These patches which look like shadows are really land and are called by a long name: continents. 这些看起来像阴影的斑块实际上是土地,它们有个很深奥的名字:大陆。 These continents have names, and if their names were pri

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So we know that the distance must be about eight thousand miles, as twenty-five is a little more than three times eight. 那么我们就知道从世界一面到另一面的距离肯定是大约8000英里,因为25是8的三倍多一点。 That is no

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The part of the World that isn't patches of shadow or snow is water. 环绕着大陆的水叫做海洋, The water all around the continents is the ocean, and though of course there are no walls nor fences dividing it into different parts, 尽管并没

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Chapter 2 The World Is Round, for I've Been Round It 第2章 世界是圆的,我围着它绕了一圈 Did you ever run away from home? 你曾离家出走过吗?我有过,有一次在我比你还小的时候。 I didonce upon a timewhen I was yo

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Someday rocket ships will probably carry men on trips to the Moon or even to the planet Mars. 也许有一天宇宙飞船可以载人飞行到月球上或是火星上。 How would you like to go exploring in a rocket ship beyond the World's atmospher

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But the world kept getting cooler and cooler until at last the steam turned to water and fell on the worldrain, rain, rain, 但是世界还在持续冷却,直到最后水蒸气变成了水落到地球上那就是雨,雨不停地下, until there

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THE fishiest city in the World is in Norway on a fiord. 世界上最有鱼味的城市就在挪威的一个峡湾里, The city and the fiord are both called Bergen. 这个城市和这个峡湾都叫卑尔根。 The fishermen from the Lofoden Is-lan

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The oldest fruit in the World is the apple. It is the fruit that grew in the Garden of Eden, 世界上最古老的水果是苹果。它是长在伊甸园里的水果, but people believe the apple that Eve gave Adam was a very poor one compared to t

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Chapter 16 The Est, Est West (continued) 第16章 之最最多的西部(续) Here is a riddle for you. What is it that has no legs and yet can jump as high as the Washington Monument? Ill tell you the answer in a minute. 有个谜语给你猜:什

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The city of San Francisco on the coast north of Los Angeles is nearly as large as Los Angeles. 洛杉矶北面的沿海城市圣弗朗西斯科市(旧金山)几乎和洛杉矶一样大。 It might have been larger, but not so many years ago a ter

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Besides Death Valley, California has another valleybut this is one of the loveliest valleys. 除了死亡谷,加利福尼亚还有一个山谷但这个是最美丽的山谷之一, It is called the Yosemite. It is a very deep trough, and streams o

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Chapter 6 A City Built in a Swamp 第6章 建于沼泽中的城市 A cap which you wear on your head means head. 有些含有cap (帽子)的英语单词表示头的意思。 A captain also means head he's the head of a company of soldiers.A capital m

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Chapter 8 The Empire State 第8章 帝国州 Several countries together are called an Empire. So New York State is often called the Empire State, 几个国家合在一起叫做帝国,纽约州常被叫做帝国州, because it has as many people,

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Near the Mother of Waters are two cities.One is named Annapolis. 在河之母附近有两座城市。一个叫安纳波利斯, The other is named Baltimore. 另一个叫巴尔的摩。 Annapolis means Anna's City, and it too was named after a queen

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Chapter 7 Mary's Land, VirRinia's State, and Penn's Woods 第7章 玛丽的领地、弗吉尼亚的领土和佩恩的森林 Did you ever trade a top for some marbles or an apple for an orange? 你曾经用陀螺交换购买一些弹珠,或者用一个

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It's like a giant finger, five hundred and fifty-five feet high. 它就像一根巨大的手指,有555英尺高, It seemed a mile high, 看起来足有1英里高, but it is really only about a tenth of a mile highnot even as high as a low mount

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This other building is called the Treasury. 那是财政部。 There is a picture of it on the 10 dollar bill. 10美元上就有它的图案。 In the Treasury is kept money of the United States. 美国的钱都由财政部保管。 We write United S

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Several States have so few people that they send only one Representative. 有几个州人数太少,只能选送一名众议员。 The Senate and the House of Representatives together are called Congress, and when Congress is holding a meeting a fla

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When I wa a boy I thought the Capital was the most beautiful building in the World. 小时候,我以为国会大厦就是世界上最美的建筑。 Since then I have seen nearly all of the most beautiful buildings in the World, 后来我见到了世

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There are only six continents where people live, but on each of these continents there are several countries. 世界上有人居住的大陆只有六个,但是每一个大陆上都有好 多个国家。 A country doesn't mean the country. 国家并不

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