标签:我国家庭 相关文章
如今,绿色在我国非常流行。刚刚结束的十八届五中全会定调绿色,提出经济要绿色,社会要环境友好型,近日,环保部又倡导人们的生活方式也要绿色化。 China has designated June of each year Nat
More than 13,000 jurors have been selected to participate in a two-year pilot program to increase public participation in legal proceedings and improve the standing of court rulings, according to the Supreme People's Court (SPC) last Tuesday. 最高人
一、英文篇: In this conversation, Henry Blumington and Nicolas Stratverry are the trade ministers of two countries. They are discussing the trade relationship between the countries. Henry:Welcome, Nicolas. Its good to see you again. Nicolas:
The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is requiring telecommunications companiesto implement a full real-name system for all phone users before June 30, 2017. 中国工业和信息化部要求各电信企业于2017年6月30日前对全部电
China's second orbiting space lab Tiangong-2, which may enable two astronauts to live in space for up to 30 days, has been delivered to Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. 我国第二个轨道空间实验室天宫二号日前已运抵酒泉卫星发射中
Persian, an ancient language of the Middle East and the official language of Iran, is beingembraced by more people in recent years, Persian teachers and researchers said. 据波斯语教师和学者近日表示,作为中东的一种古老的语言以
A drop in staff members has hit a number of listed banks in China amid banks' efforts to save costs. 在银行努力节约成本时,我国多家上市银行的员工人数有所减少。 Among 16 banks listed in A-shares markets, 10 have reported a
China's National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) has adopted a new method of calculating GDP that it says better reflects the contribution of innovation to economic growth. 中国国家统计局采用了新的GDP核算方法,该方法据称能更好地反
China is fully prepared to export a full supply chain of high-speed railway technology, according to industry experts. 据行业专家表示,中国已做好准备出口高铁技术全套供应链。 China Railway Corp, the national rail operator, s
The volume of Internet searches for products related to pregnancy preparation saw a dramatic increase after China announced its plan last week to allow all couples to have two children. 自中国上周颁布允许夫妻有二孩的政策之后,与备
The State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) said it will intensify its crackdown on foreign exchange irregularities in 2017, including underground banking. 国家外汇管理局近日表示,2017年将加大对地下钱庄等外汇违规违法
More than 2 million children of migrant workers in China are unable to enroll in public primary or junior schools in the cities where their parents live, according to a report. 一份报告指出,我国有超过200万外来务工人员子女未能进
China's working-age population is expected to continue to decline in 2016 after 20 million stepped out of the market in the past five years, according to an expert. 一位专家近日表示,过去5年间我国劳动年龄人口减少了2000万,20
Chinese scientists have defined a subset of a type of virus-specific cells that could pave the way for new ways to treat chronic diseases like HIV/AIDS and cancer, Xinhua News Agency reported last Saturday. 据新华社上周六报道,中国科学家
Reporter: The Chinese government says the move will boost investment returns for pension funds. Vice Finance Minister Yu Weiping says pension funds across the entire country hit the 3.5 trillion yuan mark late last year. At the end of 2014, the accum
A total of 20 provinces and municipalities have issued detailed household registration policies for the people who have failed to register their household legally, according to a report by Chinanews.com. 据中新网的一项报告显示,我国已有
China has developed a bullet train that can convert its sleeping berths to seats to meet demand for around-the-clock operations, a train maker said last Monday. 一家列车生产商与上周一宣称,我国已研制出一种具有座卧转换功能的
China vows to have more than 70,000 soccer pitches by the year of 2020 as the country is aiming to become a soccer power in future, the government said on last Tuesday. 我国政府上周二提出,到2020年,全国足球场地数量将超过7万块