The oldest building in London, built long before the Great Fire, is one which from its name sounds like only part of a building. 伦敦有座最古老的建筑物在伦敦大火发生之前很早就建起了,它的名字听起来像某个建筑物的

发表于:2018-12-28 / 阅读(78) / 评论(0) 分类 美国学生世界地理教材

Chapter 25 The Land of the Angles 第25章 盎格鲁人的土地 England is an island. 英格兰是一个岛。 Angles once lived on the islandno, not Angelsbut people called Angles. 盎格鲁人曾经住在这个岛上不,不是天使,而是叫做

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When you sail for London you have to set your watch ahead each night when you go to bed, 如果你乘船去伦敦,每天晚上睡觉前你必须把手表调快一点, so that when you reach London your watch will be five hours ahead of the time y

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Chapter 22 Rubber and Coffee Land 第22章 橡胶和咖啡之国 Moutains make rivers. If a continent were flatabsolutely flat and level like a tablethere would be no rivers. 山脉造就了河流。如果大陆是平的像桌面那样平坦那就没有

发表于:2018-12-29 / 阅读(96) / 评论(0) 分类 美国学生世界地理教材

They often fight, not with bows and arrows, but with huge blow-pipesas long as a man 他们经常打斗,使用的武器不是弓和箭,而是巨大的吹矢枪足有一人长 using clay balls or little darts which have been dipped in poison. 枪内

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Men say they have found in Jerusalem the tomb of Adam, the first man. 据说人们在耶路撒冷找到了亚当世界上第一个男人的墓, They have also found the tomb of ChristHis sepulcherand right near Christ's tomb they have found in the

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The last most important place in Palestine is the city where Christ diedJerusalem. Christians call it their Holy City. 巴勒斯坦最后一个最重要的地方是耶稣去世的城市耶路撒冷,基督徒称它为自己的圣城, But, strangel

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In Sunday school I used to hear of Bethlehem and Jerusalem and other places in the Bible, 我小时候在主日学校常听到伯利恒、耶路撒冷以及其他一些在《圣经》里出现的地名。 but I had no idea then that there were any su

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The Temple built to the Goddess Diana was one of these wonders. 为女神狄安娜建造的神庙就是这七大奇观之一。 This Temple was at Ephesus in Asia Minor, and silversmiths made little copies of this wonderful temple to sell as souvenir

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An inlet from the Bosporus cuts into Istanbul in the shape of a horn. 有一个牛角形状的小水湾,从博斯普鲁斯海切入到伊斯坦布尔, It is called the Golden Horn, and across the entrance a great chain used to be stretched to kee

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The natives of Australia are black people called Bushmen. 澳大利亚本土著居民是被称为丛林居民的黑人, They can't count even up to ten nor write their names nor read a single word. 他们不识数,数数甚至数不到十,也不会

发表于:2019-01-24 / 阅读(80) / 评论(0) 分类 美国学生世界地理教材

Have you ever been homesick? 你有没有想过家? If you haven't, then you have never been far away from home for any length of time, or you never had a home. 如果没有,那么你一定没有出过远门,在外待过一段时间;或者你从

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An Englishman named Cecil Rhodes went out to South Africa for his health. 一位名叫塞西尔.罗得斯的英国人,为了健康来到南非; He happened to be there when diamonds were discovered and fortunes were being made, and he found his h

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They are curious or inquisitive and they want to know and see why there is No Admittance. 他们很好奇,对别人的私事爱刨根问底。他们就想知道和弄明白为什么禁止入内。 So, over a hundred years ago, an American naval off

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How far do you suppose it is to Siberia from our country? 你猜从美国到西伯利亚有多远? how many miles away would you say? eight thousand?ten thousand miles? 你说有多少英里?8,000英里?10,000英里? As a matter of fact, it i

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I had come half-way round the World to see this sight 我曾环绕地球半圈专程来看这景观。 and had traveled days in such terrific heat that a sunstroke was as much to be feared as a stroke of lightning. 在旅行的那几天里,天气非常

发表于:2019-01-24 / 阅读(82) / 评论(0) 分类 美国学生世界地理教材

An elephant will wind his trunk around a log and load it on a train or ship, much as a machine called a derrick would do. 大象会用它的鼻子缠绕着圆木,像转臂起重机一样,把圆木放到火车或者轮船上。 One of the things a

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HAVE you ever seen a Persian cat? 你见过波斯猫吗? They are big, beautiful animals with soft thick hair. They come from Persia. 体型较大,非常漂亮,长着又柔又厚的毛,产自波斯。 Persia is one of those once-was or used-t

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When I came home from Japan I sent picture post-cards to all the Japanese school-boys who had given me their names. 我从日本回国后,就给那些想和我通信的日本男孩都寄了风景明信片。 I had chosen cards that I thought would

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All the colored people in the United States to-day are descended from these black slaves who were brought from Africa. 今天美国的所有黑人都是过去从非洲带来的这些黑人奴隶的后代。 Many people in our country thought these po

发表于:2019-01-25 / 阅读(157) / 评论(0) 分类 美国学生世界地理教材