标签:我国家庭 相关文章
China's job market was generally steady in the first half of this year, but labor oversupply and structural shortages continued to trouble the economy. 今年上半年,我国就业市场总体稳定,不过劳动力供过于求及结构性短缺的问
China plans to send unmanned probes to explore Mars and Jupiter by 2030, said a senior space official. 航天局一名高级官员称,中国计划在2030年前发射无人探测器探索火星和木星。 Wu Yanhua, deputy director of the China Nat
New tariff policy for cross-border e-commerce may see some new adjustments, which are scheduled to be unveiled in near term, the Shanghai Securities News reported on last Tuesday. 据《上海证券报》上周二报道,跨境电商税收新政或进
China may be the only country to have a space station in service by 2024 when the International Space Station retires, said Lei Fanpei, chairman of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. 中国航天科技集团董事长雷凡培日前表示,到
China plans to restore the admission of pediatric undergraduates in universities to cater to the increasingly urgent demand for pediatricians after the country's only-child policy was loosened. 我国计划恢复高校儿科学本科招生,以应对全
China Railway Corporation issued new rules last Monday to further tighten up the smoking ban on trains, saying that any passengers who are caught twice violating the ban will be forbidden to purchase any high-speed train tickets across China. 中国铁
The reform of the housing registration, or hukou system, has been under way in most regions in China following the State Council's call to establish a unified household registration system for urban and rural residents in a document issued in 2014. 继
China has lately witnessed an increase of so-called empty-nest youth, or young people who live alone, which experts believe is a cause for public concern. 最近,中国所谓的空巢青年人群有所增加(空巢青年即指独自居住的年轻人
China's online catering revenue exceeded 350 billion yuan in 2016, about 10% of the country's total catering revenue, according to figures from the China Cuisine Association. 中国烹饪协会发布的数据显示,2016年我国网络餐饮业收入超
The first quantum communications satellite developed by China is expected to launch in July of this year. The BeijingShanghai quantum private communications line will also be opened in the second half of this year, according to Pan Jianwei, academic
The rapid growth of mobile Internet platforms is leading to disputes with traditional outlets. 移动互联网平台的快速发展引发了其与传统媒介的纠纷。 Copyright disputes between new and traditional media are growing, and require a
The central government has continued to cut its annual budget for overseas trips, vehicles and receptions this year. 今年,中央政府将继续削减因公出国(境)、公务用车和公务接待的年度预算。 Central government departments
Song Yinghui, a professor at Beijing Normal University, estimated at a seminar in Tianjin on Saturday that over 60 million children are left in rural areas while their parents work in cities and 36 million children are unregistered floating populatio
China will conduct more than 20 space missions this year, including a manned one and the maiden flights of two rockets, according to the nation's major space contractor. 中国航空科技集团公司表示,今年中国宇航发射次数将首次突破
China has become a major victim of overseas cyber attacks, with Advanced Persistent Threat (APT), a network hacking process, angling for information about the country's military, scientific and maritime affairs, a leading Internet security company wa
China's monthly trade surplus hit a record $60.6bn in February, as exports grew and imports slid back. 由于出口增长和进口减少,中国2月份的月度贸易顺差达到了破纪录的606亿美元。 Exports were up 48.3% year on year to $1
China has taken Japan's No 2 spot for iOS revenue as the revenue more than doubled in the first quarter of 2016 compared to the same period last year, according to the recent statistics released by San Francisco-based analyst firm App Annie. 旧金山分
China saw its population grow last year, along with an improved male-female ratio and the level of education, according to a survey from the National Bureau of Statistics that was released on last Wednesday. 据国家统计局上周三发布的调查显
Chinese mosquito net makers have reported some 20% rise in export volumes on the back of Zika virus concerns in some parts of the Americas, Africa and Asia. 随着寨卡病毒在美洲、非洲和亚洲的部分地区引发人们的担忧,我国蚊帐
Police officers across China last Tuesday started an interactive training program on upgraded duty protocol, in a bid to prevent abuse of power. 全国民警于上周二开始进行一项旨在提升执法礼仪的交互式培训项目,从而避免滥