我并不认识,但名字听起来似乎耳熟。
  8. That rings a bell.I have a vague memory of hearing that name in connection with our client.这使我想起来了,那个与我们委托人有关的名字,我隐约记得曾听说过。
  9. He likes to ring the changes on his old story.他喜欢翻来覆去地重复他的老一套。


run rings round
    做某事比某人好得多 do things much better than sb
ring about〔round〕( v.+adv. )
    包围,围绕 surround sb/sth, as with circlering sb/sth ⇔ about/round

    The city is ringed about with hills.


    The old house was ringed about with trees.


    Our efforts are ringed around with difficulties.


ring back( v.+adv. )
    回电话,再打电话 call back on the telephone; telephone againring back

    Will you ring back this afternoon?


    Jim isn't in at the moment, would you like to ring back later?


    ring sb ⇔ back

    I'll find out the address, and ring you back.


ring for( v.+prep. )
    按铃叫…来 cause a bell to sound sbring for sb

    The patient rang for the nurse.


    Please ring for the attendant if you need anything.


    ring for sb to-v

    You'd better ring for the housekeeper to bring more soap.


    ring sth for sb

    She rang the bell for the maid.


ring in1( v.+adv. )
    〈美〉签到 mark the time of one's arrival at workring in to-v

    I rang in to say I was ill.


    He rang in to find out what had happened.


    ring in sth

    The chimes of the huge clock rang in the New Year.


    The airplane rang in a new era.


    ring in

    We have to ring in at the shop before eight o'clock in the morning.


ring in2( v.+prep. )
    在…响起 sound like a bell in (a space)ring in sth

    The children's laughter was still ringing in my ears as I left the playground.


ring off( v.+adv. )
    〈主英〉挂断 terminate a telephone conversationring off

    After she said this, she rang off.


    Don't ring off,I haven't finished my story.


    I'll have to ring off now; I have a train to catch.


    When I asked if I was speaking to Councillor Jones he simply rang off.


ring out( v.+adv. )
    〈主英〉打出电话 make an outgoing telephone callring out

    A shot rang out.


    Behind us a light silvery laugh rang out.


    The clear sound of their singing rang out across the valley as they picked the leaves.


    ring out sth

    The Scots like to ring out the Old Year.


    ring out

    With all these incoming calls, it was some time before Judith could ring out.


ring round1( v.+adv. )
    给各处打电话 make telephone calls to several different places such as shopsring round to-v

    I'll ring round to find out who's free to come to the party.


ring round2( v.+prep. )
    给…打电话 make telephone calls to (some place)ring round sb/sth

    I found the cheapest price for enlarging the photograph by ringing round all the photographic dealers.


ring up( v.+adv. )
    把销售金额记入机器 record money paid on a machine, especially one with a bellring up

    Has anyone rung up?


    I just ring up to tell you I won't be back for lunch.


    ring sb ⇔ up

    If you see it, ring up the police at once.


    You must ring up Mr. Smith and find out if he is free tomorrow.


    I rang him up this morning, but he was out.


    Ring them up and tell them to hurry up.


    I'll ring you up as soon as I get any information.


    I was rung up by an old friend this morning.


    ring sth ⇔ up

    The cashier rang up 20p for the butter.


    Business was bad on Mondays; we didn't ring up a sale all morning.


    The supermarket clerk rang up Mrs. Smith's purchases and told her she owed 15 dollars.


ring with( v.+prep. )
    回响,回声 be filled with the sound of (sth such as a bell)ring with sth

    During the break, the playground rang with happy shouts.


    The whole airport rang with the sound of drums and gongs and the shouting of slogans.


    The air rang with the songs and giggles of the young women working there.



