One dark night many years ago an army was approaching Constantinople, 很多年前,一个漆黑的夜晚,一支敌军正在接近君士坦丁堡。 but it was so dark the people in the city did not see it and did not know they were about to be at

发表于:2018-12-04 / 阅读(79) / 评论(0) 分类 美国学生世界地理教材

In Holland they dont have many horses; they use dogs to haul and bicycles to carry. 荷兰没有多少马;他们用狗拖运东西,用自行车搬运东西。 Dogs eat less than horses, they dont have to have stables, and bicycles dont have to ha

发表于:2018-12-28 / 阅读(110) / 评论(0) 分类 美国学生世界地理教材

Spanish houses have no front yard nor back yard nor side yard, but an inside yard with the rooms all around it. 西班牙的房屋没有前院、没有后院,也没有侧院,但有个四周都是房间的内院。 This inside yard is called a pat

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When we eat our meals we almost always do so indoors, where we can see no one else and no one else can see us. 我们就餐几乎总在室内,我们看不到别人,别人也看不到我们。 But the French often eat outof- doors, on the sidewalk

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Chapter 29 Parlez-vous Franchise? (continued) 你讲法语吗?(续) There are two French words which I know you know, even if you don speak French. 即使你不会说法语,但我知道有两个法语单词你肯定是认识的。 One is Boul

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There is another famous church in Paris built to that other Mary in the Bible known as Mary Magdalene. 巴黎还有一个著名的教堂是为《圣经》里另外一个玛莉亚而建的,这个玛莉亚叫做抹大拉的玛莉亚。 This church to

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The Venetians made their living in the first place out of two commonplace things right at handfish and salt. 威尼斯人最初用身边两样很普通的东西谋生鱼和盐,从此开始发迹。 That was the start of their fortune. There was als

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They are not live horses, yet they have traveled far. 它们不是活马,但却走过了很远的路。 They were made about the time of Christ, out of bronze, and they have been carried away by one ruler 这四匹马大约是在耶稣在世时用青

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The Norwegian people catch herring in nets, then they salt, smoke, or dry them to make sure they will keep almost forever without spoiling. 挪威人用网打捞鲱鱼,然后,用盐腌制、用烟熏制、或晒干风干,用各种方法保存鲱鱼

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Lesson 37 第37章 A Pile of Ashes a Mile High 一英里高的一堆灰 A PILE of ashes is not usually very beautiful, and if it is in your back yard it is usually very ugly. 一堆灰,通常是不美的。如果它在你家后院里,通常会觉得

发表于:2018-12-28 / 阅读(88) / 评论(0) 分类 美国学生世界地理教材

At the city of Baku on the side of the Caspian Sea there are so many oil-wells and so much oil that it seems to get into everything. 在里海边的巴库城有很多很多油田,出产大量的石油,似乎什么东西都沾上了石油。 You s

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Long before the time of Christ, athletic meets used to be held in Greece once every four years. 在耶稣诞生前很久,希腊每四年举行一次体育大会, These were called Olympic Games, and champions in running and jumping and other spor

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There are thousands of cities and towns in the World that neither you nor I have ever heard of, yet millions of people call these cities and towns home. 世界上有成千上万座城镇你我都没有听说过,但有千百万的人称它们为家乡

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IN the north of Russia the ground is white with snow. 俄罗斯北部,土地白雪皑皑。 In the south of Russia the ground is blackalmost as black as coalbecause the soil is so rich, probably the richest in the World. 俄罗斯南部,土地是黑

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Chapter 28 Parlez-vous Franchise 第28章 你讲法语吗? I konw a boy who has never been to school and who has never had a French lesson in his life, but who can speak French fluently. 我认识一个小男孩,他从没有上过学,也从没有

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The Scots have a peculiar musical instrument called a bagpipe. 苏格兰人有一种很独特的乐器叫做风笛。 Its a bag made of a pigs skin and it has a pipe to blow it up as you would a balloon, 风笛的主要部分是一个用猪皮做成的

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Chapter 26 The Land of the Angles (continued) 第26章 盎格鲁人的土地(续) I once asked an Englishman if he lived in London.Why does every American think that every Englishman lives in London? 我曾经问过一个英国人是不是住在伦

发表于:2018-12-28 / 阅读(106) / 评论(0) 分类 美国学生世界地理教材

The Hindus do not bury those who die; they burn their bodies on bonfires. 印度教徒不埋葬死去的人,而是将尸体放在篝火上焚烧。 Those who die in Benares are burned on the steps that lead down to the river, 在贝拿勒斯,死去

发表于:2019-01-24 / 阅读(81) / 评论(0) 分类 美国学生世界地理教材

India is divided into states like the United States and many of these states have separate rulers called rajahs. 像美国一样,印度也划分为不同的州,很多州有各自的统治者叫做邦主。 Many of the rajahs, however, are more in

发表于:2019-01-24 / 阅读(82) / 评论(0) 分类 美国学生世界地理教材

Two Englishmen, after weeks of struggling up the sides of the giant mountain, 两名英国人,在这巨大的山体侧面,艰难爬行几周之后, got nearer than any other human being ever had beforewithin a few hundred feet of the top. 到达了

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