单词:awedness 相关文章
Carlisle swam to France, and continued on through Europe, to the universities there. 卡莱尔游到了法国,然后继续在欧洲游历,访问那里的学府。 By night he studied music, science, medicine and found his calling, his penance, in
《纽约时报》最近举办了一项征文活动,邀请申请美国大学课程、并成功拿到Offer的中国学生分享他们的申请文书。本篇文书来自金延峰,目前就读于Middlebury College(明德学院:美国顶级文理学
Dear Chinese friends, Tonight, we come to the end of 16 glorious days which we will cherish forever. Thank you to the people of China, to all the wonderful volunteers and to BOCOG! Through these Games, the world learned more about China, and China le
[00:-1.00]Marco Polo and His Travels marco Poto was born in Italy in 1254. [00:-2.00]He was the son of a merchant and in 1271,when he was just 17 years old, [00:-3.00]he travelled across Europe and Asia with his father, [00:-4.00]who wanted to do tra
[00:03]J:Mr. Clayton, please! What if it's a gorilla? [00:06]C:It's no gorilla. [00:11]Hmm, but perhaps we should press on. [00:13]J:Well, this is absolutely peachy! [00:16]Come to study gorillas, and get my sketchbook pinched by a baboon! [00:
Dr. Coutras shrugged his shoulders and smiled. 库特拉斯医生耸了一下肩膀,脸上露出笑容。 You will laugh at me. 你会笑我的。 I am a materialist, and I am a gross, fat manFalstaff, eh?the lyrical mode does not become me. 我是个
I was lucky; Mr. Banner wasn't in the room yet when I arrived. 我很幸运。当我到教室的时候班纳老师还没到。 I settled quickly into my seat, aware that both Mike and Angela were staring at me. 我飞快地坐到座位上,注意到迈
I wanted very much to talk to him, and the day after the accident I tried. 我很想跟他谈谈,而且事故发生的当天我就试过了。 The last time I'd seen him, outside the ER, we'd both been so furious. 我最后一次见到他的时候,
His argument was that a great engineer would be remembered only if he teamed with a great marketer, 他的理由是,一个伟大的工程师,只有和一个伟大的营销人员合作,才有可能被世人所铭记, and this required him to c
Meggie never forgot the sound of foghorns, her first introduction to Australia. Paddy carried Fee off the Wahine in his arms, Frank following with the baby, Meggie with a case, each of the boys stumbling wearily under some kind of burden. They had co
When Paddy took the boys outside so Fee could feed Hal, Meggie gazed after them longingly. These days it seemed she was not to be included as one of the boys, not since the baby had disrupted her life and chained her to the house as firmly as her mot
哼!拉尔夫德布里克萨特尤其看得清,什么都逃不过这个男人的眼睛。 她的双手发抖了,钢笔中的墨水在信纸的下方洒下一串深蓝色的点子。那嶙峋的手指从文件格中抽出了另外一张纸,钢笔
That's what I'm here for, that's why I'm a priest. I am Our Lord's chosen representative here on earth, I listen on His behalf, I even forgive on His behalf. And, wee Meggie, there is nothing in God's universe He and I cannot find it in our hearts to
第十七章中,麦金塔电脑的发布使乔布斯如日中天(an even higher orbit of celebrity),曼哈顿之行充满艺术气息。他与斯卡利的蜜月期里也常有冲突(they sounded like high school sweethearts),公司成员对
感恩节英文诗At Thanksgiving For the wealth of pathless forests, Whereon no axe may fall; For the winds that haunt the branches; The young bird's timid call; For the red leaves dropped like rubies Upon the dark green sod; For the weaving of the
His falchion flashed along the Nile; His hosts he led through Alpine snows; 他沿尼罗河挥舞着大刀;他带领军队踏过阿尔卑斯山上的雪地; O'er Moscow's towers, that blazed the while, His eagle flag unrolled, and froze. 火焰在莫
Over the years Jobs would bring in some strong leaders to serve on the Apple board, 这些年来,乔布斯请到很多优秀的领导者加入苹果董事会, including Al Gore, Eric Schmidt of Google, Art Levinson of Genentech, 包括美国前副总
Each human being is born as something new, something that never existed before. Each is born with the capacity to win at life. Each person has a unique way of seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and thinking. Each has his or her own unique potentials
I'm ready for some dessert, Dad. You too? 爸爸,我想吃点点心,你也吃点儿吗? Warren didn'tspeak until he finished his meal。 直到吃完饭华伦才讲话。 They enjoyed a superb curry lunch。 他们吃了一顿极好的咖喱饭。
She went to the house, ascended the few steps that led to the verandah, and entered. 爱塔向屋子走去,登上几层台阶,走上阳台,然后进了屋子。 Dr. Coutras followed her, but waited outside in obedience to her gesture. 库特拉斯