用作名词 (n.)
  • blow ring吐烟圈儿
  • close ring缩紧包围圈
  • form a ring围成一个圈
  • get the ring得奖
  • hold the ring不介入冲突
  • make some ring吐几个圈
  • run ring做事快
  • try ring试声音
  • wear a ring戴戒指
  • babyish ring孩子气的戒指
  • carved ring雕刻戒指
  • closing ring收紧的圈
  • diverting ring转向环
  • glittering ring发光的环
  • great ring大圈
  • luminous ring发光的环
  • magnificent ring巨大的环
  • monumental ring巨大的环
  • old ring陈旧的戒指
  • subtle ring精细的戒指
  • tense ring拉紧的圈
  • diamond ring钻戒
  • napkin ring餐巾环
  • nose ring鼻环
  • spy ring间谍网
  • boxing ring拳击赛场
  • ear ring耳环
  • engagement ring订婚戒指
  • gold ring金戒指
  • granite ring花岗岩环
  • key ring锁匙圈
  • price ring操纵物价的集团
  • rubber rings橡皮圈
  • seal ring印张戒指
  • smoke rings烟圈
  • teething ring(橡皮或塑料制的)婴儿出牙时用的咬环
  • wedding ring结婚戒指
  • ring appeal热烈的呼吁
  • ring bolt带环螺圈
  • ring current环流
  • ring fence围墙
  • ring finger无名指
  • ring gate环门
  • ring gear齿圈
  • ring lock环锁
  • ring road环形道路
  • ring sign警铃标志
  • ring stone拱石
  • in a ring成一圆圈
  • stand in a ring站成一圈
  • on a ring环上的
  • out of ring击出场地
  • rings in water一圈一圈的水纹
  • a ring of dealers一群商人
  • rings of lights光环
  • the rings of Saturn土星的光环
  • the rings of the tree树的年轮
  • ring on sb's finger某人戴的戒指
用作动词 (v.)
  • ring the building包围这座大楼
  • ring the spelling mistakes圈出拼写错误
  • ring with armoured cars用装甲车包围
  • ring with fatigue(眼圈)发黑
用作名词 (n.)
  • answer the ring接电话
  • give sb a ring给某人打电话
  • give the bell a ring按一下铃
  • have a ring有…的声音
  • hear a ring听到铃声
  • continuous ring连续不断地铃声
  • dry ring枯燥的铃声
  • familiar ring熟悉的铃声
  • flat ring单调的鸣声
  • mournful ring悲哀的鸣声
  • rhythmic ring有节奏的钟声
  • sinister ring不祥的鸣声
  • ring voice响亮的声音
  • the ring of glass goblet玻璃酒杯的碰击声
  • the ring of happy voice响亮欢快的声音
  • the ring of porcelain dish碰着瓷盘的声响
  • the ring of victorious laughter胜利的笑声
用作动词 (v.)
  • ring a fire alarm鸣火警
  • ring clock敲钟
  • ring one's own bell自夸
  • ring sb's praise大声夸赞某人
  • ring the bell鸣铃
  • ring the church bells敲响教堂之钟
  • ring the glim开灯
  • ring the knell敲丧钟
  • ring the number打电话
  • ring false听起来虚伪
  • ring hollow听起来不真实
  • ring true听起来是真的
  • ring blithely愉快地鸣响
  • ring dolefully悲哀地鸣响
  • ring feebly低弱地响着
  • ring furiously猛烈地敲响
  • ring harshly刺耳地响
  • ring impatiently令人厌烦地响着
  • ring incessantly不停地响
  • ring loudly大声地响
  • ring merrily欢快地鸣响着
  • ring musically悦耳地铃响
  • ring vigorously洪亮地响着
  • ring back回电话
  • ring down the curtain鸣铃,落幕
  • ring off挂断
  • ring out回荡
  • ring up响起
  • ring at the bell按铃
  • ring at the door按门铃
  • ring for打铃叫…
  • ring for ambulance打电话叫救护车
  • ring in ears在耳边回响
  • ring with laughter回荡着笑声


  • On his little finger gleamed the heavy signet ring.

    出自:E. Langley
  • The Church is very..handsome, and hath a Ring of eight very good Bells.

    出自:T. Hearne
  • Their footsteps rang on the marble floor.

    出自:P. D. James
  • Lift your left hand slightly after each chord so that the second string rings clearly.

    出自:Guitar Player
  • I will..ring these fingers with thy household worms.

    出自:King John,Shakespeare

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Brass ring: 发财机会! 嘿,如果有送上门来的发财机会,您可千万要抓住哦! 看了这句话,您一定要笑,除非是傻瓜笨蛋,否则没人不知道这个理儿,当然,前提条件是法律允许范围之内。道理

发表于:2019-02-19 / 阅读(114) / 评论(0) 分类 英语口语

今天学的词组是throw one's hat in the ring。这个词组的字面意思是把帽子扔进拳击场。据说在19世纪的拳击比赛中,有人要和拳击手较量,就把帽子扔进拳击场里 -- throw his hat in the ring。后来把帽子

发表于:2019-02-24 / 阅读(91) / 评论(0) 分类 学个词
a-c noise immunity
aggregate balance
alternating current motor
amidogen ether
binary nerve gas
british standards institution(bsi)
capillary cross section effect
chemical rays
communication node
controlled diffusion airfoil
crack willow
default password
differential of an analytic homomorphism
Dobbins Airforce Base
dotting punch
double auction
drop out of the school
duralumin sheet
enamel still
evenage, even-age
field of operations
fried squid with fresh bamboo shoots
genappe yarn
glued-laminated timber construction
God willing
high opening trawl
hot rock
in bold outline
inactivated influenza vaccine
interosseous cuneometatarsal ligaments
Kossi, Prov.de
lifebuoy flare
Ligusticum acuminatum
lispe bivittata
living level
Matonipis, L.
minterm type
model attributes of the cheque
nose spinner
offshore oil-gas-water processing plant
olympic stadium
quick-acting choke
radiator machine
riffle zone
rolled food
saline sediments
San Gabriel Res.
saw wrests
sclerotic tooth
signal inverter
sodium chlorides
sound pressure correction
split core
thinning from below
timing gear gasket
toxic inflammation
TRAPV (trap on overflow)
travel and entertainment credit card
tritubercular type
were full
white ice